Saturday, April 6, 2024


(Rrun-Rrun Graphic)

*Trump Steaks, launched for Sharper Image in 2007, ranged from $199 for a pack of 12 steak burgers and four steaks to $999 for a selection of 16 top cuts. The steaks lasted only about two months at Sharper Image

* Trump Vodka launched around 2006, but Trump's financial disclosures don't list it after 2015.

* "Trump: The Game," a "Monopoly"-style board game that was released in 1989, was discontinued after selling only 800,000 copies.

* Trump Ice, a Trump-branded water bottle, is available only at Trump properties or on eBay, where it sometimes sells for almost $700.

* In 2015, Macy's and PVH Corp., the parent company of Trump's menswear collection, both decided to end business with Trump in response to his comments about Mexican immigrants.

* Donald Trump-branded menswear is still available through sellers on Amazon and eBay.

* Serta, the giant mattress company that sold Trump mattresses, stopped selling Trump Home products for the same reason as Macy's and PVH.

* Perfumania, the carrier of Trump-branded perfume and deodorant, also cut ties in July 2015.

* Downlite, a bedding company that previously sold Trump-branded pillows, let the license expire in 2015

* The makers of Donald J. Trump Eyeglasses also reportedly let the license expire

* Elk Lighting's Donald Trump Regency Collection has been rebranded as just the Regency Collection

* Two Rivers Coffee, the maker of Select by Trump coffee, stopped making the coffee pods last year. Sam Blaney from Two Rivers Coffee told The Post the decision was made because of a lack of sales.

* Of the 19 companies that were paying to produce or distribute Trump-branded products in 2015, only two remain doing so: the Turkey-based Dorya and the Panama-based HomeStudio

* Last year the Trump Organization opened an online store selling Trump-branded merchandise like keychains and T-shirts, which typically range between $20 and $35, as well as more expensive polo shirts and outerwear that sometimes cost upwards of $100.


Anonymous said...

NO MEXICAN CARTOON can stop the TRUMP MAN; not even hate-filled MEXICANS and the their Lone Star Cards will be able to stop him. Keep squirming like a bunch of brown toads in a pond that’s drying up! Bawhahahaha

Anonymous said...

You are terrified TRUMP is going to win.

Anonymous said...

Your hatred and indoctrination is so deep that you are mentioning things that occurred back in 2015'. Why don't you mention the crooked Biden's that's occurring now.

Anonymous said...

García and Semien hit 3-run homers, Rangers beat Astros 10-2 in 1st meeting since ALCS now you know who's going to the world series.

Anonymous said...

You forgot that Biden's black secretary of defense left billions of technology and equipment behind in Afghanistan as a gift to America's enemies. Biden is a Chinese asset. Maybe you are too, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Bro, what gives! You were all over the coke head from PUB and how they are fucking the residents of Brownsville. (Hey) I hear this chick is hiring her friends and coworkers are spelling beans that, they aren’t doing shit. So Brownsville voters thanks (morons)!! How’s the Democratic Party working out for you! Dumbasses, your complaining about GBIC , BISD and I read on comments about LNG (BRO) looks like their are a lot of pissed off people. Giving away money to compadres and hooking up friends downtown. Juan I read your site your giving us the scoop and all the dirt, you just have to read between the lines and comments. It triggers you too, so you mean to tell me this pisses you off but Trump can’t make a little money.

I think you’re more conservative than you portray, leave Trump alone. He wasn’t my pick but I for sure am not voting for Biden . How about do some cartoons of Biden walking into the grass while secret service is trying to guide him into the building while keeping their cool because of cameras. mind you the guy was shuffling his feet. That was one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Trump's the worst president ever. Needs to be put in prison. And hopefully, he'll die there.


Anonymous said...

For all you Trumpers ( especially the younger ones) , these are facts, real life info . They are not lies or part of the witch hunt or political interference. This is real Trump in all his failures. All his life he’s been a con man and a smoke and mirror expert. He has had some success , but then, his lies, deceit and true colors fuck up everything. He has the gift of gab and many fall for his tricks. He is a genius at brainwashing and making people believe the opposite. And once you fall for it he will leave you out to dry. Proven time and time again. His 4,800 (and counting) lawsuits against him prove that he has done much harm to many. AND STILL people believe this prick !! HE CARES ABOUT NO ONE BUT HIMSELF!! As per reports ( facts) ,He fucked over his own dad when he became mentally unstable and took all his money/empire SO he’s not that self made “billionaire “ he claims to be. So in a nutshell this asshole is a clear and present danger to our country and future. Do your research ( nonbelievers in what im saying) and you will see for yourselves and once you do that : Vote with your brains, if you still have any left!!!

Anonymous said...

trumputo va estar en levenworth con toda su familia snarky. se va baniar con los mallates y los cocos apestosos hediondos y el ecipse lo puedes ver con las nalgas blanca nomas...te vulves turnillo si no lo ves.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you all! I'm voting for Trump. Nothing good has come out of Patatoe Head Joe. Nothing!

Anonymous said...

Trump reminds me of a used car salesman. I bet his little hands👐are even sweaty.

Anonymous said...

2:24 PM. . . Please, don't be a total dumbass. Trump announced his candidacy for president with racial epithets at Mexican Nationals calling them rapists,etc.
Have some pride motherfucker. . . and do some research. . sleepy Joe Biden has this economy humming with record low unemployment. . . Trump was totally incompetent as president. . just ask 24 members of his administration who served with him and witnessed his lunacy. . .trade Puerto Rico for Greenland? inject bleach to prevent Covid? The orange clown is a total dumbass!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump's hands are near normal size, but his penis is a limp 3 inches according to Stormy Daniels.

Anonymous said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome
There is no medicine, no vaccine and no known therapy. There is no known cure. SO LIVE WITH IT.

Anonymous said...

4/6/24 12:51pm
Shut DA FUCK UP. Take your ass to the seniors house. If you have been on this site for years , you already know the bullshit.we are all getting fucked here locally. PUB can suck a dick. Shitty commissioners too. Shitty school board members approved high salary for super. We’re is the Elon money to BISD , Covid money , and all else (we’re still in the hole) ��️ schools closing but still paying high property taxes. Teachers getting the shit end of the stick. Oh don’t forget mother Fucking Mister PAN MAN himself use's his position and raw dogging some chick and promising her advancing in her job. Who the fuck do you think your bullshitting. In all this I hope more people are paying attention and come to an understanding who the real cocksuckers are and are OnLy AbOuT DEM SeLEvEs here locally. As you said trump is only about himself (I don’t care for the guy). But it is very fucking clear which news media is against him, all the bullshit charges. Nobody has ever seen this stupidity.

I tell you what if trump takes the presidency, I’m not even watching news tv, I got my talk radio and know who to listen and my websites I read from. News tv media is dead to me and it’ll definitely be if he’s elected. All the hags are going to come out and cry for the next four years. You’re gonna be all but hurt ��. Hopefully he will go away after his tenure and we can get back to some semblance of normality.

But here locally I hope people start to point out the RAT fucking dirtbags that have been selling us out. We need to start taking notice who these jackasses are clean house. You think the politicians and elected members are bad, no sir/ma’am the embedded Bureaucracy that’s undermining us. Also all the boards with their selected members I think they’re is one guy running for the port who was tight with guy that helped bring about PUB.

Anonymous said...

Good for you !! Vote for Trump , its your right . But it sounds like all the comments ( truths) hit a nerve with you. Thats what happens: THE TRUTH HURTS!! And before I forget YOU can go FUCK YOURSELF. Its a free country last i checked and we don’t insult people for speaking their mind. . Learn how to spell — its POTATOE or POTATO( is also acceptable to some). Have a blessed day. Good blog Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Three-time draft dodger, lied that he would build a border wall and Mexico will pay for it, lied that he would replace OBAMACARE, refused a peaceful transfer of power, ordered his dumb followers to attack the Capitol, stole top secret documents and refused to return them until the Feds raided his home and confiscated them, stated that Lutin is a genius and he can do whatever he wants with NATO countries, caught trying to cheat in Georgia's elections. And he still wants to be president again? He must be out of his goddamm mind.

Anonymous said...

April 6, 2024 at 12:51 PM

Still voting for Trump. In what way is your Potato Head Joe, lunch bucket Joe any better?

Anonymous said...

Ay Que Juanito....vez la tempestad y no incas!!!! You are part of the democrat problem. We live in poverty, I do not know who buys the 500k homes around here, taxes up every year, and you fight for the bus stop shelters!!! You are the problem too. Report the truth! We have been ruled by one party in this town for decades and we are deeper in CACA!!!

Anonymous said...

Stole documents (he was the president) moron. Biden as a senator took top secret documents all over the place and 30 years was stealing documents. He stole them from the skiff. Sold out and got bankrolled by Ukrainian, Russia, china. But poor old trump got under your skin (here’s a whipy) he said protest peacefully, look at the transcripts (they don’t lie)

Hey Juan, why don’t they release Biden transcripts of his speeches, thats what the republicans need to do. Do an add so you can hear all his gaffes and mumbles.

Where’s the charges, all superficial!! 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️ go take your ass to luby’s and have some tapioca pudding on me bitch.
You should be taking your afternoon nap by now.

Anonymous said...


If you don’t know what SCIF is.

Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (pronounced “skiff”), a U.S. Department of Defense term for a secure room. It can be a secure room or a data center that guards against electronic surveillance and suppresses data leakage of sensitive military and security information. SCIFs are used to deny unau­tho­rized per­son­nel, such as for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vices or corporate spies, the oppor­tu­nity for unde­tected entry into facil­i­ties for the exploita­tion of sen­si­tive activ­i­ties.

Senator Biden at the time was taken those documents and literally hiding those documents in his pants. The exact definition of stealing. Boom suck a dick bitch.

Here’s another nugget of truth. Your boy Biden was friends with and eulogized the late Senator Robert Byrd. Byrd wasn't just an ordinary member, he was a leader (called Exalted Cyclops) of a local Klan (KKK) chapter. your boy is a racist too. The hits keep coming Deez Nutzz bitch.

Anonymous said...

Foist start learning russian, second sell all your properties, toid take all your funds outa da bancos, foid get the hell outta heir! estupidos racist republicans. hahahahaha!

hoy es adios
manana qui sas
es que tu te tienen que ir
la frontera se va y se va
la frontera de nuestro
se va y se va.....santana

Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm doors

Anonymous said...

the epidemy of a JOTO NADA MAS.

Anonymous said...

Potty mouth doesn't drink Dude

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that Trump han not publicly asked Putin to help him during this campaign like he did in 2016 "Russia if you're listening " but theee was no Russian collusion? Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Trump is worst the the devil itself, full of hatred and malicious like no other.

Anonymous said...

8:16 did we get our wires crossed or something cause i agree with everything you state about how we are all getting fucked by our officials and local entities. We may be just coming from different sides of the spectrum on some issues but I believe we both feel the same abuse and disrespect coming from local officials. My comments were directed mainly at Trump the person( and I still stand by them) .You have your opinion and i have mine and that’s acceptable. And YES we do deserve some kind of normalcy again!!! And as far as the local dirtbags/scumbags as you call them, I believe we both have the same disdain for them. We shall see what happens in November and in the meantime its ok to know that we all have the right to “ agree to disagree”. And as far as the senior house , Im not close to that yet but maybe someday I will be. And when that time comes, maybe you can stop by , we’ll drink a beer with a shot of Geritol.

Anonymous said...

Who donated the millions to the Biden campaign? I bet it wasn't any of you morons who vote democrat.It came from those running this country. People with deep pockets. Not people waiting for another handout.

Anonymous said...

8:16 April 7, and 2024 at 9:48 PM

TEXAS LAW CAN'T MARRY THE SAME SEX PERSON par de maricones. Intellectuals you are NOT, just a pair of queer faggots.
Call the National Institute on Aging or Home health Servies near your ass and complain that all the young adults do not want to listen to both your asses.
Take your daily doses of pills and GO BACK TO SLEEP. PAR DE JOTOS!!

Anonymous said...

At 10:42 am Keep making excuses for the despicable Trump, being president didn't gave him the right to steal classified top secret documents and to take home and as far as to protest peacefully during the January 6th attempted coup/insurrection, his own words "Fight like hell " didn't sound peacefully. It was on national live television. Keep making excuses, you have that right. Worst president in the history of the United States of America. Fact.

Anonymous said...

8:09 This is a blog Its a free country to give our opinions . Queer , faggots, maricones,jotos, asses ????? Someone is really attracted to that lifestyle?? IGNORANCE IS BLISS. Have a blessed day

Anonymous said...

April 8, 2024 at 12:56 PM



does anybody know what amendment this is???>

Anonymous said...

12:56 PM stated that you, 6:08 AM, are as queer as a $3 bill. Que el joto eres tu. In other words that you are fascinated by the fudge packing.

Personally I already told you that the gay life style is your door to freedom.

Anonymous said...

And HOSS says...”Love is love”. Is that ‘cause your boy is a flaming faggot?!

Anonymous said...

Who ever is the MSNBC up there it’s called EdITiNG (dumdass). Read the official transcripts. You have to be the biggest moron if you call that a coup/insurerrection, as YoU say. Move along dweeb.

The worst president ever (hah). You are delusional! We are actually all facing the worst president ever, you thought Carter was bad. This dumbass president has reduced our strategic oil reserves to 17 days. To make it look like gas prices were down. Now that they are up , he can’t refill our reserves. What happens if war breaks out, we have no freaking oil. This is not an EV (vehicle) economy. Matter of fact take your ass back to special education moron.

Anonymous said...

Although Biden have indeed made mistakes, nothing in the world could compare the damage Trump has caused our country. He is a real threat to our democracy, like or not.

Anonymous said...

Democracy (what a powder puff) you have to be the greatest puss ever. Go take your tampon out.

Anonymous said...

Democracy is the best power puff out there for the regular folk. Everyone who makes light of it go to Mexico, North Korea, or Russia. The open boarder welcomes you to leave. Don't let it get late go!
