Sunday, September 1, 2024



Anonymous said...

Failed to publish

Anonymous said...

I listened to his comments on the radio, his funeral passed by on 14th st and Harrison st. all that area was full of his followers lined up to see his funeral procession, I believe it was several miles long. I was in front of cine victoria and 14th. and harrsion st., one of thousands....

Anonymous said...

Good piece

Anonymous said...

Too many gone before their time.

Anonymous said...


You might be as close to a legend as this guy.

Now do something about the outrageous property taxes.

My property values went up four times year before last and then again 20% up this year.

I went before the Board in a zoom meeting.

The board never looked up from the papers they were reading on their desks.

So when they went up another 20% this year I didn't even bother to try and go before the board besides they advised me I missed the deadline.

It's outrageous.

Then there's PUB.

My electrical is the highest it's ever been in the 30 plus years I've lived in my humble little place.

We're getting to the point of no return.

Property tax sales will climb.

Carpetbaggers like SpaceX people will be the next deacons of Cameron County.

The City's lower and middle class are getting crushed.

City services are getting a little better in some areas but going down in others.

Evidently we don't need the airport as Harlingen's got their running well.

We could combine law enforcement.

A City and and County joint task force.

Maybe even a joint library system with the college.

We're duplicating the birth records as wel.

Both City and County Clerk's offices could be combined.

We're in for another Great Depression already nationally.

This time the valley may not escape it.

Wish you could could put some fire under our leaders butts.


I'm one of your seven readers. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Now, this is how to contribute with vibrant dialogue. Kudos to you. You have
legitimate concerns. You need to find a way to organize and mobilize to
reach your goals. I wish you success. Peace ☮️

Anonymous said...

As a kid born in 1946 I recall my Mom and Dad talking about Jose Cantu's tragic accident and the talk of conspiricies within the community as he was quite adept at rattling the cages of local politicians and big shots. I recall coming back from Boca Chica beach and my Dad pointing to the infamous mesquite tree where Mr. Cantu's life ended. Mr. Cantu planted the seeds that compelled our chicano citizens to take charge of their future. Thanks for the excellent piece. It brought back fond memories. As "one of your 7 readers" I urge you to keep on doing what you do. Mr. Cantu would be proud of you, JMon. Kudos!

Anonymous said...

if you are rich and white this mescan city wants your business they offer free land, no taxation whatsoever for life, low pub electric bills, gas and water AT NO COST WHATSOEVER, will cover the cost of road constructions to and from your ranch to any public roads. NO TRAFFIC TICKETS, NO FINES, NO LATE PENIALTIES IF ANY ACCOUNT IS LATE IN PAYMENTS. FREE ATTORNEY FEES (USE OF CITY ATTORNEYS FREEEEE), a promise from all elected officials that you will NEVER see a pothole in your private roads.

Anonymous said...

good article but there are more chicanos out there in this town that have gone the distance to help, like pancho el chueco, la botella, gillio, el tome, la wimpa, el frogie y many more.
