Sunday, March 16, 2025


They actually had a ground breaking ceremony to celebrate the new restroom at Oliveira (now we're told it was Gonzalez) Park and spending the $500,000  they voted to construct it. Then the intrepid board of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation  paid a few thousands for the event to celebrate their giving away your tax dollars for a fancy shithouse. I mean, who has a ground (or is it wall) breaking for a shitter? Don’t forget that the restroom will be bulletproof. Not stink proof, mind you, just bulletproof. It will also be hurricane proof and vandal proof, we think. Hope everything comes out well.


Anonymous said...

Well thanks for the info. I know where I am going in cases of a hurricane. Or is it reserved for the Commissioners

JOE LOL said...

Progress is progress, although outhouses? Uh, no. . .

Anonymous said...

This American stands with Canada and Mexico....Not this America.

MAGA BLOWS said...

Shame on everyone who put him in power
He's a disgrace
He belongs in prison

Old Age Stroking It said...

At 77, I have had more difficulty lately in masturbation as far as the amount and success. My doctor recommended it as a way to aid my prostate.

Anonymous said...

Hola, saludos desde Fort Worth, Texas déjenme decirles que yo viví 30 años en Matamoros antes de venirme para acá y la verdad es que la zona peatonal a cambiado mucho. Muchísimas gracias por sus reportajes tan interesante y que enseña lo bonito de nuestro país a mi me fascina las artesanías y Mexico tiene en variedad y hermosas.

Noticiero Relampago said...

Los peligros de la era Trump 2.0

La transición a un nueva era geopolítica presenta peligros de los que poco se habla hasta ahora. Uno de ellos, la existencia de armas nucleares. Lograr acuerdos al respecto es fundamental para garantizar una paz que seguramente será frágil y de corta duración.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the outhouse will be worth the money. If it is worth the money we can't say that the money is only being spent in rich neighborhoods. Que vivan Las Prietas.

Anonymous said...

Rise up people. We can’t let our Democratic Republic die!

Anonymous said...


Eldelasprietas said...

The Tesla brand has been tarnished and it will be tough for them to sell another car worldwide and be profitable

Anonymous said...

Juan, quit your bitching, dude. You go against everything the city is doing to make things better in town. If you can't help, then shut the FUCK UP!!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't oliverira park fall under the city parks department
What does BCIC have to do with that?
Create REAL Jobs BCIC!

Anonymous said...

You need your viejita to be the fluffer.

Anonymous said...

Let Musk lose everything he owns?! Who's with me and has deleted 'X' ???

Anonymous said...

This presidential pardon power is ridiculous. There should be a limit per their term. But to be allowed to just pardon 100s of convicted convicts. Plus, the pardon should have to go through an approval process - either with Congress or the Supreme Court.


At the end once the American people have had enough of this horse shit things will change, good luck to all Republicans in the midterm election! Keep fighting.

Rogelio Botello said...

El gobierno del presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, reanudó la detención de familias de migrantes la semana pasada en un centro del sur de Texas tras una pausa implementada durante la presidencia de Joe Biden, informó el miércoles un grupo jurídico sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios a familias migrantes.

Catorce familias de migrantes con niños tan pequeños como de un año estaban en el centro de detención del condado de Karnes, Texas, a unos 80,5 kilómetros (50 millas) al sureste de San Antonio, de acuerdo con RAICES, que proporciona servicios a las familias en el centro. Las familias son originarias de Colombia, Rumania, Irán, Angola, Rusia, Armenia, Turquía y Brasil.

Anonymous said...

What I want know how much tax payers went into there stupid outfits

Anonymous said...

I don't think Juan is bitching. He is just in awe and letting us know what is happening. Thank you Mr. Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Have your old lady take out her dentures and give you a rubbing.

My female neighbor is in her late 70's y todavia anda de caliente con un viejito que se mira maciso y es bien santurrona.

Anonymous said...

STDs are on the rise in nursing homes. I guess the old folk figure that death is upon them y pues dale recio.

Anonymous said...

Trump gas ignored a court order, again, and deported 100’s of undocumented people. His own party witnesses this and condones it
with their silence. This man doesn’t
respect our decaying system of checks and balances. Looks more like a monarchy every day.

Anonymous said...

Try and see who the fruity guy in the picture is. O sea, el marica….. bingo si dijiste el gabacho Que muestra el martillo como bolsa…… se ve bien super-mega-gay…. O sea, esos frijoles ya se los aplastaron….. guauuuuu

Anonymous said...

Hope vandals don't destroy it.

Anonymous said...

so its about time you start writing EN INGLES pinche mojado o vallese patras... GUEY

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 12:08 PM
Comment as:
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Anonymous said...

13 9 .591 0.5
third place in grapefruit league, LOOKIN' GOOD sofar!!!

Anonymous said...

Hay cinco viejas agarrando el palo wishin' it was something else and ALIVE!!!

Anonymous said...

Second lady from left knows how to hold one, and the last one loves long ones, speakin' of hammers !!

Anonymous said...

Mont did you even take a chance to fact check? All I had to do was check Facebook and it was at Gonzalez park not Oliviera & the groundbreaking wasn’t funded by BC. At least tell the truth or try compa.

Anonymous said...

ay, mamon "mont", hahahaha pinche maricon lambiache

Anonymous said...

Progress? Or waste of taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...

Are you still here? Why haven't you moved to either Canada or Mexico? Typical democrat just talk!

Anonymous said...

I voted for Trump along with the majority of the voting population.Sorry you're having a hard time coping with your loss!

Anonymous said...

Go back to Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about Joe Biden?

Anonymous said...

They will win.

Anonymous said...

The federal judge was a democrat part of the weaponized judicial system.This federal judge was overstepping his authority. He was not elected by the people. He was an appointee from the Biden administration. He should be more concerned with sentencing criminals instead of setting them free.

Anonymous said...

too many workers just to get rid of mojones what a waste!

Anonymous said...

that first lady looks good to go... and don't need no hammer either. chula!!!

Anonymous said...

I just noticed everyone has a NEW SLEDGE HAMMER PAINTED IN GOLD COLOR. Each sledge hammer costs about $50.00 each plus the paint labor cost. 20 x $50=$1,000. Now add 20 hard hats @ $20.00 =$400.00 plus 20 safety vests @ $10.00 ea= $200.00 . The group photo cost the tax payers $1,600.00. That is only the 20 that came out on the picture. Still not counted for was the BCIC group, plus the elected offials. Eech got something to remember the shit hole. Easily the party cost $6000.00 not including the payroll of people getting paid to take time away from work to go and smile for the camera. You are talking around $12,000 to announce that 3 guys know how to use a sledge hammer to tear down a wall. Must be nice.

Anonymous said...

and they all have historical tax free homes that were built yesterday... oooops I just forgot to pay my 2800.00 annal taxes...

Anonymous said...

Yes Zeke we know you're bitter about the $500,000 going to a park rather than your coffee shop. But the kids need to pee somewhere, and it's a little embarrassing they can't do their business in the current, shut-down bathrooms in the park. More embarrassing when they tinkle behind a tree. McHale talks about Brownsville being America's first third-world city - it's because of this attitude that it is. Local business owners want all the public money for themselves and none for the children.
