Friday, January 5, 2024


By Ken Block
Simpatico Software Systems
USA Today

Can a steady diet of lies and innuendo overcome the truth?

In November 2020, former President Donald Trump asserted that voter fraud had altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The day after the election, his campaign hired an expert in voter data to attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put him back in the White House.

I am the expert who was hired by the Trump campaign.

The findings of my company’s in-depth analysis are detailed in the depositions taken by the Select Committee to investigate the January 6 attack on the United States Capitol. 

The transcripts show that the campaign found no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any election. That message was communicated directly to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

Our findings have also been subpoenaed by special counsel Jack Smith's federal investigation and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’  investigation in Georgia. Those emails and documents show that the voter data available to the campaign contained no evidence of large-scale voter fraud based on data mining and fraud analytics.

More important, claims of voter fraud made by others were verified as false, including proof of why those claims were disproven.

And yet, the cries that the election was lost or stolen due to voter fraud continue with no sign of stopping. Whether a stump speech, outrageous lawsuits like the so-called Kraken cases filed by Sidney Powell, Rudy Giulian's lies or the ongoing misguided efforts of people detained to prove the election was stolen, the constant drumbeat hardens people’s hearts and minds to the truth about the 2020 election.

It’s part of a steady diet of innuendo, misrepresentations and outright lies when it comes to the issue of voter fraud. Giuliani admitted he lied about Ruby Freeman and her daughter committing election crimes in Georgia. 

Stories that set the record straight about election innuendo are not typically broadcast in right-leaning media, which means that millions of people receive no information to help them make a more informed decision about what happened in 2020.

What these claims don’t take into account is that voter fraud is detectable, quantifiable and verifiable. I have yet to see anyone offer up “evidence” of voter fraud from the 2020 election that provides these three things.

My company’s contract with the campaign obligated us to deliver evidence of voter fraud that could be defended in a court of law. The small amount of voter fraud I found was bipartisan, with about as many Republicans casting duplicate votes as Democrats.

This is a crime of privilege: Those with two homes sometimes take two bites of the electoral apple.

There were also small numbers of deceased voters. Still, nothing emerged that could provide a solid basis for a legal challenge to an election result in any of the states we evaluated.

Additional legal hurdles beyond solid evidence of fraud stand in the way of any effort to overturn or negate an election result through our legal system. Even if it could be shown that more fraudulent votes were cast in a state than the margin of victory in 2020, no one can determine for which candidate each fraudulent ballot was cast.

Trump's claims of voter fraud have no foundation in the truth

We vote anonymously − with good reason. No candidate can credibly claim that a fraudulent vote was credited to their opponent unless the person who cast that vote tells us.

This means that a candidate trying to use voter fraud as the reason to change an election result cannot show that the fraudulent votes caused their election loss.

As a former gubernatorial candidate, I can admire the discipline it takes to stay on message on a single issue. There is no doubt that voter fraud can animate people. But it is one thing to provide a rallying point for supporters and quite another to drag our election infrastructure and legal system into a foundationless set of false claims.

A better use of time, money and energy would be to address systemic weaknesses in our election
systems – such as the distressing lack of national election infrastructure to enforce election integrity, destructive practices to our elections such as gerrymandering, and leveling the playing field so that our elections become fairer and more competitive.

If voter fraud had impacted the 2020 election, it would already have been proven. Maintaining the lies undermines faith in the foundation of our democracy.

(Ken Block owns Simpatico Software Systems and is the author of "Disproven: My Unbiased Search for Voter Fraud for the Trump Campaign, the Data Shows Why He Lost, and How We can Improve Our Elections," coming out on March 12. 2024.)


Anonymous said...

Trump wants to be a dictator and with the help of the American people, he will be one of the best dictators in the world.

Dictators do crazy things:

Change the names of mountains, prohibit the use of lighters, invest money to produce a new cell phone, teach their horses to drink beer and pee on people,
change the street lights to red to get rid of diseases, use Voodoo to cause harm, throw bodies of their enemies from helicopters, killed all black dogs, rice in the plate had to be the same size, made a 3 year old general, etc

Do it Americans, vote for Trump. Make him a great dictator.

(I am joking about voting for Trump).

Anonymous said...

Democrats have done a great job at hiding the truth from the American public. How long did the lie on the Russian collusion go on and how much did it cost the tax payer? The vast majority of the media is owned and therefore controlled by democrats. I don't believe anything coming out of the media which is sad. As for individuals making statements particularly against former president Trump they could have easily been bought just like yourself. Only Trump can save our country from total destruction. Maybe that's why he is leading in the polls having all democrats running like scared rabbits.

Anonymous said...

Why go around investigating voter fraud when it was crystal clear that Trump was the one trying to cheat on the presidential election and was caught "Georgia find me 11k votes " a fact and not a lie. And don't ever forget January 6th words "Fight like hell" so he could try and stay in power Illegally exactly what a dictator would try do. And he still wants to be president again? Wake up people, we certainly need a new leader but certainly not him, he had four years and blew it big, big time.

Anonymous said...

The US Supreme Court can't tell more than 12 states trying to take Trump off the Primary Ballot that they are not interpreting the 14TH Amendment correctly.
This man is not above the law. He stirred up a Riot and people died.
We really need to move on. Four more years of Bam Bam's tantrums?

Anonymous said...

Trumputo, need I say more?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All you pendejos trashing Trump are the same idiots that voted for pudding brain Biden! Fuk all of you in the a$$, because all you have no credibility to say sh$t! Trump from the start has been persecuted and now being harass with made up charges, because they are afraid of him becoming President. They don't want Trump because he interferes with their corruption.

Anonymous said...

We need to move on from the corruption and lies from the democratic party.

Anonymous said...

Worst president in the history of the United States. Biggest liar and instigator, in fact, about the only thing he is good at is instigating people. Claims he's patriotic but refused to serve his country in times of war not one but three times while his fellow Americans were getting killed in Vietnam. That's called pathetic in my book.

Anonymous said...

Con la mamada que salio Trump on January 6 he was telling the American people that their voice through voting does not count. A vote for Trump is how we say goodbye to the land of the free. Ya dejen de hacerce los bobosos por el 🌮 and look to vote else where.

Anonymous said...

The political situation we are in reminds me of when England placed all of the tariffs on the colonists to raise funds. Do you all remember the Boston Tea Party? One of the ways the colonists decided to fight back was by not relying on English goods. We as Americans need to unite and realize that neither Biden nor Trump is the answer and look elsewhere. We need to let the Democrats and Republicans know that they are not meeting our needs. Many of us live in the present but what kind of nation will we leave for our children and grandchildren?

Anonymous said...

This election is not about the next four years. This election is about the next 100 years or more. We are at a pivotal moment where we are deciding if we want a dictatorship or keepan Americanas we know it... We truly need to vote our conscious.

Anonymous said...

Trump is the reason why presidents can only serve two terms. He is no FDR.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you and all the stupid democrats in this country who keep harping on President Trump about this and that are just full of shit! All this about President Trump is to hide the money laundering by Brandon and all the other crooked shit that democrats want to hide. You democrats must really be afraid of President Trump to keep slamming him since he left office. You very stupid democrats put that bumbling idiot into the White house but never have been happy about it. Brandon is nothing more than a puppet for that black racist POS obama!

Anonymous said...

At 10:45 PM

Yes, I fear the dicktatorship that Trump wants to create. You can bet your sweet ass that I fear and tremble at what Trump wants to do. There is nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. I may not vote for Biden bit I am definitely not voting for a dicktatorship.

Next time Trump is not going to bring the mentally deranged to help him with gallows and sticks. He will be saying "Russia are you hearing me" and we will be in the situation that Ukraine finds itself in.

Anonymous said...

It's not about being democrat or republican, it's about honesty, integrity and courage. I agree that neither Trump or Biden are capable of leading America during the next four years. One lies and instigates way too often and the other is just too old.

Anonymous said...

TRUMPUTO need I say more???

Anonymous said...

7:26 I agree about what you said about Biden! Hahahahahaha!
