Monday, March 17, 2025



Anonymous said...

Looks like EVERYBODY I know!!!

Anonymous said...

Like what good will you be to anyone if you live to be 80 ?

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has too many elderly people!!! Just go, people.

Anonymous said...

All that I know is that when my father was 84 he told me, "I want God to take me because everything hurts." He lived another 10 years. Getting old is not for wimps.

Anonymous said...

Local bloggers are all over 70, one 77!!! Fact.

Anonymous said...

Only applies to the RGV. Unhealthiest place on Earth!

Anonymous said...

I've been trying but God wants me to suffer some more.

Anonymous said...

So why did you elect the incompetent Biden?

Anonymous said...

It's the corrupt incompetent medial profession that make us frail. No cures just more drugs.

Anonymous said...

7:28 AM For the same reasons you elected Shitbrain 🍊 🟧 📙 ✴️ 🟠

Anonymous said...

If you truly believe this, you haven't been out of the RGV.🌵Go out into the world and remove the cactus pad that is blocking your view.

Anonymous said...

at 12:01 PM
stick that cartoon up your assssss. mamon

Anonymous said...

at 11:58 AM
como chingas con tus pinches cartoons stick em up your asss pinche maricon..

Anonymous said...

its becoming tooo expensive to die. cost of lumber (coffin), meeting halls, plots, decorations, music, the crying sections is now too expensive, renting of suits and formal wears and gas, natural gas and propane and rent for your new home upstairs and/or downstairs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 11:40 AM
get a real toy mamon!
