Monday, January 22, 2024


 II. Misrepresentation of Office Title.

"A candidate may not represent that he or she holds an office that he or she does not hold at the time of the representation. If you are not the incumbent in the office you are seeking, you must make it clear that you are seeking election rather than reelection by using the word “for” to clarify that you don’t hold that office. The word “for” must be at least one-half the type size as the name of the office and should appear immediately before the name of the office."

Reelect is a clear code violation.

(Ed.'s Note: Now, let's see if we can get this right. You can only use the re-elect me for something if you are currently serving in that office, like say, Vicente Gonzalez. We checked with staff people at the office of the Texas Secretayy of State and they concurred. Now we have the Election Code law section directly address this issue thanks to it being posted by none other than Robert Wightman-Cervantes, who's been around that block a time or two.

The vitriol directed against this blog by her followers do not lend any dignity to their cause, but instead reveals the level of their rage that someone would actually question this clear violation of the law. For example, check out this eloquent, venom-filled response from someone one who thinks she should be above the law. Is this an example of their Christian piety?: 

"Juan, vales sebo, guey! Vato Malinche. Adelante Mayra!!!! El Pueblo insiste, bola de cabrones, sin verga."
God, Family and Country indeed. Is Ms. Vallejo-Flores like Daddy Trump who thinks she is above the law?  

Does this woman know where to stop, or will she continue being a pathological liar and say that - like her posting pictures she lifted from other sites of Mexican food - she enjoyed them at "the ranch with family?" When cornered, she feigned ignorance and said she never intended to deceive anyone. How about this latest instance of "unintended" deception? 

On the other hand, maybe her claim of ignorance might have a basis in fact. It just happens that the illegal sign is posted in the parking lot of the Cameron County courthouse on Harrison Street for everyone to see. No, Choche Santos has nothing on this girl.)


Anonymous said...

That’s all you got? LoL.

Anonymous said...

That quote is from an anonymous comment?
Could be anyone, Toya. You're convicting Mayra Flores without knowing the commenter is from her camp.

You don't really know for sure.

Anonymous said...

Mi amigo dice que ya valió madre. Te dije Mayrita , para que dices mentiras, ahora si te metiste en un pedo. Pero en tu cerebro de chicharro te crees bien chingona pero lo malo es que todos los dias te quemas mas y mas. Ya mejor retirate, pero no creo que lo hagas, porque no tienes vergüenza.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2024 at 10:01 PM\

More than you'll ever have maybe tu mama has a tiney bit more, but when she leaves las cantinas downtown idiota. par de mariconas.

Anonymous said...

La racist republicana y mentirosa but all racist republicans are liers just look at their front runner.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it’s coming from a scorned woman. Who’s paying for this nonsense Juan? Speaking of misinformation, theirs a candidate trying to primary Mayra. I beginning to think theirs some depiction in the form of (political) catfish/catfished campaign signs. You can’t fool me woman! The cure for bad government, ha!

This person has filtered the fuck out of her campaign image. I have seen her many times. That’s not you girl… You can’t be putting up a 20/30’s pic knowing dam well your deceiving the public. What gives? Wait is Vicente posturing up this old hag trying trip up Mayra during the primaries.

I’m a genius!! That’s a lot of signs Juan and they’re all over for the valley for this position. You’re telling me CAT LADY is doing this one last hoorah, cause she’s the cure for bad government. 🤦‍♂️Someone is helping that’s a lot of money 💴.

Anonymous said...

Mejico please keep your people home

Anonymous said...

This is why Brownsville Texas never progresses the Demonrats here in Brownsville fear The REPUBLICAN ..WE NEED TO TURN BROWNSVILLE REPUBLICAN if not this City is Gone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha...Myra's people are butt hurt ...she's the PENDEJA who spent over $500,000 dollars on expenses without receipts. And she is being investigated by Washington....The Myra Mentirosa who wants to look gringa on her picture with whiteout skin and bleached teeth. And hair extensions. Plus she is gordota but photoshopped herself skinny. De flaca nada. Esa es la que USA filtros. La cabeza es donde le falta neuronas. Mejor Vicente que esa sonsa. Aunque El tambien tiene la FOTO de hace 15 años.Haci que todos los viejos nacos defendiendo a Myra son unos payasos.No sera que estan enfermos de la cabeza. Hahaha asta riza me dan.

Anonymous said...

Man you got a hard on for her, is there nothing better to gossip about.....

Anonymous said...

Mayra, go take care of your children. Ya pusiste mucho gorro. This is by no means a misogynistic statement.

It is reality.

Anonymous said...

Democrats continue to vote for liars and thieves and later complain about them.

Anonymous said...

I predict mass suicides and death from heart failure once Trump wins the presidency. Goodby haters!

Anonymous said...

Juan at this point in the USA history, i dont think it matters who wins democrat or republican, it doesnt matter we are all in the same boat, nothing ever changes or happens. chon

Anonymous said...

Triggered bitter HAGS!! You can’t help yourselves, you’re easy to draw out. Your miserable feminist hags, always hating the new blood coming in. Your true racism comes out, it has nothing to do with R/L leaning . It’s your ideological way of thinking, you’re up bringing here in the Brownsville / valley area. Us hispanics always seem to have the crab effect, until you can see both sides maybe some change can happen.

Anonymous said...

doesn't even know the word. LAW the first word los mojados should learn LAW. LEARN IT..NOW


Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I predict mass suicides and death from heart failure once Trump wins the presidency. Goodby haters!

January 24, 2024 at 5:44 AM

You are mistaken. Nobody will die by suicide....what happens next will produce new writers, film makers, historians, etc To watch Trump and his followers rule...that is going to be good to witness. Trump playing golf. Trump and his son stealing from the country. The Republicans passing laws, appointing judges to control the country for 200 years. Melania messing up the WHite House (garden, Christmas etc)

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2024 at 11:06 PM
ahi ahi ahi
aqui esta tu toya mamon y lambiscon prendete joto y tu mama dona moyava lambisques par de jotitas
