Tuesday, May 28, 2024





Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Cameron County voters sent mixed messages with their votes in the runoff elections for Texas House District 37, the Sheriff and Tax Assessor-Collector's departments.

In all three contests, the candidate who came in second in the primaries came from behind to win the runoff.

In the Texas House race, a massive media campaign supporting Jonathan Gracia based on vast documentation that showed Ruben Cortez – a former Brownsville Independent School District and Texas School Board member – had racked up a record of self-serving acts that had resulted in million-dollar payoffs in lawsuits against the district, turned the tide and carried the one-time J.P. to victory.

In the Tax Assessor-Collector's race, Eddie Garcia's simple slogan that 36 years in office were enough apparently resonated with the voters and overshadowed the accomplishments Tony Yzaguirre touted in his campaign and his endorsement by virtually all elected officials across the county.

That and dark references to the 40-plus charges levied against the him and five other tax office
employees years ago – despite the fact that they were all acquitted – appealed to the "throw all the incumbents out" momentum and carried Garcia to victory. 

That and a determined cadre of political allies across the county nurtured by his sister Gaby, a district judge, worked to Garcia's advantage.

In the sheriff's race, Primera Police Chief Manuel "Manny" Treviño overcame a second-place finish in the May 4 Democratic primary and bested incumbent Eric Garza by nearly 1,000 votes in the early voting from which Garza never recovered.

So while voters opted for new blood over more than 30 years experience in the tax assessor-collector's race, they also chose the experience as a lawman (more than 30 years) of Treviño over Garza for the sheriff's position. 

It didn't help that Garza's management missteps triggered turmoil, resistance, and lawsuits over alleged political retaliation in the sheriff's department from the day he took office.

From there on, it was a civil war between factions in the department and which set Garza at odds with the county commissioners, especially after the U.S. Marshal's Service removed federal prisoners from the county's jails at a cost of some $3 million a year to the county.

Treviño's campaign emphasized getting along with the commissioners court and fashioning a cooperative attitude with state and U.S. authorities to return the federal prisoners. After the tumultuous three years with neophyte lawman Garza at the department's helm, a promise of stability and experience there apparently appealed to the voters who darkened the oval next to Treviño's name.

Garcia at the tax office might do well to take a cue from what happened to Garza and not come into the tax assessor-collector's office determined to overturn its recognized efficient operations and make wholesale personnel changes if he doesn't want to disturb the revenue flow to taxing entities which could generate a similar backlash there four years from now.

They talked the talk, and now we want them to walk the walk for their constituents.


Anonymous said...

OK, May they do their best to serve our community.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chile better start looking for a new job Pinche Flonje marano. All you guys from the sheriffs association should be ashamed of yourselves. The salinas brothers better start looking for new jobs and start losing weight to fit back in those uniforms. Alvaro time to start working and stop acting like a Pinche vieja that was cheated on. And leave Kenya alone already too. She’s tired of your small weenie. Rivera Pinche “hey youuuu guyyyysss” time to start working again am actually do your job and not get your ass punched by the Capt again. And the biggest pelado of them all Omar lerma you better count your days vato.

Anonymous said...

New tax acessor!!!

Anonymous said...

Please, nobody say anything bad about the new sheriff.

Support him, always.

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza lost by 1,020 votes. He almost had it.

Eric Garza won the most votes but not the 50% on the first election and in this Run-off election he did not get 50% nor the most votes.

Eric Garza, continue doing your best and continue serving the community.
You are young and with "ganas" you are a winner.

Anonymous said...

Ya ponle lt mejia y lt costilla y commander Mendieta buenos para nada your time has arrive you Sgt Ibarra chacalon also y sgt costilla ponle Mojado jose Rodriguez ponle alv.

Anonymous said...

discombobulated incumbents everywhere

Anonymous said...

They got what they wanted, now let's see what they do with the opportunity !! Time to walk the walk. Time to get to work.

Anonymous said...

Don't count your chickens before they hatch lmaooooo Republican sheriff easily got 15k votes..... soooooooo still to early to claim victory.......

Anonymous said...

The people
Have spoken! Out with old Yzaguirre & in with new change! Sylvia perez and. Carlos Elizondo should be next. They are aweful people that say they worship God but only serve themselves and their motives . It’s time for change ! I hope that the Democratic Party backs up tonight’s winners . Let’s see

Anonymous said...

There is a new Tax Assessor collector!!!!!
The empire went down!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tony and Eric have generous retirement benefits.


Good race.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to those democrats who finally started to make the correct decisions.

Anonymous said...

Primo, I want the job you promised.

Anonymous said...

Dani gomez telling mani supporters be voted for him.. stfu joto..man to fuck mr.presentation ninja..man to fuck up..tell that to the Sheriff if you have the balls.. "Captain" of operations

Anonymous said...

After all the controversies and issues surrounding sheriff Garza he was still able to secure 4,395 votes. This is evidence that the people from this area can not reason.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Rosa Herrera as she will get a job at the tax office or somewhere in Cameron county

Anonymous said...

Nothing is worse than ageism. We voted Sheriff Lucio out because of his age and in favor of now convicted Conrado Cantu. Then on the same reasoning we voted out Lucio again in favor of a man with zero experience in law enforcement. Now we voted out Yzaguirre on ageism in favor of someone with zero experience. Garcia never pointed out one specific problem with Yzaguirre. There were no specific examples to support his claims. People are by nature of reality and facts. The long lines at the end and beginning of the month are caused by the people. It is not their fault they wait until the last minute to register their vehicles. Garcia in short order will be attacked by the workers and customers. He cannot fix the ignorance of the people, and in very short order, even before he takes office they will blame Garcia for the problems.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to tall the winners, for Tony Y after 36 years time to hang up los running shoes, enjoy your retirement, good retirement check every month plus social security, medicare etc, remember you hurt a lot of folks who used to work for you all these years Karma baby, time to pay the piper, and for Eddie Garcia, Good show, time to get to work in January 2025. Chuy

Anonymous said...

So where does Eric go from here? Does he go start at the bottom at a local PD? He can finally see what it's actually like to be a police officer. I think Santa Rosa and Los Indios are hiring FYI Eric.

Anonymous said...

Not a new tax asesor Yet!! He still needs to win against his Republican opponent. So don’t count your chickens before they hatch. And to all the minions at Carrizalez’s Rucker its time to shit some bricks!! Your protection bubble just burst , so its time to start dusting off your resume’s. You all thought you were all that but every dog has his day. ADIOS!!

Anonymous said...

A one term sheriff is almost unheard of especially in South Texas, so that tells you how much of a shitty job Garza has done and how much people don't like him. "I'm Eric Garza your Cameron County Sheriff "

Anonymous said...

VOTER APATHY!!! It’s incredible that these candidates win such important positions sometimes with as few as 2000 votes. ( It’s understandable ) cause it’s always the same candidates or their friends but people have to go out and vote, OTHERWISE YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO BITCH !!!

Anonymous said...

Good or bad the citizens voted.

Anonymous said...

Back to your original and expert job, house mouse paper pusher, you are excellent at doing this type of mamadas AND DONT COME BACK (PERIOD)!!!



Anonymous said...


In 36 years his only accomplishment was buying 2 mansions. WHAT A JOB WELL DONE BUT FOR HIMSELF ONLY!!!




Anonymous said...

Big Win for Cameron County! Manny separate yourself from Sylvia she is a snake! Sylvia, your seat is next in 2026. We, the people, are tired of you and how you support criminals.

Anonymous said...

Real truth:

Yzaguirre lost because the property taxes went up and the taxpayers wanted somebody to pay.

Eddie Garcia won because Southmost went out to vote. Porter graduate: all the Porter people voted him in. (Well, but nobody will say HI to Garcia, nor invite him to parties, and they will hide the stapler etc) Time for Southmost people to help Eddie Garcia as he works alone and has no support from his employees or local politicians.

Ruben Cortez: corruption, abuse of power, and thinking he had the power VOTED HIM OUT.

Eric Garza: lost because of his employees. Trevino better get a spokesperson and a staff member to deal with all the needs and wants of his employees so that Trevino can do his job well. Cameron County is full of: criminals, violent individuals, drug dealers, beautiful women, etc all are after the new sheriff. They are going to fight to get Trevino in their side. Let us hope Trevino goes by the book and then he will be a sheriff for a long time.

Democrats: the Republicans are lying to us, they are going to go out in DROVES during the November election to beat the Democrats. Do not let this happen. No more TRUMP.

Anonymous said...

Steve Guerra and Vicente Gonzalez are the next targets.


Anonymous said...

All of Erica’s supporters better start looking for a job! Chile, angel, lando, and that joto carlos. Manuel Trevino, it’s time to change our department. Get rid of them, they are cancer and will try and ruin it for another 4 years

Anonymous said...

Why is Erasmo buddies with Little Eddie now? What a bunch of fakes.

Anonymous said...

Yzaguirre should have listened and gotten rid of Ricardo “drunk” Camarillo and Ramiro “Druggy” Noyola and his former employees would have supported him. So much for the money he was profiting from Gateway Registration Services that the public didn’t know he was making. That’s why he started to cry when Eddie was above 100 votes. He can’t steal or take bribes any more, it’s over.

Anonymous said...

Montoya soft ball interview with Yzaguirre didn't help matters! Hahahahahaha! Please Montoya go interview your guy mash potatoe brain Biden! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Dont let the door get 'ya Tony

Anonymous said...

We voted to get these rats out of office but come November we are voting republican. We Independents voters but many are Republicans who will change our votes for the republican nominee in November. We have nothing against Mr. Trevino but Cameron County need a big change because the democrats have fuck the taxpayers forever. Voters of Brownsville, Harlingen Los Fresno need to vote these democrats out.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo & Sylvia Garza Pérez are a cancer to our city and must be voted out! Fuera ratas! How about all those elected officials that backed up and took pictures with the crook Yzaguirre???? Fuera Sofía Benavides !

Anonymous said...

Finally the voters of Cameron County got smart and booted out the old timer and put in an experienced law officer. As for the Rep, oh well. I'll just vote for the Republican!

Anonymous said...

Eddie Garcia, congratulation on your victory, talk about a dark horse candiate lol, te chingaste al tony y, the bottom line at the county tax offices is bad service, time to clean it up and offer better service, thats it, nothing else. if you have 5 or 10 windows open them up dont have one window open only. bad service is a killer. number 1 no one likes to pay their taxes, 2 then you go over to the tax office and only one window is open, guess better to pay online or mail. Eddie you will do great, dont worry about the haters, there is nothing in the books says you must be a certified tax assessor to serve in this position, its an elected position. Just take your tax classes and get your certificate like everyone else. Good Luck. Chon.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Manriquez 2024 the only one with no criminal priors

Anonymous said...

Biggest loser here was Tony Yzaguirre. Paid El Rrun Rrun and lost anyway.

Anonymous said...

jimmy manriquez mmmm very interesting why was he mentioned in a news article in 2013 online during the ABEL LIMAS trial in 2013? (see Brownsville Observer) something about he could not pass the lieutenant test at the Brownsville police dept and money was offered to charlie cabler city manager and someone else in the BPD to help him pass this exam or look the other way? So really? No criminal priors? NO POS WOW, Folks better check the records, online and newspapers, sounds like we got another RATON here that want some FREE CHESSE from the Cameronn county courthouse or prove me wrong jimmy????? like Tony Yzaguirre used to say ME VISTES? Chuy Y Chon.

Anonymous said...

I am eddie Garcias lover. He didn’t like how I looked so he paid for me to get plastic surgery. I’m happy he won, since I’ll have a good job somewhere in the county, probably somewhere in la feria where no one will notice. Middle finger to all the haters out there. Rosa Herrera

Anonymous said...

Fuck Porter!!

Anonymous said...

Bring back Sam Sanchez to the jail

Anonymous said...

Y Ruben Cortez puro llorar!!! Se acabo la chiche vato. Y Tony Yzaguirre, no pasa nada ! Vete de vacaciones y a gozar la vida. Ya es tiempo de RELAX. Y Eric Garza ni modo a guardar las botas y sombrero en El closet. Y a buscar chamba en una oficina haciendo copias.

Anonymous said...

Rosas, instead of boasting that Trevino only won because you, talking shit Silvia and Abel, you should be worried about your own damn job. You're one signature away from getting your ass demoted. There's a reason you blew 300k and still landed in 3rd place. Keep dreaming that Manuel is gonna make you his chief.

Anonymous said...

May 30, 2024 at 3:01 PM

Wow! You can say something other than " f*ck me" and you can write as well.

You'll be able to get the job done. The job on your knees and off your knees as well. Good luck with Eddie's wife.

Anonymous said...

Tony Y ya la chicken to go se chingo. ni modo it was good while it lasted all these years. time to relax now, play with grandkids etc. adios.

Anonymous said...

May 28, 2024 at 10:21 PM

How do you win votes? pinche pendejo... no wonder.......

Anonymous said...

Demotion lol. Yeah ok whatever Silver. You all tried to demote Criszanto and he went to civil service and they took care of him. You guys couldn’t even demote Rita when she was there so don’t start running your mouth now. Go ahead and demote him and see what the fuck happens. You all have to start panicking now. Cause it’s coming. Now all you Erica supporters make sure you keep that motivation up when your guys was in the running. Don’t switch now. And the association I fucken dare you to endorse Manny now. All of you look like Fucken idiots just like when you endorsed lucio last time. And change your stupid ass logo. Looks like a special Ed kid created it. Just don’t get mad come January when they move you to transport. Don’t be like Mr Roberto Mata amd quit like a bitch the next day. That dude couldn’t even hack it with Abel Gomez of all people. Shit his own wife won’t even take his last time lol. Shows you how much of a Fucken loser he was too. Andy do me a favor please don’t let Roberto Mata back in please. He’s already telling everybody he’s coming back, we don’t want him here anymore.

Anonymous said...

Juan will sofie benavides be next in November 2024 general elections? mmm just wondering, everyone and their grandmother really thought tony yzaguirre had this one in the bag? and look what happen? time to chew on that one sofie, adios and have a nice weekend. chuy.

Anonymous said...

Lol S.O going back to the shitter.... Reyna comes back ufffff.... Rosas gloating just like Aguilar and Abraham camote de Andy lol dammmmmm sucksssss how the ignorance in cameron county is... here come the wars and employees leaving... sameeeeee b.s. this dept will never get better period......

Anonymous said...

I heard Karen is going to 51 her way to the top again to secure the cid "slut". Hide your husbands

Anonymous said...

Hey Gomez, what happened to the complaints about Gerry having sex with a deputy in a county unit on the clock? Oh yes, we remember you decided to cover for him and suspended the Lt. Rodriguez who reported him for two days for going to a friend's funeral in uniform right? Mr. "Captain" of Operations. Start packing your shit, take your hair gel with you

Anonymous said...

Lt. Rodriguez
Lt. Aguilar

The captains the sheriff dept need

Anonymous said...

Mark Trevino 4 years later and still talks about Mata. I think you are the loser who seems to follow every move Mata makes. I don't blame the guy for leaving PCT 2, so what if he returns to the Sheriff’s Office? We need people like that back to get the department back to where it used to be. Who gives a shit about Mata's wife's last name? At least he has a wife who takes care of him, unlike you, who can't manage to keep a relationship, and women run from you cause you are a poor loser.

Anonymous said...

Hey no mames Mata is not someone we need. Seriously. He never did shit at the SO. All he did was shine his shiny size 6 men’s boots that were custom made for nanos. We never like him at cid cause he was useless. Always having to call Javier Reyna to see what to do. He could never make a decision himself. And please Lt Rodriguez as captain. He can’t even pass the civil service exam lol. Might as well be Domingo Diaz for captain. Accountability is coming.

Anonymous said...

Gilbert cisneros. Consider yourself on notice. You have fucked over us in cid for years, taking a slot, and getting ZERO cases assigned.

Anonymous said...

Del bosque is probably debating if he sucks Mannys dick right now or if he waits until Jan 1 he needs to preserves his hall monitor swat commander status

Anonymous said...

4 more years of la changa doing absolutely nothing..nothing but feeding rumors to Andy

Anonymous said...

313 the 🐀 we want him and his daddy alvaro out tic toc tic toc tic toc

Anonymous said...

ERIC GARZA FOR CAMERON COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK, where you should have stayed in the first place PENDEJO.

Anonymous said...

The only one to defend is Chriszanto or how ever you spell his stupid name is himself. What a joke of a supervisor

Anonymous said...

Hay fusco....

Anonymous said...

So we're not gonna talk about Deputy Alexis Alvarado 123 having a micro penis and commenting on here?

Anonymous said...

Abriahnna bugs life out here learning from the best daddy Valdez on how to kiss ass and suck d. She's coming back with a vengeance SO !

Anonymous said...

Hay Ledezma...

Anonymous said...

@10:53am WTF LMAOOOOOO grow some balls man for real

Anonymous said...

The city needs a shoe shine boy, the last one was over by western auto and batsells. This new one should be next to el sportsman run by erica da ex cherife.

Anonymous said...

Aviña already regreted going to cid supervisors are toxic asf

Anonymous said...

Hey Mitch "the bitch" Reyes. Stop commenting about CID investigators and run some errands rookie. You acting tough and staring at people makes you look more insecure about yourself. Tan grande el pelado y pareces vieja nomas hablando mal de todos como si fueras la gran cosa... das lastima rookie

Anonymous said...

@ June 1, 2024 at 8:17 PM

Cisneros couldn’t even fuck over the guys at 7100 he tried to enter a supervisors’ meeting to scare everyone and got laughed at. That guy is a fucking joke.

Anonymous said...

Déjate de cosas y ponte a trabajar Mitch the bitch Reyes. You always talk about how bad all the investigators are compared to you , how you deserve to be rank and how great you are then to top it all off, you're out here commenting on Ledezma Fusco and now Avina. Such a big ego and mouth for you to be all insecure inside . Grow up rookie !

Anonymous said...

this is worst than the teachers postings. ok who's next? PUB, cob, el puerto muerto, BPD?

Anonymous said...

Mitch Reyes stop talking to Stukes. She is Gerry's girl, you don't want to mess with rank merchandise.

Anonymous said...

Hey MITCH THE BITCH, it is good to see that your uniform still fits you. Keep it ready for when Manny Trevino throws you back to patrol in January. Deja de estarle pidiendo ayuda a oyervidez por que el no te va salvar pelado mugroso...

Anonymous said...

Mitch Reyes vs Eddie Guerra who is the bigger rat ? The world will never know

Anonymous said...

Bye bye garza, little bitch 😂
You aren't shit and won't ever be shit. Go back to being a paper pusher
Big mistake of you being sheriff and to represent our county. Fuck you bitch, glad I spoke shit about you. Just didn't have the opportunity to say it to your retarded ass face. Fuck you bitch, go suck a dick.
