Saturday, June 1, 2024


By Kathryn Watson
CBS News, Various Sources

Former President Tr
ump's New York felony conviction Thursday on 34 counts of falsifying business records related to a "hush money" payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels can't stop him from becoming president if the voters put him back in office, legal scholars seem to agree.

The Constitution imposes very few prerequisites for the presidency — a candidate must be at least 35 years of age, a natural-born citizen and a U.S. resident for a minimum of 14 years. It says nothing about the impact of a felony conviction on a president's ability to serve. 

"The short answer is yes, that there's no constitutional bar," said Corey Brettschneider, a lawyer and professor of political science at Brown University and author of "The Presidents and the People." "The Constitution lays out some specific requirements of what's required … but there's nothing explicitly in the Constitution about being convicted of a crime as a disqualification."

"There's a wide understanding that the qualifications listed in the Constitution are exclusive — that is, we can't add to those qualifications," said Derek Muller, an election law professor at the University of Notre Dame. He added, "Whether or not you've been convicted of a felony is immaterial for qualification purposes."

Jessica Levinson, a constitutional law professor at Loyola University and a CBS News contributor, stated plainly: "The Constitution does not have any prohibition on serving as president if you're a convicted felon."


Some states have tried to disqualify Trump under the 14th Amendment's insurrection clause in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol assault. 

Last December, the Colorado Supreme Court allowed Trump to be removed from the primary ballot over 14th Amendment concerns, due to his conduct surrounding Jan. 6. The amendment's insurrection clause, the court found, bars insurrectionists who have previously taken an oath to support the Constitution from holding public office.

But the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the ruling in March, finding that Trump had to be restored to the ballot because only Congress can enforce the insurrection clause. The high court's ruling resolved challenges to Trump's eligibility for office pursued by voters in several other states.

"Absent a [new] statute that lays out that disqualification, it isn't a bar,'" Brettschneider said.


The founding fathers and those colonists were declared traitors for rebelling against the Crown. Had Britain won the war, all of them would have been treated as felons guilty of treason and hung. 

"A rebellion is always legal in the first person, such as ‘our rebellion.’ It is only in the third person - ‘their rebellion’ - that it becomes illegal.” - Benjamin Franklin

According to England, the Declaration of Independence was a declaration of treason. If England had won the American Revolution, then those who fought against the crown and the members of the Continental Congress were summarily considered traitors to be hung on sight.

Plainly, from the words of the Founders at the official signing of the parchment copy on 2 August 1776, they knew they were engaging in treason. President of Congress, John Hancock signed his name and declared, “There must be no pulling different ways. We must all hang together.”

Franklin replied: “Yes, we must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

Therefore historians say, they did not include a prohibition in the  Constitution against convicted felons seeking office in the Congress or as presidents. 


Anonymous said...

Convicted felon, rapist, tax evader and habitual liar. Mandatory qualifications for GOP presidential candidate. Stick a fork in him, he’s done. Let’s hear from the “indoctrination “ group. The “blame Biden”fans. The “things were better under Trump” folks. I find it perplexing that good people are supporting this con man. ☮️

Anonymous said...

(Juan, Trump has already raised over $34 million since yesterday, looks like this conviction gave him more power or really pissed off his supporters, go figure this one out juanito. pura leche pet. chuy.)

I'll bet you also believe he didn't fuck Stormy, huh? Any trump supporters are all maniacal idiots.

Anonymous said...

Trump wants to be the first dictator of the USA It is up to the Republicans if they want this to happen.

If it is payback time for the USA after installing, supporting and creating havoc in countries all over the world with dictators.

Anonymous said...

Woo!!! Hoo!!!

Anonymous said...

Otra ves con Trump? Ya suelta ese pescado.

Anonymous said...

Another brownsville shooting

Out with the chief

Anonymous said...

I support Juan keeping this subject matter in his blog. People need to know what is happening. If you are tired of Trump don't vote for him. I hated his presidency because for four years it was all about him. He should just go away.

11:31 AM I agree with every word.

Anonymous said...

3:01 spot on. But here is the deal. Democrats in the House are asking Democratic NY Gov. to pardon Trump. In Texas for the same crime the Texas Ethics Commission would give a small fine. The verdict came in too fast. People are mad at government, so those who are Trumpers see the corruption in his trial and those who are never Trumpers are ignoring the possible impartiality issue with the judge. They call out Alito and Thomas as not presenting an appearance of justice when it comes to favoring Trump, but then ignore the appearance of justice standard when it comes to Trump's trial judge's actions and donations, albeit very, very small.

Anonymous said...

Hispanics are finally waking up and realizing that the democrats have been exploiting us for years. Me and my family are voting for trump.

Anonymous said...

It makes you wonder what the party of negroes, negroe equivalent chicanos, crazy women and pedophiles doesn't want you to know. To all Texas Democrats: Your vote hasn't counted in years and this year won't be any different. It was stupid people like you who gave us Eric the wannabe sheriff and Corrupto Cantu.

Anonymous said...

So you can be a convicted felon and run for president but don't you dare apply to work on any federal, state or municipal government because they don't hire convicted felons. Something is terrible wrong with our country, thanks to the despicable Trump.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want 4 more years of another 15 million illegal immigrants!
I want 4 more years of price increases in groceries!
I want 4 more years of being unable to buy a home due to high interest rates!
I want 4 more years of giving another $200 billion to Ukraine (and I welcome more wars as necessary)!
I want 4 more years of having a walking vegetable as a president!
I want 4 more years of Joe!!!....NOT!

TRUMP 2024!!!

Anonymous said...

After all Trump's lies starting with his signature campaign slogan that hw would build a border wall and will have Mexico pay for it, lied, he diverted funds from the defense budget to built a few miles. Second, he promised he would replace OBAMACARE, lied, never happened. Lied about how deadly Cov19 really was so people wouldn't panic but that dishonesty caused tens of thousands if needless deaths. Trump believed Putin instead of his own intelligence agencies and to this day, he's an admirer of Putin saying he's a genius. First president in the history of the United States of America to refused a peaceful transfer of power, instead he instigated his followers to attack the Capitol because he claimed the election was rigged, never mind that the crooked that was a caught trying to cheat was himself " Georgia find me 11k votes " he's a real threat to American democracy and January 6th 2021 proved us that without any doubt whatsoever. Trump had his four years and fucked up big time. Like or not.

Anonymous said...

Man, I’m so glad you trump haters are talking about his NDA’s. Fucking losers.

Now that your on the subject if take the finger out of your ass and do a search on congressional payouts that’s our tax dollars NOT trumps money.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The government has paid more than $17 million in taxpayer money over the last 20 years to resolve claims of sexual harassment, overtime pay disputes and other workplace violations filed by employees of Congress.

The Office of Compliance released the numbers amid a wave of revelations of sexual misconduct in the worlds of entertainment, business and politics that consumed Capitol Hill this past week. Two female lawmakers described incidents of sexual harassment, one in explicit detail, and Minnesota Sen. Al Franken apologized to a woman who said he forcibly kissed her and groped her during a 2006 USO tour.

Anonymous said...

1st comment
I find it perplexing that Trump derangement syndrome really does exist. You can find a lifetime of biden lies and his family selling us citizens out for self gain. But As you say trumps a CON man. Get a life moron.

You sir are so full of ShIT!!! All it takes is a a little research.

Anonymous said...

Every idiota that is calling Trump a convicted felon, answer this one question. Choosing between them, who should really be locked up in prison for many years...Trump or pedo Biden who showered with his daughter???

Anonymous said...

Usa is a nachon of thieves and cheats

Anonymous said...

@ 4:41 You need to help your GOP buddies in Congress "uncover all these lies and selling out citizens". They've been investigating Biden since September 12, 2023. They have nothing to show for their efforts. Their smoking gun was Alexander Smirnov. He was arrested by the FBI for lying to investigators and fabricating an uncorroborated story to damage Biden's reelection campaign.
But you seem to have inside information that they don't. Sounds like you're
talking out of your ass just like the Republicans in Congress. You've been
"indoctrinated". Don't forget to send your Orange God some cash.

Anonymous said...

I want a free ride back to mesco, so I'm voting for trumputo 20 times, only en el valle...

MESCO where we, the men, just became second class...


Anonymous said...

Montoya, here's a good breakdown of why Trump was denied a fair trial.

Anonymous said...

@8:58 Very good article. This false trial main agenda was to find Trump guilty and then label him a CONVICTED FELON all over mainstream/social media. They are hoping that people will not vote for a convicted felon, but it will all backfire because Americans aren't stupid, they see what's going on. Those Biden's supporters like Montoya should morally condemn this injustice.

Anonymous said...

Puro pinche Trump cabrones. No se asusten. Pongase a jalar juevones. No more handouts!!!!

Anonymous said...

1st comment


Judge Juan Merchan, the judge overseeing Donald Trump’s criminal case in New York, donated $35 in political contributions to Democrats in 2020, including a $15 contribution to the campaign of Trump’s opponent, President Joe Biden.

Merchan contributed $15 earmarked for the Biden campaign, and made two $10 contributions, one earmarked to the Progressive Turnout Project, a voter outreach organization, and another to Stop Republicans, a subsidiary of the Progressive Turnout Project.

Looks like a conflict of interest. Judge should have recused himself, political which hunt. Will be thrown out. 😂 🤣 😂

Anonymous said...

None of the progressive pundits or mainstream outlets have noted that the judge for Trump’s hush-money trial in New York gave $35 to a political fund that was designated to stop Trump. Since the donation was below the $250 threshold, Judge Juan Merchan had the chance to make the donation anonymous but chose to make his actions public.

None of the progressives upset with Cannon or Alito cared that the prosecutor was a man who campaigned on indicting and prosecuting Donald Trump. Instead, they memory-holed Bragg’s District Attorney campaign and have repeatedly claimed that Bragg was reluctant to prosecute. None of the outraged progressives cared that Bragg’s untested legal theory - which combined state and federal law and was passed on by the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission - was specifically designed to catch Donald Trump.

The double standard that progressives have is profound. The appearance of any form of impropriety is discrediting for conservatives but is completely disregarded when applied to the left.

But Juan, he’s a habitual liar 😢 😿. He didn’t pay taxes, he’s a meany.. he doesn’t stop hurting my feelings.

Anonymous said...

"Judge Juan Merchan had the chance to make the donation anonymous but chose to make his actions public." 9:56 PM

He chose to make his actions public how admirable. He was not hiding behind a nondisclosure agreement. Give Marchan a Teddy 🧸.

Now Trump is saying that he did not say " Lock her up." He is wishy washy to his "I am a victim conveniences." It is astounding how people let themselves be manipulated. He gets his followers to accept his wrong doings by seeding the way he wants them to react. Feeble minded followers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump is like Hitler. Both love to tell lies, both loved to fabricate stories, to use the phrase Make America Great, to keep secrets, to be bullies, to force others to do evil things etc

Vote for Trump is like favoring Hitler.

The same idea.
