Friday, July 19, 2024


"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.

A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."

- Hannah Arendt,
(14 October 1906 – 4 December 1975)


Anonymous said...

When Trump mentioned God he reminded me of the Aztecs with Hernan Cortez. Guess that you do what you have to do to win, even if it means getting people by their genitals through God.

Vote Donald Trump all the way!

Anonymous said...

I have got to give it to Trump. The man is honest when it comes to him being a dictator on day one. He showed us his glee and true colors on January 6th. What other politician has done that? After all is not this what we want in a president?

We have got to give it to him he is leading us, the American voters, with eyes wide open.

We have got to support and love him! Vote ❣️๐Ÿ’‹

Anonymous said...

That fatassed bastard is going to do away with our Social Security and Medicare benefits, if he gets elected.

Anonymous said...

As a Trump supporter I love Kimberly Guilfoyle. She embodies the God fearing American patriot that we should all strive ๐Ÿ™Œ to become. She looks and sounds very sincere and sane. The woman is rocking it! We should all be like her and encourage others to follow her example.

I just love her as a role model.

Anonymous said...

"We've been supplying it. But the states should be building. We're a backup. We're not an ordering clerk."

Trump also appeared to question the financial wisdom of investing in mass production of the critical breathing machines, saying that in a few months they would only be worth $5 apiece.

During Covid the above was Trump's reaction to the nation's need for breathing machines. Why save people's lives for $5.

Today this came to mind because I remember seeing him on TV when he said this. Is this the person who we want to see in the White House?

Anonymous said...

How does the demorat ass kicking feel?

Anonymous said...

Y luego? Que pedo? Bailaron?

Anonymous said...

gringo's guey of lifen liers, thieves y matones. Glad there are very few of those around here en el gran valle.

Anonymous said...

Those democrats push the same bull shit, the Republicans will take and end social security? The voting democrats who never work in their life and the illegals are afraid of losing their social security? LOL those people who owe their students loans and making thousands of dollars cannot afford to pay their loans? What are these idiots doing with their money? Getting tattoos or sex change! Brownsville is getting a new food market and it should go out of business within months. Businesses should be warned, don't come to Brownsville, go somewhere else in RGV but not Brownsville. Vote democrat to keep Brownsville stupid and the biggest loser of the RGV. Brownsville has fallen and can never get up.

Anonymous said...

Biggest liar and instigator, if the events on January 6th 2021 and his famous call to Georgia election officials "To find me 11k votes" is not enough to realize who he really is and don't know what will it take. Perhaps "Russia if you're listening " during the 2016 campaign or "Putin is a genius" will raise red flags all over. Be careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

They started calling his ear patch and ear kotex, on FaceBook. Sounds about right when talking about that damned fatass.

Anonymous said...

Donde anda escondido ese pinche Biden lover-half coco-transgender-dumpster rata? Hahahahahaha Ya se te acabรณ el pedo que tenias con Trump! Hahahahahahahha! Montoya, porque eres tan mamon y no hablas de รฉl celebro de atole Biden? De perdido habla de que tiene el Covid y que mejore pronto! Hahahahahaha! Trump/Vance ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ 2024

Anonymous said...

@1:37 He said find me 11k and not falsify me 11k. Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger was obviously a corrupt official who was part of the stolen election and denied Trump his request. What is worse, Jan 6 or the 13 brave American soldiers that died in the Biden fiasco withdrawal of Afghanistan? Btw, we left billions of dollars of weapons behind. How many people have been killed by those weapons from the hands of the Taliban? Did anyone get fired?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mark Zuckerberg called Trump a Badass for his behavior after being shot. Look it up, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

That Trump is going to do away with our Social Security and Medicare benefits, is the biggest lie of many other lies coming from the democratic party. Democrats will say anything to put FEAR in the minds of the weak.

Anonymous said...

At 4:37 pm while it was a very tragic loss to loose our soldiers during the hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, let's never forget that it was Trump who ordered the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, there is no comparison between that tragic event and the attack on our democracy on January 6th 2021. If it was president Biden calling election officials during the vote count to find him votes, you all be saying it was a rigged elecion. But as usual, you find excuses for him.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Trump and all his mega rich friends suck. . .the life out of America.

Anonymous said...

Trump is going to do away with Head Start. All of the baby making machines will have their own kindergartens at home. Hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚

Anonymous said...

8:04 Jan. 6 Attack on our Democracy! Hahahahahaha! Attack on our Democracy is when you have President Biden and his cronies interfering in the presidential election with made up chicken-shit indictment charges, impeachments, and an assassination attempt on Trump...instead of letting the American people votes choose our next president.
You are correct, after 20 years Trump rightly so made a decision to withdraw our soldiers from Afghanistan. Now, if Biden wanted to block the withdrawal he could have as the Commander-in-Chief of our troops. The true is both Trump and Biden were eager to get out our soldiers. The withdrawal was handle terribly by Biden and sadly we left behind billions of weapons and more sadly is that we lost 13 brave American soldiers.

Anonymous said...

July 20, 2024 at 1:04 PM

So emotional, so passionate... it is time to think and take care of the nation.
Emotions, not lead to good results.

Wars are created by fools. There is nothing good about sending troops to fight, and kill...stop the nonsense. Vote for Biden.

Anonymous said...

Vladimir Putin will be delighted to have his puppet back in the White House. "Putin is a geniu", "Putin can do whatever the hell he wants to any NATO country". " Russia if you're listening". Trump stated he will end the Ukraine-Russia war on day one if elected, but, of course, will be under Putin's terms.

Anonymous said...

@4:00 Another example of an Attack on our Democracy!!! You say you will be voting for Biden. Your choice got the most votes in the primaries to be the Democratic nominee for the presidency...but who's want to take aways those people votes and remove Biden as the nominee for 2024 presidency??? Is it Trump? No, it's your party leaders who are going against your choice of Biden. Hahahahahaha! Btw, when Trump was President, there was no wars,can't say the same thing about Joe fake covid Biden. Hahahahahaha! @4:03 According to you Trump is Putin's puppet, but why didn't he easily invade Ukraine on his watch? Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

George W. Bush got us into Afghanistan. The land where foreign armies go to die. 5000 Taliban were released as part of the deal that Trump arranged for the US departure from there. We were there two decades. It would take years to remove our weapons. Ending the Afghanistan war is the only thing I give
Trump credit for doing. Stop with the gasoline prices were cheaper when he was president. Presidents don't dictate gasoline prices. The budget deficit
under Trump was double what Biden added. The tax cuts went to the 1% richest people and companies. Typical Republicans fleecing the nation. Peace

Anonymous said...

The war when Trump was president was happening within our country.

Anonymous said...

The biggest pumpkin eater in the universe. FACT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@9:52 The war within the our country while Trump was President was instigated by the Far Left crazies and the bias mainstream media. Will el mamoncito Montoya report that su viejito was force out as a nominee for the presidency? Hahahahahaha! Donde andas pinche half coco transgender dumpster rata? Estas llorando por el celebro de atole! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

July 20, 2024 at 5:04 PM
MAMASELA si tanto lo defiendes joto

Anonymous said...

Trump calls President Biden the worst president in the history of the United States of America????? In my humble opinion, Trump was the worst president ever, no doubt whatsoever!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:59 Trump worst President in history, but I'm sure you enjoyed the lower prices of food and gas. I'm sure you agree that the border was more secure. I'm sure you liked that there were no wars on his watch. I can go on and on but I'll be wasting my time with people supporting a dead brain president that isn't even running the country himself. The man can even wipe himself without help! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Atc12:00 pm lower gas prices were lower under Trump yes, but that was due to the pandemic and lockdowns. By the way, Trump caused the Cov19 to get out of control because he failed to inform the American people who deadly Cov19 was knowing beforehand that it was a fatal disease. This action caused tens of thousands of needles deaths, thanks to him. But keep voting for your cult leader.

Anonymous said...

Atc12:00 pm lower gas prices were lower under Trump yes, but that was due to the pandemic and lockdowns. By the way, Trump caused the Cov19 to get out of control because he failed to inform the American people who deadly Cov19 was knowing beforehand that it was a fatal disease. This action caused tens of thousands of needles deaths, thanks to him. But keep voting for your cult leader.

Anonymous said...

@ July 22 at 12:00 pm, I'm sure your an asshole.

Anonymous said...


somebody sent este pendejo un espejo so he can see himself as a mojado nalgas prietas y apestosas como la chingada. so, ya mama voted racist republican just like you. par de mariconas babosas.

Have that dumpster removed from el centro bilioteca on central blvd, sent a cob inspector to close up that joint he lives in, a city dumpster, and eats garbage. Have it moved to el rio so este idiota can be close to his country mecosmex.


Anonymous said...

9:15 Pendejo I intencionly rattled your cage so you can come out! Hahahahahaha! Habla de Trump ahora Mamon! Trump se cogio a tu viejito vegetal! Hahahahahaha! Ve ahora a buscar trabajo para que le limpies la cola a tu viejito vegetal! Hahahahahaha!

BREAKING NEWS! Kamala will choose Willie Brown as her VP! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

If he wins he wants a new oreja paid by all of y'all property tax payers.
