Wednesday, May 8, 2024



Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It was only last February 8 that current Brownsville Independent School District board member – and now one of the two candidates in a runoff election for Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector – Eddie Garcia told the host of the Brownsville Tech podcast Daniel Salinas that the expenditure to bring a satellite tax office to the burgeoning Southmost area was a waste of $ 3million in "nothing ."

He told podcaster Salinas that incumbent Tony Yzaguirre had said at the groundbreaking that Brownsville's Chief of Police Felix Sauceda had offered more space at the police substation there, in the same space the tax office had occupied for the last 11 years. Instead, Yzaguirre said that the county needed a larger office and that the commissioners court was already in the process of building a satellite facility across 30th Street where the water tank sat next to Cromack School.

This is about the only issue that Garcia has raised against Yzaguirre in this runoff campaign other than his "quality, not quantity" mantra which he repeats at every opportunity.

Well, events tend to come back and bite you in the butt, and this time it is no different. Turns out that if Yzaguirre had stayed at the small office at the police substation, which the police department also shared with the city's municipal court, the county's satellite tax office would be out on its ear.

That is exactly what happened after the county vacated the substation office and moved into the new tax office a block away and set up for business some three months ago. 

On May 1, Rene De Coss, Presiding Judge of the Municipal Court, wrote Yzaguirre that as the need for police services increase in the area, the space occupied there by the municipal court was needed by the P.D. and they needed to go.

"The services provided by your Southmost Tax office are essential to many of our residents, and we believe that integrating our operations would create a centralized hub that maximizes convenience and accessibility for all...We kindly request your consideration in providing a small dedicated space within your premises fpr citizens requiring assistance with municipal court matters," De Coss wrote Yzaguirre on May1. "This arrangement would allow us to continue serving the needs of our Southmost community effectively while fostering a seamless relationship."

The very next day, May 2, Yzaguirre requested County Judge Eddie Treviño and the commissioners court place an item on the May 7 agenda to consider the city's request. 

"I have looked at operations at our Southmost Tax Office Office and found that we have one of our employees in the reception area...(and) the area was designed (for future growth)and designed to have two individuals...It is equipped with an additional computer connection and an office chair," Yzaguirre wrote the commissioners court. "As you know, we had one of our employees in their current buildings for many years at no cost to the county. I recommend that we get authorization to provide a memorandum of understanding or an agreement...for this added service to the community."

This Tuesday, with District 2 city commissioner Brian Martinez present, the commissioners court granted De Coss' request immediately subject to approval of the county's legal department. 

City Commissioner Martinez told the court that he commended the court for "taking the initiative to bring integral services to Southmost," which lies within his district and that its establishment there would "result in convenience for the residents." 

And Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides said that spending money to provide services to an area that has long been neglected wasn't for "nothing." 

"You've been criticized (by Eddie Garcia) for spending $3 million for nothing,..This court doesn't go around spending money for nothing. We are glad that we can cooperate with our city partners and we are making full use of our new facility to provide services for our Southmost residents."   


Anonymous said...

La Southmost needed a tax office. The area over there is like Little Matamoros.

Anonymous said...

This is how things are done legally among white collar workers. Polite requests, all the essential people involved agreeing and everybody is happy.

The Truth is now clear: nobody wants to the see the police force in action. There was a need to be away from the police. The police officers need their space and their team to move forward.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville 94% mexican, deserves a mexican like fatso Eddie garcia.


Anonymous said...

You said it Sofia Benavides, "this office doesn't go around and spend money for nothing", so why did it take you so long for you to address this issue now at this particular time frame? You stated that this particular neglected area had long been neglected, the question is "WHY". You have been there for decades and have ignored this needed issue like the rest of your colleague's corrupt commissioner, so why now? You were there when you and your colleagues sold our Boca Chica Beach to Elon Musk without disclosing to the very people who elected you. It's time you take a break and let someone else take the lead, before you are indicted. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Juan I agree with 9.22 am, puro bullshit, Sofia has been there way TOOOOOO long and gave away the farm to Elon Musketter. It really is time for a change for both tony Y and Sofia B, i am voting against both of them ya apestan, ME VISTES? jesus, .

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tony and Commissioner Sophia and Brian!

Anonymous said...

Can we say Eddie Garcia is the Arnold Horchak of Brownsville?

heh heh

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget she Benavidez bought how much land from Boca Chica and sold it for a good fortune, constituents here didn't even know they were selling the land OHHHHH but she did along with Eddie and Gus and everyone else on this CORRUPT COMMISSION.... bunch of dam thieves is what they allll are.....

Anonymous said...

The space is overkill as the big building downtown could be better utilized if all the citizens would come downtown.

This property could have been a soccer field, basketball court and swimming pool.

Anonymous said...

Dice Rosa Herrera que Eddie García la tiene chiquita

Anonymous said...

politics she don't give shit

Anonymous said...

Finally they cater to Southmost

Anonymous said...

the politicians do what they want and use their power to make something wrong look right.

The police needs the judge to be close to them.

NOT the judge at: De Ayalas Bakery (they have space for a judge there)

Not at Taqueria Otro Rollo or Tacos de Marcelo (they have space there)

Not at: McDonald's (they have space there for a judge)

What is wrong with our leaders: The judge needs to be close to the police force.

Give me a break. I need a judge ...go to Mejia's Easy to Go...there is where the Judge is.
go to the Tax Assessor Collector...there is a judge there.

Another fact: judges need protection so it is a good idea for the police to be there.

Anonymous said...

Waste of money again.

So what's new!

Anonymous said...

1.Eddie Garcia is a dumbass and talks out of his ass. Failed as a cop, failed at BISD and now wants the top tax position!! He's gonna fuck it up! Sofia Benavidez is running for re-election, so this is the perfect moment ( in her eyes) to put her two cents in . Worthless self serving dinosaur. Never does shit for the community and now with this issue ,she pretends like she's involved. Puro show. El Bryan Martinez, another non existent city commissioner unless there's a mural to inagurate. What positive or worthwhile endeavor have you done for your district since you were elected??? Can't think of any, right son ?? Get to work on your own initiative and do something,for a change. Mural ceremonies don't count. Lots of work to be done in your district,TALK/MEET With Your CONSTITUENTS. And going back to Eddie Garcia's "brilliant" (LOL) assessment of the new tax office expenditure, there's a saying in Spanish that goes: CALLADITO TE MIRAS MAS BONITO!!

Anonymous said...

We are voting for Eddie because the fat, skinny Rat Yzaquirre has long been under the microscope of something is rotten in Denmark or Brownsville? But in the general election we are voting republican guy. We need big changes because living in this county have benefit the same families. As for Benavides, she done nothing but follow the leader. You can not fine her in her office but sleeping on the job but wakes up when there's a good idea to benefit her.

Anonymous said...

I hate to state this but the people in the Southmost area would not appreciate a pool, soccer field, or basketball court. They would destroy them. In many areas those Southmost people are their own worst enemy.

They needed a tax office.

Anonymous said...

How many substation offices does Cameron County have now?

Anonymous said...

Even an escusado de poso will do, make it a double hole poso toilet. One for da judge and one for the cop, both eat like shit, so they need a flushless toilet save on da water expense. They both will be responsible for the papel y el peste.

Anonymous said...

Southmost is a good neighborhood, but it is a good idea to offer protection to a Judge. It makes sense for the judge to be located in the Southmost Community Network Center (the police station) to get some sort of protection.

There is also an abandoned building across from Cromack Elementary that can be fixed to be the future Southmost Judicial Center. An office with proper protection for the Judge. That will be nice for Southmost.

Anonymous said...

Yzaguirre is a rat why don’t people it. Everything he does is to make money for himself. He’s pertaining he’s the best Tax Assessor Collect when the man hasn’t done nothing for the citizens of Cameron County. He’s only your friend during election time and then forgets who put him there. We need a change for better services in Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone going to talk about why yzaguirre was found not guilty? . The DPS investigator recorded himself talking about the case, when he was suppose to shut the recorded audio off. Why someone didn't file open records request, is beyond me. Yzaguirre was caught red handed.

Anonymous said...

Murillo you keep running for different races and never win. Maybe your advisors are giving you wrong information.

Anonymous said...

May 9, 2024 at 7:23 AM

visible abt 25 invisible abt 100.

Anonymous said...

Me viste? Yes Tony te queremos ver junto con El Eddie en un debate para ver por quien votar. Danos la oportunidad de hacerles preguntas a ustedes sobre como son, de donde vienen, que han hecho, y que ofrecen a la cominidad. Asi que No los è Visto pero los queremos ver!
El Gran Mago del Tony contra El Little Eddie frente a frente!

Anonymous said...

Quien invito a la Sofia al Baile? Mejor que se quede dormida. Despues de tantos años quiere hacer ruido. La proxima elecciòn tundra finalmente un/a contrincante capaz de ganarle. Ya es tiempo de cambio.Regalo nuestra Playa a que en regreso? $$$

Anonymous said...


