Saturday, May 18, 2024




Anonymous said...

Wouldn’t want my child in a classroom full of illiterate ILLEGAL ALIENS with their Third World diseases to share with everyone. The dumbing of the Brownsville CISD by the ignorant and illiterate ILLEGALS flooding our public schools is a GREAT REASON for school vouchers...good job Governor!

Anonymous said...

The migrants need to come into the USA the legal way.

Anonymous said...

If you don’t like it get the fuk out of my state.

Anonymous said...

If Trump calls president Biden Crooked, what does he wants to be called? He's the most corrupt person I'm the USA.

Anonymous said...

Abbott should be the one being tossed into the water, wheelchair and all !!!

Anonymous said...

Public schools are a waste of taxpayer money. It’s time to privatize. More efficiency and accountability!

Anonymous said...

Jeremy Pena’s Breakout Season: Astros’ Newest Star Shines Brighter Than Ever. Only thingy is that it started 4 years after he started playing, but give him a couple of millions more.

Anonymous said...

At 11:29AM The words of a MORON; the words of a welfare Mexican. TRUMP will be the next POTUS...that means you are going to have to get a job! Don’t cry welfare Mexican! Bawhahahaha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At 11:29 am the words of a racist, just like his wannabe leader. The GOP will be doomed once again thanks to their worthless nominee.

BobbyWC said...

6:20 a.m. I love your comment because you show your ignorance. Brownsville is not a CISD, but an ISD. Do you even know what CISD stands for? You do know Viagra was created by a Nicaraguan refugee, who learned English and went on to become a chemical engineer. The human resources office failed to have him sign the patent release when hired so they bought him out for 10 million.

Immigrant children are graduating with their PhD, before they are 20. You have no idea what you are talking about. I know people who are 5th generation Mexican American, and their English and Spanish are nearly incoherent.

Anonymous said...

All those republicans outside the courthouse where trump is being tried. What a bunch of ass kissing shitheads. The females were there so they could be "touched" by trump and the fools in the grey suits looked like the evil guys from the movie the Matrix. Or they were probably there to change trumps diaper. The powered Huggies. HAHA!! Bola de pendejos. No mas falto la bleach blond, bad built, butch body pendeja de Georgia.

Anonymous said...

At 1:41 PM Hey MORON...”Mexican” is NOT a race; it’s a NATIONALITY you illiterate border trash!

Anonymous said...

At 9:47 am you sound exactly as your cult leader, racist piece if shit. Bunch of sore losers.

Anonymous said...

At 4:10 am what dumbass, there is a huge difference between the words race and racist. Get educted you dumb piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

At 9:57 PM What grade did you drop-out you slobbering moron? Are your pant legs still WET?! Jajajajaja...or did a Coyote carry you on their back?! Bawhahaha

Anonymous said...

i know hillbillies and rednecks that can't speak english, much less write it, it also includes honkies, white trash and nazis and they look the same.
