Friday, May 31, 2024





Anonymous said...

As far as Trump is concerned la gente se hace pendeja por que quiere. The Hispanic and African Americans that support him are just wrong.

Anonymous said...

About the only thing on that racists mind right now, is to start a civil war.

Anonymous said...

He is not going to prison. Community service?

He denied that he hooked up with Stormy but he paid her...for nothing? Wake up and smell the BS

Anonymous said...

Arrogance and disdain for the rule of law finally caught up to Trump. He is not done milking White privilege yet. That is his get out of jail card. He won't be spending time behind bars. But let's not stop here. Insider trading by both parties needs to end. Biden, Congress and the Senate should be held accountable for exacerbating the on-going injustices in Gaza. 76 years of occupation is enough. The Supreme Court needs a serious overhaul too. So much work to do.

Anonymous said...

This case looks pale compared to what Trump done on January 6th 2021. Trying to stay in power Illegally and instigating his followers to create chaos, destruction and death will hunt him down very soon. Stealing top secret documents and shipping them home and refused to return them after numerous requests from the Justice system is also pending. Last but not least, the Georgia's case where he requested to "Find him 11k votes still looom in the horizon. And he still wants to be president again? Beyond belief, well he can wish whatever he wants, but his supporters are in a bad need of a reality check.

Anonymous said...

8:18 a.m., I agree with everything you say. But the problem is Trump is saying the same, and the people fail to see he is using this issue for his own gain, are the ones backing him. On a side issue the most Trump will get is a fine. Jail is not an option. Community service is not an option. Can you imagine if he is ordered to help in the library for example. It will be a circus as people pile in to watch him. All that is left is a fine. If next week's first poll shows Trump is in trouble, and it may not, as soon as the verdict comes down in Hunter Biden's federal trial, the polls will move again.

Anonymous said...

At this point, people just don’t want to be wrong about their horse of choice. They can’t seem to set their pride aside and say, nope this guy isn’t good for the people. What they do is just continue to run with him and argue their case on why he is better and has been good, in fact their argument ends up going in a deflected direction to withdraw clout from the negative situation. It ends up drawing statements in regards to the Clinton’s or George Busch on why they didn’t get convicted, which is idiotic, in my opinion. What we do know right now is there is a former President who has been convicted of 34 FELONIES. He continues to make history for all the wrong reasons. Meanwhile the echoes of a chant “lock her up, lock her up” begin to fade to silence, as Hillary will never see a fraction of second in a court room, and the light of truth begins to dim on a convicted felon and shine on a glorified nation.

Anonymous said...

8:18,9:48,9:55 well said. The most important and significant issue here is that FINALLY this deranged con man has been held accountable to some degree(hopefully more to come) !! GUILTY AS CHARGED !! In addition to his fraud case in New York and the Jean Carroll verdict : its the perfect triifecta to start unmasking this asshole. And these are the “mickey mouse” cases . If they would start with his 3 huge other cases he would finally be going to jail for sure. These first 3 cases have been some small steps towards justice but those other cases need to start which would put the final nail in the coffin of this POS. I know his blind supporters won’t agree but this is VINDICATION to the people that believe in democracy , civility and the rule of law.

Anonymous said...

The followers of Trump know that he can help them be in power and obtain all privileges that before belonged to them.

Problem #1: Whites are not having children. The kids they have: are into drugs.
Problem #2: Minorities are working very hard to achieve the American Dream.
Problem #3: Republicans have lost their way...they think that only a dictatorship can save them.

Problem #4: Republicans think they are the only ones with a problem...but the reality is that all races, all countries are facing the same issues.

Solution: VOTE HIM OUT. Do not let Trump and his followers get close to the White House, power and leadership roles. Save America from Trump.

Anonymous said...

If you were Trump would you have felt you were tried fairly? What about the millions from China? How about the boxes of sensitive records Biden kept in his garage next to his vette. Why wasn't Biden charged? Oh because he was too old. Isn't Trump about the same age? Now watch Hunter get off free and all democrats will be overjoyed. Lady justice no longer has a blindfold my friends it has been torn to shreds by those too eager to remain in power. Our media and judicial systems are biased. Reminds me of third world countries. Is this what we want America to be? No wonder the democratic party for decades has been trying to disarm the population. They have been working to form a new government, which of course would fail since our country has no friends in the global arena.

Anonymous said...

Honestly it was a great show only now the results a slap on the wrist, or community service. thats it, let the show continue and voters love him. lol.

Anonymous said...

The judge must get the message from the jury, that he needs to go to jail, that is why they convicted him on all counts. 25 years is the limit and not allowed any time less than that.

Anonymous said...

I agree on January 6th we looked like a 3rd world nation. Worse, they put poo poop on the walls.

I never want our beautiful country to look like a 3rd world nation again.


Anonymous said...

(The judge must get the message from the jury, that he needs to go to jail, that is why they convicted him on all counts. 25 years is the limit and not allowed any time less than that.)

God, I'm praying that happens.

Anonymous said...

the state of NEW York pppfffffttttt all there politicians are crooked demoturds.

Anonymous said...

President Biden cooperated fully with the justice department to return the sensitive documents left on his garage. Unlike Trump, who refused many times to cooperate and instead they had to get a warrant to retrieve those documents. Big difference between cooperation and refusal, but then again, that's Trump.

Anonymous said...

So let's get this straight, convicted felons cannot apply to work in any federal, state or municipal government but a convicted felon can run for president? Something is terrible wrong.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's plain and simple, Trompas no vale verga.

Anonymous said...

Georgia is next if found guilty there he'll surely go to visit Bubba. Maybe he'll enjoy his new status there and will voluntarily stay there...

Anonymous said...

Geez ! A lot of TDS in the the meantime Biden is continuing to send more than $200 billion of OUR money to Ukraine, inflation is not under control (thus taking OUR money at the grocery store registers), people cant buy their starter home because of the high inflation rates, and yes more than 15 million illegals were allowed in by Biden and they are using OUR money to process, feed, and house them...but all you see is orange thanks to Juanito, CNN, WP, WSJ, MSDNC and all that crap!!!

You all want 4 more years of what I described above??? Really???

Anonymous said...

Yes, better of years of Biden than a return of Trump who didn't accomwplished a damm thing other than posing for photos with the North Korean dictator and playing golf, and of course, playing golf at Mar de Mierda so the taxpayers could pay at his personal resort for all the secret service agents lodging. January 6th should be a reminder that we don't want or need him again, ever again.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't give trump the sweat of my balls if he was dying of thirst.

Anonymous said...

June 2, 2024 at 8:20 PM

The poor excuse for a man who stated that he would not accept a check for being president also charges tax payers for his 24/7 secret service protection at Mar de Mierda. He charges rooms and food.

During his presidency the cost of protecting Melania when she did not join him was another expense. The fact that he would got to Mar de Mierda instead of Camp David was another astronomical expense. The cherry on top is that he kept track of how many times Obama would go vacation. La zorra no se mira la cola. He does see his tail but he doesn't care. He is shameless and feels entitled. Melania is the same way.
