Wednesday, February 5, 2025


By Jesse Dorsett
Letters to the Editor

Remember the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 when then-President James Monroe and the U.S. government saw the need to keep all European powers from further colonization in this hemisphere? What chutzpah! Here we were a new country and we were already setting rules and laws regarding this entire Western Hemisphere as if we owned it.

Even way back then this country was claiming that we were the boss, the masters of this hemisphere.

Later came the Mexican-American War when this country, inspired by its own conjured up Manifest Destiny, decided it had the power to expand its borders from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and that whoever got in the way of this God-inspired mandate had better get out of the way. So the Mexican-American War ensued and the Manifest Destiny slogan became a reality when Mexico was relieved of half its territory for a paltry $15 million.

Since then this country has been seen as the bully of the north by our southern neighbors and for good reason. Even as not too long ago in our history, all we have to do is look at the Iran Contra affair during the Reagan administration. Remember the ghoulish death squads that were sent down to Guatemala and El Salvador to assassinate Catholic priests because they were said to be promoting communist ideas.

Later this same President Reagan sent the Marines into Panama because he felt the need to arrest a dictator, Manuel Noriega, who had fallen into disfavor with our State Department. So our sorry history in dealing with our neighbors to the south has much to be desired. Now Donald Trump wants to reclaim the Panama Canal that was turned over to the Panamanians by a treaty by President Jimmy Carter.

It's discouraging that this attitude of superiority toward our southern neighbors still exists today. Just recently I have heard more than one Republican politician express the idea that we should bomb the cartels in Mexico, a sovereign country! To these guys might always makes right, so why not just go ahead and drop bombs on a sovereign country?

Have these guys ever thought of doing something in this country to lower the demand for these illicit drugs?

This is the root of the problem; the demand from folks on this side is what is keeping this drug business thriving. Why don’t we invest in more mental health clinics to help people deal with the root cause of drug addiction?

Also, have they even stopped to consider curtailing the sale of these dangerous weapons of war, those assault rifles that the cartels can easily acquire from any border town? We should stop selling these weapons to the cartels immediately because this alone will help the Mexican police deal with the drug cartel problem.
But of course, they will never agree to this because it would hurt our gun manufacturers’ profits and that would mean they could cut back on their political contributions to the Republicans in government. So to these folks on the right the only reasonable solution is the easiest one: bomb the cartels in Mexico, never mind that this is an act of war. 

These guys’ sentiments are, who cares about respecting Panama or Mexico’s territorial integrity? These folks still think it is 1823 when the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny were alive and well, when we felt we were the kings in this hemisphere and we could do with it as we please.

I hope this is just foolish talk and we don’t start acting like Teddy Roosevelt or James Polk again. This “walk softly but carry a big stick” and “it’s our way or the highway” attitude will not fly in today’s world.

Instead, let’s take to heart what Benito Juarez, the great Mexican statesman, said: “Respect for the rights of others is peace. In other words, we need to respect other people’s property and let them live in peace. Dropping bombs in Mexico will not solve the fentanyl problem in this country.


Jose Caquel said...

The world will gang up on the U.S. and then what - then we'll beg Blacks and Browns to defend us. ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

No seas mamoncito Montoya! You should be a guest on the The View, because your ideas matches the hosts, especially la pinche half coco Sonny! Hahahahahaha! Fuk all you KaMALA & China puto Waltz losers voters! Now you have a real powerful President, not like the last one who was brain dead. Hahahahahaha!

Hal Apeño said...

The NFL is rigged. Super Bowl already decided. Use your time doing something else.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about operation fast and furious (Eric holder and Obama administration)?
what about Biden and his administration forcing us to get vaccinated or lose your job, released from military, let go from hospital and fired from government positions. Telling the American people he’s getting impatient with those people who refuse to get vaccinated or This Is The Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated! For a booster that was ineffective in 2 days, then outlawed other cheaper medications that DOCTORS were reporting are working and are available and are cheap. Naw BIG STICK GOVERNMENT and power tripping big pharma phizer wanted their medicine pushed.
Get over yourself. All this winning, reclaiming our country back, MAGA all this winning. 🏆

Anonymous said...

Oh snap, Trump is relocating Palestinians and U.S is taking over Gaza. Now all the Palestinian protesters , 😂 congresswoman
Rashida is gonna cry a river. The Egyptians don’t want them , Jordan don’t want them , Iran said hell no. At point these people need to do some self reflection

An American said...

Trump threatening countries and then wimping out. ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Are you still watching the fake media? Mexico and Canada are moving their troops to their border as per our presidents demands. Panama no longer renewing contracts with China. So where is he wimping out? The tariff with China might stand that's where you and the other democrats will be wimping out whining about the increase of certain products.

Anonymous said...

Wimping out? He has had all his demands met by all countries other than China. Tariffs on China may just stand and that's where democrats will wimp out when forced to pay extra for certain products. Only the weak will break.

Anonymous said...

Uh 🙄, cHiNa has already gone on the record and said Mr.Trump (JeFe) can we go back to the agreement we had during your first presidency agreement. Dumbass turn off morning Joe. MAGA, all this winning 🏆

Anonymous said...

El valiente nomas es valiente hasta que el cobarde lo deja. Don't fool yourselves.

Anonymous said...

At this pace El runn runn will be defunded tambien!!Probably receiving money for study of men having sex with men!!

Anonymous said...

10,000 troops. For what? The main way drugs enter the US is through the ports of entry. Mexico threw Trump a bone so he could save face and look
like he actually accomplished something. And MAGA gets taken, again.

Jose Caquel said...

Oh, go suck on a footlong sausage, you imbecile!!!

Anonymous said...

Breaking News : El rrun rrun, politico, AP, & The New York Times were receiving USAID funds in 2020 to spread the lie that Hunter's laptop was a hoax! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Trump is no Theodore Roosevelt. Much less an FDR.

Anonymous said...

Canada put troops in its border since last year. They do not want illegal aliens. Mexico has troops on the border and the police special forces protecting the border. They tell people not to cross. They rescue people that are drowning because Americans do not go and save them anymore. Also, they explain to the illegal aliens what is going to happen to them when they reach the border patrol. Both countries are working hard. When is the USA Congress going to stop giving visas and stop accepting asylum seekers? Now, if Trump accomplishes that, then he is really a great president. NOT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@6:10 He's better than all the US Presidents put together, pinche idiota mushy brain Biden chupa huevos! Hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Biden was never mentioned. Tu Evers el Trump Chupa Huevos. "@6:10 He's better than all the US Presidents put together" quien esta chupando, bitch.

Anonymous said...

6:09. Not even his own kids love Trump as much as you. Roosevelt took us out of the Great Depression. Trump’s first term started one. You are one sick puppy. Hurry up and send him some cult ca$h. That’s all he wants from MAGA. Hahahaha back to you buffoon.

Anonymous said...

He is not better. He is just the president that people wanted to take the country into the decline that is needed. Then the USA will be like Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal etc the previous super powers. The USA is tried of being a leader, a policeman, a humanitarian for the world. Let another country take its place.

Anonymous said...

Misleading comment created by misleading Trump. Trump knows that his base do not question what he says. Now, that is the real power in a president. That is why he will do what his followers want: White supremacy for the USA.
