Tuesday, January 2, 2024


By Luis Montoya
Rio Grande Guardian

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – The Save RGV group is urging Cameron County residents to show up at today's county commissioners court meeting to protest plans to give Texas LNG a big tax break.

The nonprofit has also penned some talking points for residents that wish to speak in the public comment period of the meeting, or send a video.

Cameron County Commissioners Court meets today, January 2, 2024, starting at 9:30 a.m.

“Please plan to attend and join your community in making a strong showing against tax abatements to multi-trillion dollar fossil fuel corporations. They have already given Rio Grande LNG $300 million in abatements,” the Save RGV group stated in an email alert sent to supporters.

Texas LNG is a subsidiary of Glenfarne Energy Transition LLC. The company has a 50-year lease on a 625-acre site located within the Port of Brownsville. Texas LNG plans to construct and operate a 4 million tonnes per annum (“mtpa”) liquefied natural gas export terminal on a deepwater frontage site at the port. The company expects to close its project financing in 2024 with construction commencing shortly thereafter.

Save RGV points out that on December 19, Cameron County Commissioners Court voted unanimously to consider entering into an agreement to give large tax breaks to Texas LNG. Save RGV said the commissioners did this in spite of numerous vocal and written comments in opposition.

“We need your help. It’s time we tell them (again), no tax break giveaways for LNG,” Save RGV said.

A spokesperson for Glenfarne responded: “Glenfarne Energy Transition, a global leader in clean energy, and the owner of Texas LNG, is dedicated to Cameron County and improving the social, economic, and environmental quality of life for local residents and businesses. We are proud that Texas LNG will be the lowest emission LNG facility in the United States. 

"The construction and operation of Texas LNG will improve the quality of life for the area bringing hundreds of direct and indirect jobs with competitive pay to the area along with billions of dollars in economic development, and we look forward to continuing to engage in conversations with the community and its elected and appointed leaders to advance our community.”


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@6:05 AM

Thanks for the comment, Juan.

Anonymous said...

Who makes the autopsy report here? Who is he/she? What ae the credentials to do this kind of thingy? Does BISD offer courses on this type of job, or Idea, maybe Putegnat Elementary? Is this another raqueta like all the elected officials here?
I wanna know who's gonna cut me up before I go to the moon.
The Herald ran a story about this some centuries ago.

Anonymous said...

35 dollars up north down here is 7.50 an hour on all jobs except the elected officials (andteachers)they all make over 300k a year. 150% of the citizens and illegals are on food stamps and other gimme gimme programs. salaries, salaries and salaries, its who you put down as acquittances on your application that counts, nothing else.

Anonymous said...

This deal was signed and sealed before the meeting. The discussion during the meeting is a dog and pony show.

Anonymous said...

Only 2 white people spoke. Neither of them from PI, or RGV. They read from a script only they know of. I'm sorry Juan, but these people only want $3.00 a dozen of tacos and cheap land for their retirement. They could go back and retire from wherever they made their lives. We need jobs, industrial jobs and long term jobs. If the local people don't want to work for LNG or SpaceX then that is their perogative. No one is forced to work for anyone. As such, no one is expected to pay people for standing around either. Nadie trabaja gratis y nadie paga por nada. Those people just want attention while hearing themselves speak.

Anonymous said...

Residents? You mean 15 noisy fake environmentalists? Lol. The vast majority of people here are pro jobs. These people can only get 10 retired Anglo “activist” winter Texans who are unemployable to show up at their meetings. Nobody cares about these crybabies!

Anonymous said...

January 2, 2024 at 6:10 PM

The same thing happens with Trump and the presidential races. THe candidates bring their own people to look nice for the TV viewers. The real people from the small towns do not show up.

Anonymous said...

January 2, 2024 at 12:49 PM

Yes, that is how deals are done here in Brownsville and Cameron County. Twenty years from now, the contracts will reappear and people will question why those contracts were signed and by whom. Only time proves it was the wrong thing to do.

Anonymous said...

This is the great example of the entities that these corrupt oil and gas companies, along with local corrupt political leaders' set-up 35 years ago to deny the true Owners and heirs to these 625 acres land lease, Cameron County and their so-called political leaders had and are still stealing and using the monies to enrich themselves. It seems every time these corrupt leaders use the wording as--- "to improve the quality of life for the area", they are relying on grant monies to enrich their deep pockets. Think about it, for thirty-five years these corrupt entities have been using monies from a TRUST FUND SET UP BY THE GETTY SETTLEMENT IN 1985, and now it's at fruitarian. Thirty-five years of setting up entities to invest the concealment and the stealing of monies intended to in a Trust Fund waiting for the Heirs when they got to be Declared as owners to claim the monies. Cameron County knows and has known who the true heirs to these 625 areas are, but yet, they played the ignorant scheme to steal the monies to these land grants. Since December 19, 2023, these Current Commissioners had already made a deal with these Devils. it is not the 625 acres of land that is the ISSUE, it's the Minerals under the 625 acres that's the issue. Tax Breaks for this corrupt oil and gas companies is unforgivable. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

El pinche coco mamon that just got fired and claims he retired is reponsible for bring in this dirty company.
