Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If Brownsville City Manager Helen Ramirez can convince a majority of the city commission tonight, she will launch a pilot program that would place her as the sole authority to provide valet parking to service downtown entertainment businesses by allowing them to use city-owned parking spaces in front of their business to provide the service to their customers.

The item is contained in the agenda of a regular meeting for today, April 16, 2024, at 5 p.m., in the City
Commission Chambers, located on the Second Floor of the Brownsville City Hall-Old Federal Building, located at 1001 East Elizabeth Street.

As stated in her agenda request, Ramirez said that her office "has received requests from downtown businesses that have experienced challenges with limited parking availability to implement a valet parking services ordinance.

"The City Manager's Office seeks authorization to create a pilot program, subject to administrative amendments, to maximize the use of the City's public assets, such as public sidewalks, streets, and rights-of-way, and private lots, for the purpose of providing valet parking service without impeding the needs of the local businesses or traffic"

Under Resolution 2024-0037, the city will acknowledge that the "city commission seeks to encourage tourism throughout the city by minimizing congestion and making parking more convenient to patrons visiting local establishments in Downtown Brownsville... (to establish) a pilot program for valet parking is necessary to protect health, life, and property and to preserve good government, order, and security of the city and its inhabitants."

Cutting to the chase, what Ramirez is proposing is that she be given a year to try a pilot program in downtown Brownsville that will allow local businesses to hire valets to park patrons' vehicles in as-yet-unspecified parking lots and bring them back when the customer is ready to leave.

The resolution also allows Ramirez, or her designee, to assess a one-time permit fee in an amount of up to $1,000 annually in order ($750 in the proposed program) to administer the pilot program. The City Manager is further authorized to administratively modify the pilot program in such a manner that is "fair and not capricious or arbitrary to the applicants."

Part of the application for valet parking license, as envisioned, shall contain the the names, addresses and telephone numbers of, the applicant and, if the applicant is a lessee, the name of the property owner, the independent contractor, if any, which will be used to provide the service.

Further, the application will contain the proposed location, a map showing the placement of any valet parking service stands and off-site valet parking. The map shall also include the placement of any traffic cones to be used, the number of spaces requested to be reserved for the service, each space being twenty-five (25) feet long, if parallel to the curb, or nine (9) feet wide, if head in to the curb; a minimum number of two (2) spaces must be reserved unless the city manager determines that because of special traffic conditions, a greater number of spaces is needed to operate the service efficiently.

It will also include the proposed hours and days of operation, the location of off-street parking and evidence of a signed agreement or other documentation showing that the applicant has a legal right to park vehicles at that off-street location, proof of insurance as required, and copies of written notification to all property owners or their representatives located within 100 feet of, on the same side of the street as, and within the same block as the site.

What the agenda packet doesn't say is whether Ramirez will be able to rent city-owned parking lots as off-site parking to rent to the businesses, and whether parking on those lots would be open to other residents during those times. 


Anonymous said...

Good job Helen!

It just might work.

I heard that pigs can fly too.

Anonymous said...

valet parking in Brownsville? ja ja ja ja ja

how about a concierge in every cantina.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again same Ratas as managers, same city commissioners, same local public officials, with the one exception, that the Lucio's and the Velas are gone. Vicente Gonzalez appears to be shitting bricks with no-where to dump. The main supplier for this greedy set-up pilot programs is the GRANT MONIES, these Bastardo's do not know how to wean themselves off the tit that has-been used to milk and feed these thieves. Pilot Program my ass, Helen Ramirez, allowed these ancestral Mexicans to partake of the grant monies to start off their businesses, so the least these land grant thieves should do is to pay with their tips for wanting such as service. This Pilot Program only benefits these thieves who knew before starting their businesses that parking was and still is an ISSUE. They took it upon themselves to invest in these businesses knowingly, willingly, intentionally, purposely before investing, now they want us legal taxpayers to pay with grant monies for their investments. Trey Mendez, the Limas brothers, and Cardenas screw you. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Here we go who will own the valet parking company? One of their compadres, that’s who! All the other businesses around the city are not given special attention. It’s a first come first served type of deal, downtown businesses had never been offered any kind of help when times got hard and parking was available to whomever got their first. The city didn’t care if old ladies had to walk but now since they own businesses downtown now they need special cameras, permits, and now Valet Parking what a joke! Of course the taxpayers will end up paying the bill again for signs,security and maintenance for all the rats! VOTE NO!

Anonymous said...

Just another distraction from the massive corruption and mismanagement in Browntown. Boycott downtown. Spend your money in the upper valley where everything is better.

Anonymous said...

REGRESSION is the word of the day but here its every day, day in and day out R E G R E S S I O N!!!

In medical terms of this illness (STUPIDITY) and its symptoms, are very common in this area and within this (Brownsville)city limits sometimes if affects the county.

common sense is the cure, but medication has not been available. The injection of Idea school system was first thought of a cure but did not work.

The doctor in charge Dr. Iguessnot is busy working to cure this dreadful disease. GOOD LUCK DOC Iguessnot!!!

Anonymous said...

My back itches.

Anonymous said...

I will not support "Grant Pediches" commissioner, BPUB appointees businesses or their extended families, as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of subsidizing these fucking crooks. And it's always the same people.

Anonymous said...

9:16, 9:51, and 10:01 excellent points, totally agree. AMEN TO THAT!!!

Anonymous said...

Good news for our stupid city manager, the only tourist to visit this idiot city approves of this stupid idea? This one tourist name, wineoooo? Says, keep spending more money on the three strooges of Brownsville. Maybe there will be two tourists to visit downtown Brownsville to take a shit on the sidewalks of money.

Anonymous said...

Valet parking is expensive. You have to give your keys....anybody can pose to be a valet parking employee.
So if something goes wrong, who is responsible? valet parking, owner of car, city, owner of business

Also this will create another issue: money talks... if you have money you will get valet parking, if you have no money...you have to park and walk and people will see you as poor...

Anonymous said...

What a stupid ass idea from this fucking bimbo. Thank God I don't work for the city anymore. Hate what the City has become from all these selfish, corrupt pieces of shit.

Anonymous said...

There goes the enano mamon getting his 2 parking spaces again. Fuck everyone. Parking should just be on a first come basis.

Anonymous said...

Oyes Juan, no se cansan de mamar estos ratas. Epesando con el Trey vandeja charola.

Anonymous said...

This valet idea invokes ideas of extreme: FAVORITISM, CRONYISM, PARTIALITY, PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT,BIAS, NEPOTISM ETC. Leave it to birdbrain Ramirez to concoct this idea. What about the rest of the businesses and customers downtown?? Are they all gonna be catered to also or just "the chosen ones". Brownsville downtowns original infrastructure was not set up for all this "hustle and bustle" by all these hoity-toity hustlers. Only the selected few will benefit from this scheme just like they did with all the GRANT MONIES!!! SELAVI IN BROWNSVILLE TEXAS.

Anonymous said...

Ta pendeja

Anonymous said...

Weslaco downtown revitalization done without city intervention.

Purely business.

Downtown Brownsville ain't gonna fly.

Land locked.

Bridge is too close.

College also locks out expansion.

Where as places like Weslaco can go in any direction and win.

Will the City ever learn to quit beating a dead horse?

Such a waste.

Anonymous said...

Juan if the streets are city property (taxpayers expense) are you allowed to lease out this area just like that? with city commission approval? just asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

This isn't South Florida! Valet parking! Hahahahahah!

Anonymous said...

need a list of ALL taxing agencies here. who how much and where are they spending OUR MONIES, and any balances. salaries would also help

with this parking shit are we the taxpayer ultimacy going to pay for all of la vieja's ideas?

Anonymous said...

If you are going to work for valet parking. Walk around the car with owner so that he sees the condition of the car going in and going out of valet parking.
You know what is going to happen...they are going to blame a young valet parking employee for dents, missing items etc

Better be careful future valet parking employee...the rich have filthy mouths and are direct in their way of talking.
Parents: please do not let your kids work in the valet parking empire in downtown Brownsville.
Tell them to work for Target, etc

Anonymous said...

Valet parking in Brownsville is like saying there will be Mole in the White House for Trump's birthday. Mole is not needed in the White House.

Just exactly how many rich people do we see downtown? Not even Elon...

Anonymous said...

With all the other problems and needs in Brownsville this what the city manager has come up with really!
