Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Want to to look at the Zoo's Master Plan?
Or curious to know what the plans are for the CTE programs at Cummings?
Stop by Gladys Porter Zoo Wednesday, August 28th at anytime from 4 to 7 p.m. 
Notice: It's not a presentation and they will have pictures around the education center. Free admission at that time.


Anonymous said...

another gimme gimme organization and this one is FULL OF MONKEYS FACT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

if you go, go without your purse or wallet and do not and i say DO NOT TAKE ANY MONEY.

Anonymous said...

I hear that all the monkeys line up every morning to take a head ache pill. das what the million dollar doctors there do. YOUR MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF PESOS. STOP ALL THIS RATISMO NOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WARNING: do not take your wallet, checkbook, purse, money in your pockets and I say do not sign any papers going in or going out. Do not pet los changos either.... they are trained to look for feria....

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should just dump the whole Zoo idea. Open up a taxidermy school and stuff all the animals. Ha!
Stock some the existing ponds with fish and let the kids go fishing, the other ponds could be made into mini swimming pools.
Resaca could be filled with more fish for more fishing holes.

Anonymous said...

If you go see a local doctor and he offers you peanuts, beware he was trained at the local zoo. FACT....................

Anonymous said...

Enter into a MOU with the Cameron County to train the Monkeys as as toll collectors or Jail guards.

Anonymous said...

The city, county, state and federal government need to refrain from funding non self sufficient projects. Get rid of the zoo. For decades it's been a money pit. Instead, lease the land to an investor who is willing to open a small amusement park for kids.

Anonymous said...

This is just trying to tell people, come and see and give us the approval...this is a done deal behind closed doors. People from Brownsville know this...that is why they did not go. Free admission, who decided that? I am telling you, the Residents of Brownsville have no say in this matter.

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2024 at 8:24 PM excellent idea, but what if they want to run for mayor or any elected position here? Not that the present elected officials are monkeys, I an't sayin' that, but, but it could be an improvement

Anonymous said...

Monkeyville 78520!!

Anonymous said...

Done deal. The City of Brownsville has bought the property. BISD has sold the property. This was done in less than seven days. It worked: City, BISD, all working together with a common goal. lol

Anonymous said...

As a citizen I agree it is a done deal. Why the dog and poney show? It is like when they did the mascot for UTRGV and then whomever was running the university picked the vaquero.

However, I am all for the zoo. When will our children of Brownsville ever get to go to Africa to see a lion or zebra? The students of BISD get a free entrance when they go there on a class field trip. The question should be what are our Brownsville children getting from this? The zoo is an asset to our community and that my friends is not monkey business.

Anonymous said...

it will be a night school for aahhhh they didn't say for what!!!

Anonymous said...

monkeys are everywhere bring animals from mars or da moon the monkeys at the zoo are no longer cute, the shoot the finger at you and makes ugly faces, and are always farting, and pickin' their behind, and if they crap which most of the time das what they do they will throw their crap at you. GET RID OF THE MONKEYS

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ELVIS MONKEY BUSINESS.... hit song of the 50's.
