Sunday, July 21, 2024



Anonymous said...

We're waiting for you, Montoya. Come on in. The water is warm.

Anonymous said...

This is the reality of MAGA world—- power and greed over everything else. True convictions no longer matter . LIE and you shall conquer !! Bad outcomes and dire consequences are not important. In their world its “ HAIL TO THE KING” or bust!!!

Anonymous said...

People can change their minds.

Anonymous said...

It is about the intimidation...

Anonymous said...

Let’s talk about the collapse of the demorat party. It sure is fun to watch. What an amazing RNC Convention it was. You all think this is all about President Trump. You will soon find out otherwise. It’s all about having the Whitehouse , Senate and Congress. Honestly the demorats could not have picked a worst time to dissolve. This is thanks to your leadership joining communist, socialist and perverts. Let’s all unite and stand by our man Joe Biden, LOL!

Anonymous said...

They hate him behind his back but kiss his ass anyway. These GOPers are
spineless. The GOP used to be the party of limited government and fiscal
responsibility. Now, they want to dictate women's healthcare, discriminate
against minorities and the LGBTQ community. They also want to bring their
religion into government and our daily lives. They want to change school
curriculum to whitewash history and teach the Bible. These "Christians"
will cast their votes for a felon, adulterer, thief and notorious liar.
Hypocrisy at its finest. Peace

Anonymous said...

WHINE MEXICANS WHINE...Trump is coming for your food stamps pendejo’s!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So when is Roy De Las Chanclas opening his chancla store in downtown?

Anonymous said...

MAGA (Make America Goofy Again)

Anonymous said...

Yes Joe Biden is old and now he has done the correct thing and has stepped down. But ofcourse its the only thing the MAGA world can come up with. But don’t forget that old decrepit man BEAT Donald Trump in the 2020 election ( oh i forgot, not according to the sore losers) !!! As far as the RNC , it was a freaking circus ( and you know it). Kid Rock/ Hulk Hogan as speaker/ entertainment WOW. , what was that, the WWE??? Well yeah cause most of the convention was fake and full of lies. But oh well to each his own. Have fun with it , cause its on now !! Things are about to change and Trump thought he had it in the bag with old man Biden. Hey guess what?? Donalds the old guy now!! Plus he’s also a deranged, narcissistic convicted felon!! Keep drinking the koolaid my MAGA friends

Anonymous said...

Juan, make sure you go buy your culo cream… you’re going to need it after Trump wins in November. Ya no Va hacer la llorona que ven caminando a lado de las resacas. It’s going to be all the Trump haters. Kamala Heels 👠 High Harris de la Va a pelar a Trump mas fĂĄcil Juan! Se fueron de Guatemala a guate-peor! Get ready, Trump Les Va a meter el orange Chorizo. Bendiciones, inĂștiles!

Atentamente: El Z-47

Anonymous said...

What we Brownsville democrats we need to get together and write in President Joe Biden when we vote. To solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 10:08 AM

It is the power of money: the fear of the minorities, the fear of Whites not having children and the American White youth becoming junkies etc

Fear is what drives America.
Republicans have no fear about TRUMP...he just wants to talk, text and play golf. The Republicans will pass laws etc but they do not have what it takes to keep America competing with other powerful nations. Meanwhile, other countries enjoy peace, wealth and good leaders.

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 10:55 AM

You are correct Sir, Yet, the Republicans do not want to give respect, honor their history nor make their citizens strong. It is not in their hearts to be kind and generous.

Anonymous said...

Trump calls President Biden crooked? El burro hablando de orejas, si que no tiene verguenza.

Anonymous said...

So many Republicans have totally abandoned their moral code to worship an unprincipled reality TV show host.

Anonymous said...

Corruption in our country started with the Clintons. Obama and Biden weren't far behind. Trump doesn't need to steal. He already has own money. Curious how all the named past democratic presidents have become multimillionaires over night. Fact check my statement if you have the brains to do it. I can assure you, this money did not come from speeches or books endorsements.

Anonymous said...

@ El Z-47

Si tienes razon una vez que gane Trump todos vamos a necesitar el culo cream. Your Z means nothing to Trump. You are one of the bad hombres he talks about. Es mas te quiere en el otro lado del muro. He he he! Go on keep sucking his 🍄. 👋

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 4:34 PM: Atentamente: El Z-47

pinche mojado the first thing on his agenda is to send todos los pinches mojados limbiscones como tu y tu mama para atras para mecosmex. ESTUPIDO


unless you are a gringo disfrasado de un mojodo mamon, but why would you do that only down-grading yourself? O UN COCO LAMBISCON!!!


Anonymous said...

So what happened to Biden? Weren't we told for years he was in great mental and physical shape? Or was this another lie of many? Never trust a liar!

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden’s crime family and close associates received millions from several Chinese businesses. What did these businesses receive in return? The crime family also received millions from Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Was this taxpayers money that was suppose to be used for the lost war in Ukraine? So much money going unaccounted. No wonder the three stooges Clinton, Obama and Biden are so afraid of losing the presidency. They don’t want the skeletons out of the closet.

Anonymous said...

So, Jesus appears unto Trump and Trump asks Him, why did you save me from being assassinated. Well answered the Lord, I am really really looking forward to seeing you get filet by Kamala in front of your Maga Morones. HAHA

Anonymous said...

Chinga tu madre Eduardo Paz MartĂ­nez! Ya muere desgraciado! Los zopilotes te handan rodiando viejito inĂștil!

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2024 at 7:42 PM

Please do not do that. Vote for the Democratic candidate.
Some people write Spider Man, Brad Pitt etc on the ballot but those get thrown away.

This is serious.
Vote correctly.

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 8:13 AM

You are wrong Sir. Trump's fortune is fake. He has no money. His father did a lot of investments buying properties that now are worth millions. However, Trump has to sell the properties to have the REAL money in his hands.

How did the other people got rich? By working, by saving, by earning big salaries and knowing millionaires. They sell themselves well.
They live a comfortable life but they are not super rich. The Super rich are owners of corporations, of money maker enterprises, oil, gas, petroleum etc Those are the rich people in America. Here in the Valley we have four money making families and they work a lot. You bought a car from them, or a hearing aid or asked for a loan or went shopping for groceries at their stores.
