Sunday, April 14, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It started out as a dispute over the new 15-minute parking signs being installed in the downtown area and the removal of temporary COVID-related curbside parking and pick-up signs that provided several businesses downtown with exclusive saved spaces way after the pandemic measures were over.

Notable among them was Terras, City Deli, and former mayor Trey Mendez's Dodici's pizza restaurant. But with the pandemic measures over, the city says it is moving to conform with the new ordinances related to parking downtown in the designated zones. 

Among some of the new parking measures is the designation of parking zones downtown and the use of new cyber parking meter stations, all of which have caused mass confusion among business owners and motorists trying to do business downtown.

Apparently, city manager Helen Ramirez lacks some basic communication skills and failed to transmit that the city was starting a transition from COVID-era pick-up and curbside parking to a more permanent parking scheme, which in turn triggered a response from some downtown businesses who saw favoritism toward businesses associated with former and current elected officials, notably Pedro Cardenas and former mayor Mendez. 

When a business owner – Zeke Silva, owner of the Roast House on Washington Street– inquired of the District 4 commissioner on the removal of his curbside parking signs, Cardenas, in turn, emailed Ramirez that the removals should be "fair" and to explain the process to everyone, including him, who is a city commission and whose wife owns a business downtown and, apparently, or so he said, did not know it himself.

To add fuel to the fire, after Silva called Cardenas on the removal of the pick-up sign in front of his business the Engineering and Public Works crews showed up and removed the curbside parking sign from in front of Silva's Roast House, they moved it and placed it (temporarily) in front of Mendez's Dodici's restaurant. This elicited an email from Cardenas to Ramirez 

Ramirez, in turn, explained that she was just implementing the new parking ordinances and asked for patience from downtown businesses while the transition took place.

But the confusion and apparent favoring of some business owners over others ignited a firestorm and accusations flew between Silva and Cardenas that escalated into a very public airing of the bad blood between the commissioner and downtown business owners, who apparently believe that Cardenas entered public service in Brownsville to assist his and his family-owned businesses.

Silva then posted on social media that "Pedro Cardenas ordered new signs to be put up on a few selected streets downtown. He had picked up curbside signs from anyone he considers competition for his and his wife new coffee shop downtown. Except that ex-disgraced mayor Trey Mendez and his (Cardenas's) wife’s new coffee shop, they didn’t get new signs. No enforcement for them because they are tied to the hip. Instead they took away other small businesses signs and put them on Dodici's Now Trey has designated 4 parking spots while all other businesses have ZERO.

"Looks like Trey Mendez, Ramiro Gonzalez and Pedro Cardenas are slowly revitalizing their own downtown businesses like in Mexico. Para eso quería ser Comisionado. Helen Ramirez only wants to have 4 votes and she takes care of 4 commissioners by trying to cripple their competitors."

Cardenas, in turn, called Silva's accusations "ridiculous" and disputed accusations favoritism, noting that his wife, as a relative of a city commissioner, is not eligible to apply for city grants as Silva has, and will not have exclusive parking spaces for her coffee shop. It is worth noting that the Cardenas are renting from Mendez, who was one of the first to get the new signs, and also has received numerous city grants for his Coca Cola building. When his tenants received city grants to bring their place of business up to code – and many did – the improvements stay with Trey's building and end up in his pocket. Silva replied:

Think that is inflammatory? Cardenas' wife – Lourdes Bolado, using the commissioner's city social media page – inserted herself into the fray and called Silva out for being one of the downtown business owners who was the recipient of city grants, as did Mendez, the Limas brothers' Michael and Fabian for Las Ramblas, Terras, the McNairs, former mayor Tony Martinez, etc. Silva, que no tiene pelos en la lengua, replied that his differences with her husband over public policy wasn't with her, but with her husband, the commissioner representing downtown, and declined to engage.
(Ed.'s Note: This is by no means over. As long as the city administration under Ramirez gives the appearance of favoring some city businesses over others, including those belonging current and former elected officials, it will remain simmering just below the surface, waiting to erupt at the next difference of opinion. 

However, it remains that communication between the city manager's office and the administration and downtown business owners is woefully lacking and leading to unseemly exchanges over a very public social media. A fine way to run a city.)


Anonymous said...

Crooks fighting crooks over your stolen tax dollars. Browntown will always be a failure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


All these cry babies got grant monies from "US" the property tax payers it is 95% of the city funds, and why the big fight por evidiosos. People here DO NOT SHOP DOWNTOWN "los mojados" DO, and most walk across the bridge and back.

All these pidiches want to do is show their Cadillacs, so they want to park in front of their borrowed negocios. PUROS PINCHES MAMONES EVIDIOSOS.

I have a basketball pole in front of my home from the next door neighbor and they also park in front of my home is that illegal? The cops will tell everybody that the front of your home and the sidewalks belongs to the city and they can not remove anybody. Should that also apply to the downtown area???

Anonymous said...

Las Ratas will never be exterminated in Browntown. Y’all have bigger rats in y’all’s city that El San Bene.

Anonymous said...

BROWNSVILLE...the SPHINCTER MUSCLE of Texas...would someone please flush!

Anonymous said...

Bunch of losers at each other’s throats like a bunch of middle/high schoolers!!! All you mofó’s are the same. You all take turns at the cookie jar and if one takes an extra cookie($) you all throw a tantrum. All the ones mentioned have all taken advantage of the perks of being elected officials( except Silva who’s an ass kisser and no one likes). They have all taken grant monies( as per reports) but like all petulant children they all cry when they don’t get their way. What an embarrassing group of selfserving idiots. They have every available perk given to them by the city and yet they still want more. Bunch of greedy childish morons. But the worse part of all this drama is that they do this out in the open for the whole world to see and NO ONE DOES ANYTHING!!! Great job Cowen , we thought you were gonna clean-up/straighten up city hall but i guess we were dead wrong!! Its business as usual and you turned out to be a failure.

Anonymous said...

Las ratas de sanbene have undergound pozos that lead to browntown toilets. das what they like MOJONES hahahahaha!

de browntown para los jotos/as de sanbene
eat shit sanbene!!!

Anonymous said...

Pedro Cárdenas es un empresario abusador y deshonesto, explota y humilla a sus meseros en su restaurant Mi Pueblito, se queda con las propinas mismas que usa para darse la gran vida. Qué vergüenza qué sea comisionado y aproveche su cargo para obtener privilegios

Anonymous said...

After reading the comments from these so-called administrators, former Cameron mayors, city managers and Mexican businessmen it is no wonder we the citizens of Cameron County still have a foot to stand on. This is the product of allowing Mexican nationals to get free Texas schooling grant monies, free rides to open businesses and allowing them to run for PUBLIC OFFICE. All are a product of Mexico's ancestral third world country traditions. They educate themselves by getting grant monies and then they get an almost free ride to open business for minorities and let's not forget the free medical ride. What the hell do the true LEGAL Citizens of Cameron County get? NADAS Even pinche African born Elon Musk took over our PUBLIC BEACH and got a free tax ride for 13 years. Oh, by the way Carednas the word is "WERE" not "WHERE "idiotes evidiosos. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Going downtown Brownsville is very dangerous to consumers, due to getting traffic tickets from our local crazy ticket cops! Ex public Officials getting all the 4A grants and free parking is nothing new in Brownsville. The rats are the only ones getting privileges from the local city commissioners and idiot city manager? What new, don't complain because the voters have spoken. LOL LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

Keep voting Democrat pendejos.

Anonymous said...

This novela is better than La casa de las flores.

Continue with the next episode.
Trey Mendez
Pedro Cardenas
Zeke Silva

Veronica Castro is a failure next to these kings of the novela titled "Los ricos pobres tambien lloran cuando roban"

Thank you Juan for posting this.

Anonymous said...

Its too early to judge these nuts.
In a few years it'll bear fruit.
It'll be nice.
Just wait.

Anonymous said...

Simple solution don’t spend your money at these places!!! There are plenty of better coffee places and restaurants to eat besides these peoples places! When we get a real D.A. Maybe they will get what they deserve!

Anonymous said...

BOYCOTT, is the answer somebody needs to come up with a list of negocios that need to be bocotted and by the whole city until all this shit stops, next vote everybody out the two new ones ain't cuttin' it they need to be replaces and quick.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Zeke Silva is a lunie! It seems he always wants more and more and more. He was already given more than $200,000 in monies by BCIC and is pissed because he was turned down for more. So, when you hear him rant, keep that shit in mind. When he makes accusations and points his finger at anyone, make sure he readily admits that he is one of the privileged and not one of the oppressed. He needs to cut his crybaby shit trying to get others to believe that everyone got more than him when the reality is exactly the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cardenas, is your wife co-commissioner that she uses your city social media page? May not be illegal but sure is tacky. Or is she the one that wears the pants in the family and does as she pleases???? If she wants to go after Silva(why is this guy always mentioned) that's fine, she must have a reason, but tell her to do it on her own time and on her own social media page. As we all suspected (from so many reports throughout the years) that being a city commissioner eventually turns out into a friends and family business. And it all appears to be that way. Lately, we now have several of the alleged grant monies recipients at each other's throats over parking spaces, outdoor patios , curbside spots etc.. Bunch of greedy/chismosas comadres!!!. Can't we all just get along??? LOL NO TIENEN VERGUENZA!!!

Anonymous said...

El Pedrito se la coma, todita!!
