Wednesday, May 29, 2024



Anonymous said...

Not to worry just call PD and they'll sent a veteran officer with a veteran police dog that talks and does searches. Salary for the human 350k a year and the dog 275k a year. PROBLEM SOLVED QUIT BITCHIN'

Anonymous said...

I am glad this didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Here we go, end of the year bullshit! Don't these kids have any brains? I'm sorry but if any of these stories proven true these kids should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It is in no way funny or comical!! Ya dejense de pendejadas for those English impaired!!

Anonymous said...

Arrest them all. The student, the parents etc

Not in our City.

Anonymous said...

Patents notifi3d telephonically about the prank at 1300 hours

No notification on the two fistfights that allegedly happened today

Anonymous said...

Hailarious that you have to lean on goofy Erasmo Castro for news, Montoya. ja ja ja ja

Show how far you've dropped, ese. Vato menso y inutil. La cagas, Juan, la cagas.


Anonymous said...

Says the convicted felon!

Anonymous said...

God Bless you guys for keeping us informed.
And Bless deep south Texas.
Lord knows we're suffering with the heat, corruption (Cuellar) over zealous politicians giving away property and tax exemptions (SpaceX) and poor management of our resources (local community).

Anonymous said...

May 30, 2024 at 9:01 AM

Exactly. Write more. Write more often in this blog. You know what is going on here. You are a good writer.

Anonymous said...

School is out. Summer is here. Parents, get your kids to work.
Swimming, walking, cleaning, working, helping others, helping the grandparents, cleaning the garage, taking the trash out, walking the dogs, teach them to drive, teach them skills that you know, take them to the ranch, take them to the beach every weekend and make them walk, exercise etc

Let them learn to work from you and keep them busy.
Keep them away from their phone and their nice rooms.
Do not give them a second to start thinking bad things.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are weak on crime, therefor nothing will happen until there is another mass shooting. At this point everyone will again blame the gun. And the vicious circle will continue.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo ? You are so irrelevant. Enough dude . Many of us don’t want your needy ass . You are a leech . Stick to being a clown ( payaso) on social media. That’s about all you can be !

Anonymous said...

A plan is on work to hire a dog with a cop and both trained to talk to the students. His all holy is also planning to have a dog and a cop at all the places that people go to pray or whatever. Are the cantinas next????

Anonymous said...

I see more shootout in GRIT everyday and nobody complains. IDIOTAS

Anonymous said...

erasmo? is he still alive?
