Friday, January 19, 2024


Trey Vick
Land Conservation Project Manager
INfrastructure Division
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Trey Vick <>

Here are two links that may help provide background:

Our January 24-25 commission meeting agenda, TPWD: January 24-25, 2024, Commission Meeting Agenda (, which includes a link for public comment on proposed real estate actions.

Commission Action Item #9 Exchange of Land – Cameron County Acquisition of Approximately 477 Acres in Exchange for Approximately 43 Acres at Boca Chica State Park: TPWD: January 25, 2024 Commission Meeting Agenda – Item 9 (

Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission is seeking public comment before and on Jan. 25, when it will consider authorizing acquisition of approximately 477 acres near the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge Bahia Grande Unit in exchange for approximately 43 acres from Boca Chica State Park.

While still under consideration, the potential land exchange could provide mutual benefits by allowing Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to expand its management and protection of Texas’ natural resources and enhance recreational opportunity while allowing necessary expansion of SpaceX’s facilities and operations in Texas. These conversations continue more than a decade of cooperative work with SpaceX to carry out our respective missions as neighbors.


Anonymous said...

You idiots in Cameron County are about to see just how corrupt your county officials are.

Anonymous said...

Este vato tiene Feria
Al rato boca chica gonna overtake SPI
Con casinos y todo el pedo

Yall shall see

Anonymous said...

Like a Bonus is involved ?

Anonymous said...

While I have no doubt there isn't a county official, elected or appointed, that wouldn't risk injury in their haste to kiss Musk's ass this isn't on them other than their failure to object to it. This is on Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The land Musk wants is next to his assembly facility at Boca Chica Beach and belongs to TPWD as Boca Chica State Park (in whole or part). It is up to the agency managers with, I expect, the approval of their board.
I don't know the nature of the land Musk is offering in trade, if it is original growth, second growth, fallow farmland or what. I do know the 40 acres Space Trump oops, I meant Elon Musk, wants is important because of the small wildlife, rodents, reptiles and birds that use it. And it is a barrier to help protect South Bay, already under attack from the assembly plant. And there isn't any more of it in the area. Once it's gone, it's all gone. I hope Commissioner Benavides will offer some objection but I think it is unlikely because money talks and Musk has a lot of it.

Anonymous said...

If all these articles are true, this whole mess smells rotten . Part or all of this has to break some law somehow. This feels like when the pilgrims arrived and soon took over the natives land or when Mexico gave up all that land to the US or when the US GOVT displaced/overtook all the land that belonged to the native Americans. You get that feeling of being violated, of helplessness!!!! How can a few people (officials) decide what and what not to “give away” that doesn’t belong to them. Yes it may be land protected by some govt agency but it ultimately belongs to the people, so the people should have a say what happens to it. Especially when its being given away to a greedy overly ambitious tycoon who only cares about his wallet. They’re not only “swapping “ acreage of land. What they are doing is essentially giving this guy complete control of this ENTIRE beach because he will have the say so of who comes and goes from this area. He’s been taking it a piece at a time. He will own complete access!!! Say it isn’t so !! This guy came in , threw some bread crumbs, and our greedy, corrupt officials gobbled them up. They swallowed the bait : HOOK LINE AND SINKER!!! Totally shameful and disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

The average tortilla-eater has no concept or grasp of any of this, Juan.


Anonymous said...

Why would you give a billionaire land especially a part of Texas that has always been owned by the state? What is in it for the givers or the governor? States just don't hand over land to some billionaire for nothing. There has to be some underlying reasons that they are covering up. In the time of so many liars, con men, grifters, etc., someone should demand the real reason for him to take over land in our state. I thought this land was considered protected. Please someone educate us why are these persons in Cameron County doing this?

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2024 at 10:56 AM
We already know they are corrupt. The only dumbass here is you for thinking that it only happens in Cameron County. 😆 🤣 😂 Estas bien joven.

Anonymous said...

white collar crimes..... they know how to steal from the people because they are educated and know how to fool all the people....

These guys do not care about our region, our planet earth and the destruction of wildlife.

There is big money behind this transaction. Check their bank accounts here in the USA and in other countries.

Shame on all of them. Space X is not good for our planet.

Anonymous said...

Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, Members

Most of them appointed by Greg Abbot, Governor of Texas, Republican

The Honorable
T. Dan Friedkin, Houston

The Honorable
Lee Marshall Bass, Fort Worth

The Honorable
Dick Scott, Wimberley

The Honorable
Travis B. “Blake” Rowling, Dallas

The Honorable
Robert L. “Bobby” Patton, Jr., Forth Worth

The Honorable
Anna B. Galo, Laredo

The Honorable
Paul L. Foster, El Paso

The Honorable
Wm. Leslie Doggett, Houston

The Honorable
James E. Abell, Kilgore

The Honorable
Oliver J. Bell, Cleveland

The Honorable
Jeffery D. Hildebrand, Houston

Anonymous said...

, public comment may be submitted to Stan David,
Land Conservation, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department,
4200 Smith School Road, Austin, Texas 78744,

or by email to,

or via the department’s website at

Visit the TPWD website at for the latest information regarding the Commission meeting.

Anonymous said...

Juanito: this is the correct information.

Exchange of Land – Cameron County
Acquisition of Approximately 477 Acres in Exchange for Approximately 43 Acres at Boca Chica State Park

The meeting will start at 9:00 a.m. at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Headquarters, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, Texas 78744.

Prior to the meeting, public comment may be submitted to Trey Vick, Project Manager, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, Texas 78744,

by email to,
or via the department’s web site at

Visit the TPWD website at for the latest information regarding the Commission meeting.

Anonymous said...

He is going to dump all his shit into the Gulf of Mexico. Say "so long" to the 🍤 shrimp del Golfo.

Anonymous said...

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, (TPWD), acquired Boca Chica State Park in 1994 and until recently, leased it to United State Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS), which managed it as a unit of the lower Rio Grande Valley. This Entity of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department was created in 1994 by using grant monies. This grant monies were to be used for the public citizen's best interest. This swapping of the Boca Chica involves grant money generated from 1986 and not from the 1946 land grant deal. Didn't Attorney General Ken Paxton recent impeachment or suspension bring up the Entities and Charitable organizations created to hide the stealing of grant monies? Check it out Cameron County is already being held responsible for the creation of the entities BCIC and the GBIC and let's not forget the Ruben Gallegos clan who also were stealing grant monies to establish to enrich themselves. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Beware shrimp soup now features mojones freshly caught at the gulf. And the soup well it looks green with rotten water weeds. GOOD LUCK spacex specialty of the day week month and year...
and its NOT cheap.

Anonymous said...

All land sold to Musk should have been leased. Now that the deal is done with Musk maybe our corrupt democratic politicians can focus on a Chinese investor to buy the rest of Brownsville. I understand China is paying top dollar.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Musk wants to buy the historical district in Brownsville. True or rumor only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Honorable? shit it should be Dis-Honorable

what is so honorable about stealing from the people? Being a crook, a RATA?

Anonymous said...

I asked the county for a copy of the agreement they signed with Musk. They wont let me see it. I did a freedom of information request and though they have to know that any and all residents of the county are entitled to review the document they referred it to the state for a decision. While they county has ten days to act on the request I can't find that the state has a time limit in which to advise the county if the info should be public or not. They do claim that they usually respond within 45 days. The county technically met their obligation with their referral to the state. So, I guess the county hopes I'll get tired of their delaying tactics and give up. I will not.
Based on the county's reluctance to allow me to see the document I believe there is shit in there they don't want me (or you) to know. And I think that is because they are far up Musk's ass in allowing him the freedom to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants to do it, without regard or reference to the agreement. For instance, the agreement stipulates no road closures on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. The last launch, just a couple of months ago was on a Saturday. I didn't notice a single county official objecting.
A while back the D.A. kicked up a little dust but tucked tail and ran pretty quick when SpaceX scowled at him. I guess they got what they wanted from Musk.

John said...

For more information on SpaceX backstabbing Cameron County TX, see "Cameron County and SpaceX compete for Boca Chica land," Brian R Svendsen and Martha Ibarra, 01-18-2024, KVEO ValleyCentral Channel 4 News, Cameron County Commissioner David Garza is asking folks to submit comments opposing the land swap deal to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department before its 01-15-2024 Public Meeting. Comments can be submitted at TPWD: Notice of Proposed Real Estate Transactions (

For additional coverage on the proposed land swap, see:

"Texas Is Considering a Controversial Land Swap Deal With SpaceX," Passant Rabie, 01-19-2024, Gizmodo,

"SpaceX May Get Chunk of Boca Chica State Park From Texas Parks and Wildlife," Linda Fisher, 01-18-2024, The Austin CHRONICLE,

"SpaceX and Texas negotiating land swap in Boca Chica State Park," Andrea Guzmán, 01-18-2024, Chron,

"Texas Parks and Wildlife wants to give SpaceX over 40 acres of state park land," Gaige Davila, 01-17-2024, Texas Public Radio,

"TPWD to consider land swap with SpaceX at Boca Chica," Mark Reagan, 01-17-2023, MyRGV,

Side note: SpaceX Boca Chica Starship expansion will hurt the construction and operation of the Rio Grande LNG project. Maybe even kill the LNG project. But many people and business leaders want both.

Anonymous said...

January 21, 2024 at8:44 AM

I admire your research and I feel for the loss of our beautiful Boca Chica Beach but this is a lost cause. However, it is great if you bring all of their shenanigans to light.

May Mother Nature help you to expose the travesty that these consciousless jerks are committing.

That he sent a car to space. What he did was pollute space. Man is the only animal that purposely harms the environment. He is never going to Mars. That trip is an illusion. If he ever has a spaceship going that way may he be the first one on it because that spaceship is not coming back.

It is all about the "Seminole Wind."

Anonymous said...

The truth is that our leaders are fucking ignorant. Hey! Pendejos, it is not how much you have because you take nothing with you. What counts is what you leave behind and to be honest "all of you are fucking it up!"

Pinches Bobosos y Ignorantes. Seriously what do you take to the hole with you? Your viejo and vieja are giving it to the sancha and sancho. Your children will give it to God knows what loser.

Anonymous said...

All I care about is the ability for my family and I to go fishing on Boca Chica from South Bay and the jetties to the mouth of the river. Free and uncontaminated like it always has been. Will that still be possible ? I hope so.

Anonymous said...

“We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.”— Barack Obama

Today is the BIG day to protect our region, Boca Chica. Big Applause to those that will speak up (via email, in person, by phone, by mail) to protect the environment.

Watch E.T. the movie, only a child saved ET from humans. ET Phone Home and they came for him and he went back to his environment. ET was a botanist, a scientist...

These people that want to destroy Boca Chica are evil doers. They do not know how to stop Musk.
