Sunday, February 16, 2025


(Enlarge to see detail.)
(Ed.'s Note: As pretty as this winter rose appears, it is made more wonderous when you see the bug inside the bloom pollinating it. One of our eagle-eyed readers snapped this shot and did not notice the pollinator until much later when he was showing it to his friends.

This transfers pollen from an anther of a plant to the stigma of a plant, later enabling fertilization and the production of seeds. Pollinating agents can be animals such as insects, for example beetles or butterflies; birds, and bats; water; wind; and even plants themselves. Sometimes the beauty of the flower blinds us to the beauty of the science and biology all around us. 

Our thanks to this contributor.)


Anonymous said...

Well, where the fuck else would it pollinate???


I got your stigma right here Montoya (chickenshit anonymous commenter grabs crotch) pollinate this! JK haha. Stunning picture. Btw name of the bug is Picattus elfindius

Anonymous said...

I got your pollinator right here Montoya! (commenter grabs crotch, his) If you look closely the pinche bug's cannot pollinate something that's already pollinated, it's just picking up pollen, which the bug doesn't know it's doing. It's not like hey honey I'm going to 7-11 to pick up some pollen. Btw the scientific name of the bug is "Picattus Elfundius". you're welcome

Anonymous said...

Oh, go choke on a footlong sausage, you clown.

Anonymous said...

Oh, eat my shit, gasbag!!!

Anonymous said...

Idiot repeats himself. Vato pendejo.

Anonymous said...

If the OP is who I think it is he has a great sausage.

Anonymous said...

your ass PENDEJO

Anonymous said...

Das call ancient term meaning lost through the centuries.

Anonymous said...

for sale: empty soap boxes, empty plactic bottles without the spray thingy, the carton tube that's left after you used up all the toilet paper, wrinkle napkins, used paper plates (haveseveral tons), envelopes that used to have bills inside, pencil erasers without the pencil, dried yellow lawn grass, dead branches, broken spoons knifes forks, very cheap prices. Make interesting conversation pieces...

Anonymous said...

he was just released from a manicomio pobresito idiota...
