Sunday, July 21, 2024


"Bet he will be wearing the biggest diamond on that oreja just to let everybody know he got shot."
Commenter July 21, 2024 at 11:15 AM


Anonymous said...

Here’s what the ranking of the 10 cities with the worst quality of life looks like:

Rank City Overall score
500. Flint, Michigan 33.67
499. Detroit, Michigan 34.73
498. Pharr, Texas 36.03
497. Pasadena, Texas 37.57
496. Brownsville, Texas 38.16
495. Baytown, Texas 39.14
494. Jackson, Mississippi 39.45
493. Beaumont, Texas 39.77
492. Corpus Christi, Texas 40.29
491. Laredo, Texas 40.30

Anonymous said...

Yay! Biden is out. He can go rest and have all rhe ice cream he wants with his loving wife. He has had nothing but good days as President.

Mean while we will have to vote in November. Vote wisely...Make sure you vote the best for our country.

Anonymous said...

Here in Rancho Viejo, my 62-year-old wife will wait for the group ahead of us at the golf course and then flash me her big tits. Pushing our mature ages and exploring new things, my wife is a solid 10, we both love golf and I love snapping shots of her on the beautiful days. A shot of her hairy pu**y as she sits in the golf cart with her legs wide open.

Anonymous said...

It was a FAKE attempt. Poor young guy that was convinced to play the part and was told nothing was going to happen to him.

Like the guys that were selected to be behind TRUMP and later were removed from the stage because they were not behaving appropriately.

Anonymous said...

The TRUMP MAN...all of your stupid memes stupid Mexicans can’t stop the next POTUS. Give up your childish temper tantrums...if that is even possible for the primitive population of the Rio Grande Delta.

Anonymous said...

Stupid, put it in Joe blow Biden's ass. He's full of shit on the illegals on the Rio Grande.

Anonymous said...

Was hearing the director of SS this morning, during the questioning. They said! They identified the shooter BY THE SERIAL NUMER ON THE RIFLE. 🧐 πŸ€” hmmm…

Not by thumb print, not by facial recognition, not by the parents concern that there child has not been seen and asked dad for the rifle (because he was going to the range. But they did call the police department and reported.

This should concern people, they can misplace illegals in this country, not a clue we’re all these minors are.

But they can build a data record of firearms…. Isn’t that some shit.!

Anonymous said...

False teeth, false hair, false statements, a false eye, now a false ear.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see that fatass's face the day he loses this election.

Anonymous said...

Now Pussy Trump is crying up a storm on his Truth Social cause Biden dropped out. Allegedly he has posted more than 10 times complaining about old man Biden leaving the race , insulting the man and mainly calling it unfair ??? What the fuck ? For years he’s been railing against Biden and now that he’s out, he’s still crying. Totally unhinged and bewildering. Total sign of INSANITY!! And MAGA world worships this demented convicted felon? Biden is history, so why is he whining ?? Is it because he’s afraid of who will be his new opponent. Thats what happens to bullies when they feel threatened —- they pussy out!! The almighty king ( Trump) is calling foul once again. And now he can’t blame Sleepy Joe for whatever goes wrong during his campaign. When is this guy going to man up for once and face the music , instead of cowardly hiding behind lies and crazed rhetoric . Run your race puto and stop pointing fingers!! Hey trumpers, and this is the dude you all hail as your hero ??

Anonymous said...

cant wait to see all your faces the day he wins!!!!!

Anonymous said...

At 10:26 am I agree with you, bit as usual he will claim rigged elecions because he is a very sore loser. Last election he claimed the election was stolen but the one caught red-handed trying to cheat was himself (Georgia find me 11k votes) PATHETIC.

Anonymous said...

Trump's upper ear, the helix and fossa, were shredded... not the lobule, or lower ear, where the pinched puto is wearing that earring

Anonymous said...

Do you hear that? That is the sound of inevitability. Who’s the senile old man now? This country will be represented by talented individuals that want to put the interests of the people first. No tax cuts for the top 1%. Top companies will need to
pay their fair share of taxes. Keep corporate welfare controlled. Republicans love to keep their profits but expect taxpayers to
bail them out when their shady businesses fail. Bye, bye Orange Jesus. ☮️

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 6:58 AM


Anonymous said...

I am a democrat and I am pissed at how Joe Biden was treated. And also they are making us believe that Kamala decision has already been made. Our party is being destroyed by democrat elites.

Anonymous said...

So is anyone gonna rescue the Neale house? It is in ruins and not even the descendants will bother to save it. It has become an eyesore in the UTRGV/TSC/CITY OF BROWNSVILLE area. Who ever wants to claim the eyesore.

Anonymous said...

At a time when the US is in a position of "trust vs mistrust" President Biden has provided security for the future of the United States πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. He has performed a selfless act. He has passed on the torch.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yawn πŸ₯±,

Delusional disorder is a type of mental health condition in which a person can’t tell what’s real from what’s imagined. There are many types, including persecutory, jealous and grandiose types. It's treatable with psychotherapy and medication.

Hobo, take your ass back to your page and post your Bull shit. You’re gaslighting the fuck out of this situation. Their internal polling showed Kamala was worse than Biden and was losing big time in all key swing states.

a month ago during the President’s historically bad debate performance, Donald Trump ended Biden’s campaign by saying “I don’t know what he said, and I don’t think he did either.” Between then and now, Donald Trump has been shot, a federal judge dismissed his documents case, and Joe Biden withdrew from the race. But you already knew the ship was sinking! They are worried about down ballot now. Accept the Suck coming your way. 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† fucking glorious..

Anonymous said...

two black females will be livin' at the white house for maybe eight years, eat that racist republicans...
it will be like el valle VFW "veryfewwhites"....

Anonymous said...

Please tell me what has Biden done for this country. Our economy is in bad shape, I don't care what democrats claim. Everything and I mean everything is more expensive. We have two on going wars with no end in sight. The democratic party has just been throwing money on anything and everything that will provide them with votes. We have open borders. Has this policy helped Americans? Crime is on the rise due to the weak democratic administration. So again, please tell me what has the Biden administration done for the American people.

Anonymous said...

So Elon Musk stated that the Soros billioners have a new puppet meaning Kamala Harris for endorsing her. So, will Trump be Musk's puppet for endorsing him? Makes no sense.

Anonymous said...


You’re spewing the same BS. Record employment, Wars have been on-going for decades. We’re in everybody business.
You can thank Trump for convincing the GOP to drop support for the bipartisan immigration bill that they were demanding. They voted against their own legislation. Crime is low and keeps dropping. Trump is the only one keeping the crime spree going. You’re playing the “if we repeat the same lies enough, people will believe them”. You’re a loser like your Orange God.

Anonymous said...

Trump's mouth is smarter than his brain, and he proves it over and over again. La caga cada q abre su hocico.

Anonymous said...

Whats happening to Orange “Jesus” ? Besides the fact that he’s going bonkers on his Truth Social media , now he’s trying his damnest to weasel out of debating Kamala Harris ?? Whats the problem , what is it now ?? Where’s the so called “tough man” now. And this is your MAGA candidate?? And he had the audacity to call “vegetable “ Biden weak and unfit?? All that Bravado just disappeared!!! For all you Trumpers, aren’t you ashamed that at the first sign of adversity, he runs , lies and starts making excuses! This is who want for POTUS??? What a coward

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2024 at 8:50 PM

Yes, the Democrat Party is treating Biden in a mean way. But, we will vote Democrat again is the right thing to do: Again, the people that love the USA will save it from evil.
Vote Democrat.

Republicans: do it for the country.

Anonymous said...

July 23, 2024 at 9:15 AM

Biden has been working for America and not texting at 3:00 AM. Biden has left the American people alone, which is what Americans wanted.

The economy is good but the elite take their corporations to other countries because they do not want to give Americans insurance and good salaries. So most products come from abroad and we have to pay high fees for transportation and manufacturing.
The wars were created by Putin and Israel: they want more land. America has to stop him.
Money is necessary to run elections: signs, conventions, conferences, social media reach the voters.
The rules and regulations about the Border were created by Reagan: he told the Central American, get to the border and I will protect you and welcome you. They are answering his call.
Crime is in the rise because Americans are not working, are into drugs and are not into famiy anymore. It i too much work to achieve the American Dream. We wake up at 10:00 am and we go to TikTok and gaming all day long.

Biden keeps America working. Listen to him: he is kind, hardworking and a true American and he also knows the way Republicans think and what moves the Democrats.

You know all this, but you just wanted to know if people are aware of all this. We are.

Anonymous said...

Fat old cheeto.

Anonymous said...

Actually Mr. 9:15 isn’t.
We all have our likes and dislikes.

Here locally peoples talking about that double high pub bill. But as the (hobo says) the Economy is doing good. No sir (moron) the micro economy. Read into these thing. Are you tightening the bill at the restaurant because prices are higher. Are you tipping good. (I know the hobo is not tipping good!) how’s that grocery bill at Sam’s,H-E-B & walmart . You ebt MF’S are even tightening that shit to the (hobo) standards. You AIN’T living large. I see it everywhere . But for us hustlers we have to pick up,a shift, in order to make little extra to pay (more) for lesser shit.

Record employment. This dumbass! Those numbers are from after Covid. You gaslighting mother fucker. (Suck a bag) people are coming back to work and picking up extra work because of call that better.

Immigration bill (you dumbass msnbc news watching idiot) that bill was stuffed with shit that didn’t have to do with SHIT from our border problem. Bitch!

Crime is low. C’mon you liberal cock sucker! Those stats are not being reported to the fbi from attorney generals (well urban city’s) all to curb the stats. Bitch take your bunk ass talking points to your loser side. You’re a knee dropper like your cackling dumbass talking points Harris.

Anonymous said...

From black lives twitter account today

Black Lives Matter
Timeline of Events

•Joe Biden drops out.
•Kamala Harris announces campaign with Biden endorsement.
•Kamala Harris says she is going to work hard to earn the nomination.
•Kamala Harris makes calls to party delegates.

•Kamala Harris continues making calls to party delegates.
•Kamala Harris makes two public speeches.
•AP announces Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be the Democratic Nominee (Monday night).
•Kamala Harris releases this statement, noting she has worked hard to “go out and earn this nomination” as promised (Monday night).

A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.

Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.

We call on the
to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates.

This is going to be glorious. Get your popcorn out people. Hobo deuces bitch ass!

Anonymous said...

@12:12 What wars were we involved while Trump was in office, pendejo? Record employment was highest under Biden because after the pandemic, everyone went back to their jobs, idiota. The immigration bill was not pass because Republicans/Trump didn't like that $60 billion was going to Ukraine. Crime is low? Where do you live? In Iceland? Hahahahahaha! Orange god? Didn't Biden suddenly also turn orange after the debate! Who will be your god now? La hyena Kamala. Hahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

At 8:32 pm and you call this person a pendejo? Question is, are we at war right now or at any time during President Biden term? NONE!!! The last I check, we're helping Ukraine financially so that they can defend themselves against a ruthless dictator who is trying to take over their sovereign country and which Trump calls him a genius. We are also trying to bring peace to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. So which wars are you talking about? Who is the real PENDEJO?

Anonymous said...

The Stay Puffed Marshmallow will LOSE

Anonymous said...

@10pm I also call Putin a genius. Putin was very smart when he invade Ukraine because he saw that Biden was a spineless weak vegetable and took full advantage of that. Putin never dare to do that while Trump was President. In your simply thinking, you might not think we are involved in the Ukraine war, but we are by supporting them financially. We have already sent more than $115 billion to protect the Ukraine border, while the border in the US is left open. The war Biden should of started was the one with the Afghanistan Taliban for the killing of the 13 brave American soldiers, even though it was Biden fault for how the withdrawal went. Did the Taliban paid for those 13 deaths? Did the US try to get back those weapons we left behind? You are the real pendejo!

Anonymous said...

At 12:50 pm you sound exactly as your cult leader, dosen't make any sense what you are saying, bunch of stupid asses.

Anonymous said...

every post here was done by a wanna beee coco or a stupid gringo the more you try to look smart the MORE STUPID YOU SOUND. GO BACK TO MESCO AND GO BACK TO COCKROACH EUROPE BOLA DE IDIOTAS.


Anonymous said...

6:52, 8:23 12:50

Oops, sounds like someone has frayed nerves. I hope you don't kiss your momma
with that mouth. First, the US soldiers are currently deployed in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Somalia. Four soldiers were recently killed in Nigeria. We usually have "advisors" all over the world. The immigration bill was BIPARTISAN. Neither side gets 100% of what they want.
But it was adequate until Trump decided to pull the plug. The war in
Afghanistan was on-going when 13 soldiers were killed. 2,459 US deaths is the tally for the entire war. They count too. All these facts without vulgarity.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is bliss!! One thing is to dislike a person (Biden) another is to support Communism and its dictator! Words such as unpatriotic, treasonous,turncoat,un American etc come to mind. Everyone has the right to their opinion but some peoples sentiments are just shameful , reprehensible, dishonorable and flat out disrespectful. Shame on them.

Anonymous said...

@4:14 You said, "Every post here" must also include you too, pendejo! Hahahahahaha!

@4:34 Using no vulgar language to not offend a saint. The unnecessary 13 American soldiers and let not forget more than 100 Afghans that we were suppose to protect died outside an airport and not at the war zone in Afghanistan. Did the family ever get any explanation why this happened from Biden? Who got fired for this? Why don't you explain why did we leave billion of dollars worth of weapons there?

Anonymous said...

July 25, 1824 at 7:43 morning time:

u 2 pendejo hahahahahaaaa!!!!

200 years early ESTUPIDO hahahahaha!
