Friday, January 26, 2024



Anonymous said...

Even in death, Rene still keeps on cucking Sanchez. Eres grande, Rene! Tu legado vivirá por siempre!

BobbyWC said...

I was asked to comment publicly on both Ben Neece and Rene Oliviera. I chose not to. When someone passes there is only one acceptable response. RIP.

Anonymous said...

Well look at that, all you had to do was shut the fuck up. But honor for the valiant soldier. You triggered collateral damage from the past. You don’t air out dirty laundry such a kid move.

Anonymous said...

Rene an Ben bed time assholes. There's no pity for these bar hopping idiots from the majority of residents in Brownsville. People are taking about them and not in good comments.

Anonymous said...

Captain Bob seems like he is a man who was wronged, not always perfect, but he has moved on. I think that Bob should continue to seek the path of healing and should forgive Mr. Olivera and those who persecuted him. You are and will forever be an icon to the small business owners of Brownsville. Dios contigo Captain Bob! No escuches a los negativos!

Anonymous said...

Please people, grow up,get a life and keep your dirty laundry to yourselves. You all talk about your children and their well-being, so for that reason why don't you all just shut the fuck up!! For their sake. All the individuals/families involved in this pathetic drama need some serious professional help. To the readers of these posts, you guys are a comic relief but you morons are destroying your kids lives. Enough said

Anonymous said...

Rene se la metio a Bob with Lorrie. Bien y bonito. 👏

Anonymous said...

Stop the hatred and heal the wounds!

Anonymous said...

Wait didn't she marry another dude or is married to another. So how the fuk can Rene be all those things , no mames clout chaser

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya, how many free shrimp plates did you take from Capt. Bob?

Eres un pinche descarado, guey!

Go Mayra!!!

Anonymous said...

Most of the time, children go with the mother. Also, most of the time, mothers and the new boyfriend lie to the kids.

Only time will tell.

What can a minor do in a situation like this? The minor has to survive when surrounded by adults that can harm you.

Anonymous said...

Wait didn't this Lorraine clout chaser marry some other guy so how the fuk is Rene all those things to her now. I call bullshit on her comments. You Rene and Bob are clowns in a freak show, no loyalty no dinity,with little character feel sorry for non of you 3.

BobbyWC said...

A word for everyone who will attend services or the wake. Earlier this week I attended a wake. As of today, I know of 2 people who were there who now have Covid. We have no idea of the source, if it happened at the wake, church or burial. All I am saying is if you intend to be part of a large, enclosed gathering consider a mask.

Anonymous said...

Que es "Monkey Branching"?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sanchez is a crewless captain sinking in a sea of mierda, a Coke head addicted to sniffing his own ass, and an attention seeking Mr. clean look alike that is a petri-dish of antigens. It’s funny how you beg people to go on your show. Notice the list of Z listers you get to appear alongside your irrelevant opinions.

Anonymous said...

coco culo two words das al'

Anonymous said...

Sanchez is a LOSER! It is so totally him to bemoan the money he has provided for his children.

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2024 at 3:21 PM
como chingas, we all know you love men pinche maricon.

Anonymous said...

When you have Letty Garzoria counseling you, one MUST be in a total world of shit.

Anonymous said...

Why is nobody talking about the other half of the problem? THE EXWIFE??? It takes two to tangle. She knew she was married when she decided to screw another guy. Why is the daughter not questioning that?

Anonymous said...

So what you are saying is that the wife was a n"NALGA ALEGRE"? Que le gustab y le gusta strange dick?

Anonymous said...

Captain of what restaurant tables and chairs?
