Monday, May 27, 2024


(Brownsville veterans and their families and supporters turned out in strength to honor their fallen soldiers. The Vietnam veterans and other veterans of more recent  conflicts in the Middle East East and Afghanistan walked silently down Central Blvd. starting at the HEB and finishing at the city's main library. Family and friends looked for the names of their fallen heroes inscribed on the black marble rows inside Veterans Park.)


Anonymous said...

Trump said he wouldn’t visit the graves of soldiers killed in WW1 because “they were losers and suckers for losing their lives in battle “.
On John McCain, “He’s not a war hero. I like people who weren’t captured “.
Mr. bone spurs. 5 deferments from service in Vietnam.
Much respect to all veterans especially those that made the ultimate sacrifice. Peace

Anonymous said...

Juan glad you took a picture with a really nice Bus shelter, finally you give the city some credit!

Anonymous said...

To the Trump hater who is a perfect example of a democrat who has been indoctrinated. Where did you get your false information? My understanding is that an anonymous official from the Biden administration started this rumor. Brighten your horizons and watch BBC or C-SPAN and get the truth. All other media is biased.

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with President Trump that John McCaine was not a hero. He was a politician who raised his hands and surrendered to the enemy. The heroes were those killed in action. Only cowards raise their hands and kiss the ass of the enemy.

Anonymous said...

RE: May 28, 2024 at 11:24 AM

Incredulous! What rat hole did you come out from? John McCain was not a politician when he was a US Navy pilot flying bombing runs over North Vietnam and assisting ground soldiers with Air Support in South Vietnam. And, he did not surrender to the enemy, he was captured by the enemy after being shot down and severely injured. And my stupid friend, heroes are those that go to battle, whether you are killed or not. You probably are not even a veteran yet you spew Trumpian venom like the rest of them. The worst coward of them all is your god Donald J. Trump. This asshole chickened out during wartime and then comes back and says things so idiotic about "those that got captured". If this is the type of person you adore, you and the rest of your cronies do not deserve one iota of attention from veterans. May you all rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

It’s hard to surrender with both arms and a right leg fractured. I guess McCain should have drowned himself and that would elevate him to hero status in your delusional view. To take the side of a pompous privileged coward speaks volumes about you.

Anonymous said...

May 28, 2024 at 11:24 AM

Your perspective is good but the most important thing is that John McCain saved his life to tell his story. He was shot by the Vietnam troops, tortured, and his health was damaged. He was not a perfect person. He was fair and honest and loved America.

He was a good candidate for President.

I like you: you would have escaped the Vietnamese, running through the jungle, badly injured and when captured you would have confronted the enemy and fight them with your hands. You would have been killed. Other soldiers would have brought your body home.
Those killed in action were 19 years old kids, not properly trained and scared at handling the agent Orange. Their mothers were praying for them.

War is bad. Nobody wins in a war.

Anonymous said...

11:18 and 11:24 Y’all are sick in the head

Anonymous said...

I want to send a Big shout out to our fake local conservatives Susan Rubelcava, D. Bell, and that lady who has bbq’s in a south Texas tradition Mayra (Ms. beans) Flores. Thank you for (not) showing up at the event even though you claim to support our local veterans. You’re no show, which was expected, is typical of you and your attempt to garner our votes. I knew it was fake from the get go, you never had me fooled, but neither of you guys are running for anything anymore so you don’t need to show up or ask for support anymore. I’m a life long Republican but I have to give credit when it’s due; the true Republican way, honest and with integrity. It pains me to say but the democrats were there wholeheartedly! Vicente was with his gente and several local City and county officials paid hommage to our local veterans at this wonderful event. Thank you Tiny, not only do you bring the true patriot out of us on this day but you also bring out the true sincerity of our local politicians who are able to attend. Great event, can’t wait to do it again!

Anonymous said...

The lady pointing to a name on the Veteran's Wall is pointing to my good friend and
classmate, from the Class of 63 -BHS. Albert was an outstanding football player at East Brownsville (Longoria Elem), Cummings Jr. High and BHS and he left that all behind his senior year to go serve his country. A few days before he was to dome home to marry his sweetheart, he paid the ultimate sacrifice by giving his life to make sure our freedom
continued. When I visited the Vietnam wall I made sure to locate his name on the wall and do an imprint of his name, along with that of Roberto Rocha, who were neighbors in La 421 area. Tears rolled down my face and did so again when his good buddy, Arval Headrick honored him and his family at our 60th class reunion. Proud of him and all my classmates> Once an Eagle, always a Eagle soaring high with pride.

Thank you, Albert for scoring your last touchdown for us,

Anonymous said...

May 28, 2024 at 8:59 PM

Thank you.

BISD should take the students to Veterans Park on a field trip to get a good understanding of History and Brownsville and War. We need more education about Memorial Day, Veterans Day, 4th of July etc

The Boy Scouts were there..... impressive.
BISD takes the kids to learn to swim at the pool. So BISD should take Seniors on a field trip to this park before they enter the real world.

I am just saying.

Anonymous said...

May 28 @ 11:24 am. You are exactly as dumb as your cult leader, it is obvious that you didn't know how Senator John McCain was caught as a POW. His fighter jet was shoot down by a surface to air North Vietnamese missile, he was badly injured to include broken bones. Your senseless claim that he raised his hands and just surrendered is totally false. Senator John McCain spent seven years in a prisioner of war camp and was tortured often. He was a true American hero, unlike Trump who refused to served in the military but was quick to criticized Senator John McCain. We don't need Trump again, he fucked up big time the first time.

Anonymous said...

they each get tacos at HEB that way they can't be yakin' all the way to the library, that was the only way to keep em callados. I hope the dog did not bit any of them...

more tacos next year, seeee y'al

Anonymous said...

are they going to el sportsman cantina, but why make a big scene?
