Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Here is what has me scratching my head in disgust BUT, after some thought for about 5 seconds, I quickly figured it out.
First thing is first: 

1.The double murder on Greystone happened on January 27, 2024...from the get-go there were NO supervisor's on duty-

2. The response time was 45 minutes!!!!

3. They only had 5 Deputies patrolling the entire county

4. On January 29, 2024 the suspects were identified as per Eric Garza's press release.
Why do you wait an entire day to obtain the arrest warrants on January 30 when they were identified on the 29? Laziness, I don't give a shit attitude? I would say laziness


5. You wait two more days for February 2, 2024 to go and conduct an arrest attempt on Jenika Street in search of the suspects?


And NOW for the Eric Garza campaign SHOW!!!!

6. Again, Garza is with his little phone in the back videotaping this circus. It is amateur night at the Sheriff's Department because now the element of surprise is gone. You have GARZA going live on Facebook telling everyone what is going on? What a dumb ass!

What if these guys would have been some real bad asses and gone back to defend family or their kids and begin a shoot out!

7. But what was most disturbing was the SWAT officers pointing their rifles at the one in front.WTF! That was the most stupidest, unsafe, unpracticed entrance breaching that I have ever witnessed! THIS is what happens when instead of training the way they used to is NOT done anymore! Instead of training, the SWAT is sent to do school presentations. Yes, School presentations!

8. Last but not least, in Eric Garza's video you see, yet again someone in uniform pointing an M-4 tactical rifle towards the fucken door entrance where your deputies are and just went in? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? A fucking disaster waiting to happen!!

9. I am totally disgusted at this operation and I strongly urge that Tobias, Joey Martinez, Almanza, and Roland Sanchez get a tight grip on these type of SWAT operations where these rookies are in no way ready or prepared and are totally untrained for this type of situation because it really really shows. I am disgusted and afraid for the lives of those deputies that do not know what in the hell they are doing.

The only one to blame is Eric Garza.


Anonymous said...


Look at that rookie pointing the rifle at the SWAT guys!!! What a screw up. A total disaster waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

Swat officers Tobias and Joe Martinez, former Marines have left the SWAT team about a year ago in protest of lack of training with amateurs.

Swat officer Almanza was removed from SWAT by Eric Garza because he was a Lucio supporter. ALmanza was also a military veteran.

Swat now has a bunch of rookies that no longer train the way they should. Anybody can join swat now. i heard RITA is coming back to join so she can clean up after the rookies. even Willie is thinking of joining to take it off the bucket list.

Anonymous said...

Stupid is as stupid does. So this all translates to incompetence and lack of training, correct??? If this is all true , what a clusterfuck. Putting the lives of EVERYONE in danger. But hey ,” Sheriff Fife” is armed with his cell phone, ready to do battle. What a fucking moron. It must be so challenging to have such a dumbass as your leader and then have so many ass kissers and worthless minions surrounding him. Time for big time changes at the Sheriffs department before somebody gets killed.

Anonymous said...

Garza putting his new hire on Facebook is embarrassing especially putting the rookie with a brand new explorer. That dude will be driving a old busted Tahoe. Garza is getting desperate he can't find anything else to post so he resorts to posting a new hire. It won't be enough Erica I'm telling you you're out. Just a few more weeks and you'll see what everyone really thinks about you the most unqualified Sheriff in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Another post funded by 'La tranza Almanza'. Every talking shit on you're own cid inv., swat team and supervisors without actually making a change. Instead of talking behind everyone's backs why don't you go through the swat requirements and teach the swat deputies something? You're only good for complaining, recording people and funded these posts. They should've left your ass in transport like the dog you are with your tail in between your legs

Anonymous said...

Benny hill comes to mind when i see eric garza picture, barrel of laughs or monkeys lol

Anonymous said...

Patrick Floyd Jarvis “Pat” Garrett?

and your got a house mouse paper pusher!!!

La soplona erica sin pistolas hahahahahaha jajajajajaja

Anonymous said...

All the county Sheriff deputies are the court house hanging around checking out the girls. They are not on duty on the expressway between Brownsville and Harlingen for those Mexicans speeding down the road? The deputies are not in the rual areas doing their job. Actually no one is doing their jobs in the county but getting big bucks that's including the commissioners.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally disgusted at these county employees who think they can get away with anything. Take the bailiff from Judge Adobbatti. His commission was revoked, there's pages of complaints about him in a report. Working at bars when thats against policy, grabbing other county employee men's nuts. Sleeping on the job. Yet he is still employed with the judge. And then you have 2 long time district clerk employees who were punching in for each other. One was fired and one was forced to resign. Wheres the morals and integrity?

Anonymous said...

Almanza the AWOL disgraced wanna be cop? He was too scared to be a soldier and took off which eventually got him arrested. Yet, the previous Administration hired him based on financial support and granted him a Sergeant slot based on what financial means he brought to the table.Even the Feds dislike this Idiot. They must know something. Puro familia social de Matamoros.

Anonymous said...

Bailiff Garduño is a lazy worthless individual that continues to get paid as a bailiff inspite of him not having been commissioned. It is a disservice to the County and Tax payers to have him getting paid as such. Shame on the County Judge and Judge Adobatti. Now I know what is going on in that court. - Retired LEO

Anonymous said...

And the compliments keep on coming lol...... Montoya what else do you have to say?????? Let me guess Rosas, Trevino, or Saenz can do it better LMAO...... Or better yet why dont you run.... Oh I forgot your old and just publish what these idiots pay you....... PATHETIC

Anonymous said...

Same as the jail division puro LT pendejos como el trapito de Lt olivares probre naco de rancho. El sgt joey Ibarra abla mal de todos los Lts saca los pics de la jessica la guard de old county dicen que andas showing her ass .

Anonymous said...

Training, training and more training needed for everybody from the water boy to the quarterback! Too many accidents and made up stories about ghost guns etc.

Anonymous said...

That Garza Guy looks all ate up. He should shave that disgusting looking fur he has grown on his face. Something please tell him.

Anonymous said...

Cowboy hat indoors?

Black cowboy hat?

Anonymous said...

juan heard city of la feria also had 7-8 officers quit in th elast 2 weeks, no one patroling the streets check it out. Is this true? julian

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In cameron county you have to swat 50 flying moscas to be
in the SWAT (special weapons and tactics) team, and the special tactical weapon used is a fly swatter 10 inches by 12 inches, and specially fabricated in Los Angeles, Aahrizona. This very efficient tactical and highly lethal weapon was invented by the mostly revered and very efficient swatter in the world (name is highly Secret).
I have complete confident in the local cameron county swat team.

Anonymous said...

All you democrats voted for Garza. Now you're complaining. Hell you morons knew he had no law enforcement experience when he was running for office, yet you all voted for him. This says a lot about democrats. No brains. Just indoctrination !

Anonymous said...

Feb. 7, @ 2:53 AM.
Pinche Mamon. You see that Garza is giving a fight to win and you want for Saenz to disqualify him. SEAS MAMON.
Ponte a jalar,

Anonymous said...

@2:53 okaaaaaaaaay David Wise we get it, you’re Ronnie Saenz’s next chief

Anonymous said...

The sloppiest, dirtiest looking mother fucker to be a sheriff .. no wonder some of the other deputies look poorly..

Anonymous said...

Hey Luis.... when are you going to look into the misuse of county funds in the 404?????? Ridiculous as a public official Adobbatti you be ashamed of yourself..... is anyone running against that guy he's up for re-election..... Sorola.....

Anonymous said...

No wonder I no longer see no flies no where, very efficient and highly trained, congrats

Anonymous said...

What if, what if, what if,
What if the fugitives return to the home and open fire to save their families????? LOL. Really, that is your worries.
What if.... the guys are on tune watching facebook LIVE to see if their home is being hit. don't think so, they are worried not to be picked up in Matamoros by Cartel that will turn them in for points with Police.

What if last guy trips on what if shoe lace is undone, and trips and pushes onto next guy and next guy is pointing weapon to guy in front of him, and what if his finger is on trigger, what if safe is off , what if gun goes off, what if it misses the guys armor vest, then what if what if what if.

You can go to any take down, home invasion or whatever its called and it will never be text book.
Video helps to correct things that need to be worked on. Human error will occur, they are not robots.

Using anything and everything for political gain is pathetic.

What if... you just stick to facts, if the current administration fails to do something that is required, look into why they failed. if they failed due to not doing their job then it is their fault. BUT if it is out of their hands because the County Judge or board of commissioners do not work with them, WRITE Comments on that, the truth, the facts.
Simple, what if your judge forgets his ego and acts for the people not in revenge on people he does not like.

Anonymous said...

Jail transport division unit charger park in downtown in a loan company i though the units where use to transport inmates not personal use .at 11.20am

Anonymous said...

What is happening Eric Garza put attention to the Transport jail Division . Make sure jailer juan Guajardo does not drinking alcohol while driving the jail division bus the way he got fired from PUB drunk at work.make sure he has all the proper lic to drive

Anonymous said...

Henry G. (Of Blessed Memory) once suggested that the Commissioners should streamline the Sheriffs Office to its original standard of running the jail, courthouse security, and civil and criminal process only. I believe the Texas Constitution specifies the Sheriffs Duties and Responsibilities. I could be wrong.

The court could assign all S.O. Patrol officers to the constables and all CID officers to the District Attorney.

This always made sense to me.

Mazel Tov

Anonymous said...

Over the last three years a lot has happened, and a lot has changed. Some people have left and its nothing that any other agency isn't seeing these days. A lot of departments have experienced shortage in manpower and are struggling to keep their personnel numbers up to par. I will say I did not vote for Sheriff Garza and all I know is that he was the district clerk before his current standing as Sheriff. I cant say what his motive was to run for Sheriff and if it was with good intentions that he did so. I can say however that contrary to popular belief at the CCSO, some good things have happened and good changes have come. There is overtime opportunities for everyone like never before. There are advances in technology for our department as far as body cams, dash cams, and computers. Sure the computers and software were bought by the previous administration, but this admin has kept up with it. We've gotten new units that hopefully will be assigned out to the hard working men and women on Patrol at the CCSO. I will also say this, every department's back bone is patrol and the fact that patrol shift numbers are maybe as low as they've ever been, somehow these men and women have gotten it done. Something that may also be hard to believe is that all these arrests, drug busts, and positive impacts that the CCSO has had that you may have seen in the news. Facebook, or other social media, has been happening for years. Years before this administration took over. All the credit goes to the deputies, investigators, civil process, and support staff, not just the Sheriff. Sure there may be personnel at the CCSO that have risen to positions that some of us may not agree with, but our duty as decent human beings is to work together for the betterment of the community. Im not saying there arent things that are not wrong at the CCSO because there are flaws but what I am saying is that we need to stop tearing each other down and instead build each other up. A house divided against itself can never stand. Some things we may not agree with but all we can do is do the best with what we have. Finish the race, fight the good fight, and leave a positive impact on others. Best of luck to the Shefiff and all the candidates and God bless the CCSO.

Anonymous said...

Todos sabemos que los más arastrados de la corte son Mark “ deadbeat dad “ Trevino y el mentado Derick. Mark Trevino is a lazy good for nothing disgrace to the county. Se la pasa hablando mal de Eric y quejándose de Silver, se pierde en los pasillos tratando de hacerle plática a las mujeres pero nadie le da el
Tiempo porque es un muerto de hambre. Piensa que porque se la pasó asando pollo para la campana de Eric que es intocable. Pobre perro ingrato por eso no súperas por lo envidioso y borracho que eres. Pobre de tus hijos ni para un lápiz les mandas. Se le olvidó que abandonó a su hija. Se la pasa hablando de todos los juezes y ahorita la trae contra Adobatti. Antes se la pasaba hablando mal de la juez Elia y el juez Rosas. Marcos es una decepción para Éric Garza. Todos saben que quiere terminar en una corte de guardia pero nadie lo quiere por lo flojo y mitotero que es. Ojalá y con este income tax si pague lo que le debe a sus hijos. Me cae bien Éric pero por empleados como Mark no saldrá adelante.

Anonymous said...

Sent este baboso to Texas A&M to get a FREE education, maybe, just maybe, he'll learn some common abilities, like when to clean your rear end when you vocally take a crap!!!

Anonymous said...

The beard helps to get rid of Erica.

Anonymous said...

February 8, 2024 at 4:41 PM

Ok, but does he know how to use a pistola instead of a pen, they don't look similar but fools can make a mistake at the wrong time.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone not concerned he’s showing swat training on fb reels for the public to openly view? Why not just invite them to view trainings and live raids for attention already
