Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

When we, residents of central and northern Cameron County, heard the good news that incumbent Sally Gonzalez would not seek re-election for Justice of the Peace Precinct 5, Place 1, we welcomed the opportunity to find a new kind of leadership for an office that we feel has strayed from its critical role as a court of first recourse available to us as average citizens.

But unfortunately, it appears that the incumbent is openly pushing the candidacy of her court administrator Sandra Sanchez Diaz despite the canons of judicial conduct that prohibit judges from lending the prestige of the office to any candidate, thusly: 

Canon 5 (2) "A judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for any public office, except that either may indicate support for a political party."

Surely Gonzalez and Sanchez Diaz are aware of this judicial canon but have openly disregarded it in pushing for her election in the Democratic Party primary this March 4. This is what the incumbent official is doing now with the acquiescence of her protege. And she hasn't even been elected yet. 

But there is another candidate for that office who has proven herself far more competent, with unquestioned integrity, and who strictly adheres to the law and is on the ballot as an option to Gonzalez's chosen successor. That candidate is Liz Chavez, with 23 years experience with the Cameron County justice of the peace courts.

And while  Sanchez Diaz lists her education as a Harlingen High School graduate, Chavez has a Bachelor's degree in Criminology, a Master's degree in Management and Public Policy, and Master Court Clerk Certification. Additionally, Chavez has shown her competency as an analyst, court administrator, assistant, and an instructor with the Justice Court Training Center. 

In fact, Chavez has taught more than 40 courses over 10 years and conducted legislative updates locally at the Justice Court Training Center which Sanchez-Diaz, JPs, and court staff were required to attend. It's a shame that Sanchez-Diaz apparently hasn't paid much attention in those classes because it is common knowledge that as municipal judge for Primera and Santa Rosa, she often performs weddings during county time for a fee she keeps for herself in the JP 5-1 court of Cameron County (Gonzalez's court), giving the mistaken appearance that the ceremony was performed by a county JP.

And although Sanchez Diaz claims she is part of non-profits that allow "young adults with disabilities to be inclusive within our communities," the court where she is an administrator is one of two in Cameron County which declines applications to issue Section 28 orders for people who may be a danger to themselves or others.  

Under that Section, relatives request a finding by JPs and present an application for Evidence of Mental Illness on individuals who create an imminent substantial risk of serious harm to him/her or others and that necessary restraint for treatment cannot be accomplished without Emergency Detention and that Emergency Detention is the least restrictive means by which necessary restraint may be affected."

With limited mental services available for residents in Cameron County, sometimes an order for a  mental health warrant it is the only resource available for parents and relatives of mentally impaired individuals. 

Just take a glance on Google reviews of what the public thinks of  services provided at the JP 5-1 office and you will see that we are in dire need of professional leadership change at that office. (See graphic at right.)

Additionally, Sanchez-Diaz has been and ardent supporter of Donald Trump and his MAGA-led January 6 insurrection in her social pages. She even borrows Trump-endorsed Mayra Flores' mantra and ends her appeal with God, Family and Country.

We believe that Chavez has the ability and passion for public service our county needs to move forward. She states that:

"My commitment to justice, fairness, and integrity remained constant throughout my career, and I have worked tirelessly to serve my community with respect and dignity."

We appeal to our fellow Cameron County residents who live in the JP Precinct 5-1 district in Harlingen, Combes, Primera, La Feria, Santa Rosa, Santa Maria, Bluetown, Palm Valley, Los Indios, Rangerville, La Paloma, and north of FM 508 to the Willacy County line to join us in bringing professionalism, integrity, and competency to the JP Pct. 5-1 court and vote for Liz Chavez in the March 4 Democratic primary. 


Anonymous said...

JPs office is in Dire need of a positive change. A JP judge takes an oath to be fair and just across the board. That office has, for many years, only a personal agenda. It's time for a Positive Change. Elect Liz Chavez for a Positive change.

Anonymous said...

I'd do her. Arriba, arriba!

- Eldelasprietas

Anonymous said...

My vote is for Liz.

Anonymous said...

Chavez Is clearly the better candidate. I know Sandra and she is a nightmare. The Commission on Judicial Conduct has Sallie under investigation for what I am sure she is blaming her staff for granting a trial continuances based a phone call from a donor.

Anonymous said...

I will have to research a bit more but it looks like Liz Chavez has my vote. Her education and experience are needed in those type of positions. Not just any hobo off the streets like many of our other elected officials.

Anonymous said...

If they can ban Ali from holding his heavyweight title for not joining the military they can ban trumputo from running for president. What's good for the goose...

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with this one! Soy soltero y tengo jale, mi amor. Vamos al motel mas cercano!!!

- Eldelasprietas

Anonymous said...

Northern Cameron County here! Sandra's signs might be illegal because they have the county seal behind her like if she is the sitting Judge already. There is a reason why they dont want to have an outsider come in. Can you imagine all the stuff that would be unburied? We are silent because that office is vengeful but we are not electing Sandra in.

Anonymous said...

Liz, no one cares.

Anonymous said...

My friend says Sallie Gonzalez is a dinosaur and follows the idea of: I scratch your back you scratch mine. This ideology needs to be eliminated. Ms Sally you sucked on that tit for to long and now you want to endorse another lacky like you?? Time for a change. Vote Liz Chavez. Another one that needs to go, is Linda Salazar, another dinosaur and forever tit sucker!!

Anonymous said...

12:35 PM

Corriente y Pendejo

Anonymous said...

Looks like she just got out of kinder, but can she cook?

Anonymous said...

January 30, 2024 at 12:35 PM
Idiota this is not a dating blog pendejo caga palo, nor a porn blog. pinche CAGA-PALO

Anonymous said...

January 30, 2024 at 12:35 PM

al motel !!!????

Que te pasa, primero el anillo, luego la boda y luego la casa. Y que mi ama viva con nosotros. Y mi apa tambien.

Tan poco valoras a las mujeres.

Anonymous said...

Sallie Gonzalez and Antonio Yzaguirre are two that need leave. North Cameron County are tired of this people. They became real fat rats in the 30 plus years that they been in office.

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2024 at 8:45 PM

Agilla, toni todavilla esta flacucho.

Anonymous said...

Barely out of high school and is running for an elected cameron county office. WOW....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does anyone out there know if this Sandra Sanchez Diaz, who has the social skills of a Cunt related to that other social skills Cunt in Carol Lynn Sanchez? You member, the one who loves convicted abusive ex's? You member the one who was going to allow her ex to shoot her dad! I'm asking because the campaign posters look alike and we all know that Carol loved to spread her legs for favors and convicts!
