Sunday, May 19, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

City of Brownsville officials are scrambling to address the public's concerns about firearm possession inside the Main Branch of the City Library following a homicide a week ago Saturday when a 33-year-old man with a history of mental problems shot a 71-year-old man with a Ruger handgun in  the library's lobby over an argument. 

Police arrested Humberto Paz, a military reservist from 2008 to 2016 who was never deployed, for the shooting of 71 year old Vahid Khaledi, a Houston resident who was visiting the library that day. 
City officials – after meeting with police and security experts – say they want to have a "conversation" with the public on how to address future situations.

“We are meeting with our local law enforcement as well as security experts who deal with this type of event and assessing what type of extra measures can be put in place for a facility of this type,” said Roy De Los Santos, District 3 City Commissioner for Brownsville. "We do plan to reach out to the public as well and have conversations so that way we understand what all of their concerns are.”

But the conceal carry in public places may be outside the purview of local officials, according to Erin Gamez, Texas State Representative District 38. She said that the legislature is controlled by pro-gun advocates who will never vote to pass any state law that smacks of gun control.

"I tried to introduce a bill last session that would require a person released from mental institution from being allowed to possess a firearm and I couldn't even get anyone to co-sponsor it and get it in the calendar," she said. "The laws related to conceal carry now allow anyone over 21 to carry a gun in many public places without having to get a license."  

According to the website on con ealed/open carry, "In most cases, public library districts (or cities) may not prohibit individuals from bringing handguns into the library, so long as the weapons are concealed or in a holster. Public libraries are not specifically referenced as a place where weapons are prohibited by state law (see Texas Penal Code §46.03)

And further, "Handguns are not allowed at a library, even for licensed carriers, (only) at the following times: during school-sponsored activities on library grounds (Texas Penal Code §46.03(a)(1)) during early voting or on election day if the library is a polling place (Texas Penal Code §46.03(a)(2)

In Cameron County, early voting starts this Monday, May 20, and continues until Friday, May 24, with election day Tuesday, May 28. Will patrons be subject to metal scans and searches for weapons since the library is a voting site and firearms are specifically prohibited, even for licensed carriers?  

The following is allowed by state law for handgun owners:

Allowed: Public areas of city facilities, like libraries and recreation centers
Beginning September 1, 2021, HB1927 made it legal in Texas for most people 21 or over to carry a handgun in a holster without a permit both openly and/or concealed.

This law modified the previous open carry law from 2016 by eliminating the requirement to have a license to carry.

This means that most people 21 or over may carry a handgun without a license to carry.

Brownsville police confirmed Paz had a history of mental health issues, and that he had posted conspiracy theories against the federal government on the day of the shooting before he went to the library. 

In one posting, he stated a conspiracy theory that: "Since 1910, Tejas has been injuring the scout boys, Scout girls, and Girl Scouts, because Austin Tejas has been abusing the military federal command system. They have been abusing the military federal command system. 

"They have been abusing of the parental control area of the brain with their encephalitis, as you have noticed many of those so-called aren't  uniform service members have they attempt to code to a military law with their encephalitis, those extreme organisms that thrive on the extremes are pussing the brain of innocent scouts, boys and girls, teens, young adults, adults, etc. with their intentions of criminal terroristic to be the fungus. 

"The bacteria thrives in the extremes that is always attempting to hijack the brain with their pussing swells the brain eventually kill the organism....Cycle repeats they have a molecular language that is infected with pussing because it is fungus that they have tattooed on the dermis." 

And to show just how crazy things have gotten, the local city library branches have detectors at the entrance and exits, but they only detect if a book is being surreptitiously taken (stolen) outside the library. 

And even if metal detectors are installed there, the weapons cannot be taken because the gun owners are allowed to bring the weapons inside the public library by state law even if security personnel know they are armed.    

Paz remains jailed on a $3,250,000 bond. City officials announced the library main branch will resume to regular operating hours starting Monday, May 20. 

The library will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends.


Anonymous said...

The point is that we can have mental health problems, own a gun, use the gun to kill, and then as a defense use the mental health issues. "The devil made me do it" is a valid defense. Safis

Anonymous said...

In 2017, then President Trump, nullified an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun. The rule added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database. This was put in place after the Sandy Hook massacre.
Trump responded to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings by stating that
"mental illness pulls the trigger not the gun". Peace

Anonymous said...

Under what authority would they search us?
Sure violate mexicans' rights again

Meanwhile another shooting on Blanche street

If it were in Eric's or county jurisdiction he would be blamed

Wht isnt Felix being dragged thru the mud?

Asking for a friend

Anonymous said...

Let us know if it happens. So we can contact the state AG to shit down their throat.

Anonymous said...

Y escusados? y de posos? We meskins still use escusados de posos now they want to take OUR guns aguey...

Anonymous said...

Why is the killer's mental health issue even addressed, when the Texas Law allows mentally ill individuals to carry a concealed weapon? The killer was in all his rights to carry a concealed weapon in the library. According to our so-called new Tex. State Representative Erin Gamez Dist. 38, who by the way has defended many criminals in Cameron County and set them free, now she wants to play the other side and go against the very people she defended, something just doesn't fit right. Gamez states that she TRIED to introduce a bill, meaning a law that would prohibit individuals not only sane but also insane mental individuals to carry a weapon on our Cameron County Libraries. This is disgusting manipulation by our very own so-called political leaders. This H. B. 1927 is pro-gun bill controlled by advocates who will NEVER vote to pass any TEXAS law that smacks of gun control. Also, former District State Representative of the 38th district was no other than Rene Oliviera, who sold Boca Chica along with former Sen. Eddie Lucio. Also, the gentleman who was murdered did not look like a Mexican nor an American, but more like foreigner from a foreign country, and the victim claimed to work for the Government. Were they conducting business as usual in the library? Enough is Enough get these rats out of the state of Texas. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Announcement to Brownsville residents.

Do not look nor stare at others. (

If you are driving... and a car passes you.... do not say or do anything. Let them be.
Also remember, the driver is going to put the blinker one second after they make a turn.

Do not get angry or want to change Brownsville.

If you get in a line, a person will come in front of you and claim they were there first...let them do it.

How do you accomplish this? Learn not to listen to people, learn to focus in your life and your loved ones.
Think about the MISERY FACTOR: you in an accident, you in prison, you in facebook, you messing up your life for a person that will claim YOU ARE CRAZY and they are GOOD PEOPLE.

If you are unable to do the above.
Get up early and go to the stores at 7:00 AM or 7:00 AM and park close to the entrance of the shop. Do not talk to anybody. Be alert. There will be two other people around, but be careful.

Go out during the quiet hours.... nap time, church time, etc
If you are a woman: have your phone with you and something to defend yourself. If you see a car or a person close to you..... get out of there quickly.

If you are a man: get out and do not engage with anybody. Your loved ones are waiting for you at home.

Anonymous said...

Stress, problems, crazy emotions, mental issues, etc We all have our demons to conquer on a daily basis. Most people we handle ourselves with dignity. We do not bother other people, we do not steal, we do not hurt others...

The problem is that Paz Hernandez was a guy that did not accept criticism well, and reacted violently. His mother raised him well, his family loves him, yet deep down the military discipline was not working that day for him.

Military Men think about getting out of trouble, working with a team, being a success, getting good results is what matters. Also understanding that civilians, the real people in the real world, do not have good training to face life and its challenges. Civilians do not follow the rules.

Paz failed himself.

Paz should have stayed home that day. The following day, he was going to be fine.

Anonymous said...

1:19 PM
Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this dumbfuck a jailer?

Anonymous said...

Paz had no inner paz so he went paz paz

Anonymous said...

Fire the chief!

Anonymous said...

Might as well trll us to leave our balls en la casa

Mejor morir peliando ke vivir de rodillas papa

Anonymous said...

I'm packing heavy, a mean look, a little push, cutting in front, yelling at anybody, finger pointing (middle finger), double talk or any attempt to make me feel uncomfortable I will use my defense mechanism immediately.


