So Canada responded to Trump's tariff escalation with a collective eye roll, middle finger, and a resounding "not today, Satan." Trump got mad because the Canadians raised electricity prices on American homes that rely on their grids.
And now, he has announced that he will double steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada to 50 percent.
This is yet another example of his impulsive, egomaniacal, self-sabotaging approach to economic policy. This ain't some sound strategy. The real reason behind this latest move is Trump’s fragile ego and his obsession with performative economic aggression.
He don't know shiggidy about trade. He don't understand diplomacy. And he damn sure doesn’t understand that economic wars don’t have winners, only collateral damage. He's sabotaging American business and workers who will bear the brunt of his idiocy.
And now, he has announced that he will double steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada to 50 percent.
This is yet another example of his impulsive, egomaniacal, self-sabotaging approach to economic policy. This ain't some sound strategy. The real reason behind this latest move is Trump’s fragile ego and his obsession with performative economic aggression.
He don't know shiggidy about trade. He don't understand diplomacy. And he damn sure doesn’t understand that economic wars don’t have winners, only collateral damage. He's sabotaging American business and workers who will bear the brunt of his idiocy.
Trump is so reckless that he is willing to burn bridges, jack up prices, and sabotage American industries just to look ‘tough’ to his MAGAT So what's g'on happen now?
Higher costs for companies and consumers. He's gonna kill more jobs and weaken the very economy he pretends to be defending. This is a self-inflicted wound masquerading as patriotism. Trump is too damn vain and too incompetent to engage in actual negotiation, so instead, he throws tariffs around like a drunk swinging a barstool.
His desperate need for dominance is not only isolating the U.S. from its closest allies but actively damaging its own economic future. If history has taught us anything, it’s that Trump would rather wreck the economy, punish working-class Americans, and create unnecessary conflict than admit he doesn’t have a clue what the hell he’s doing.
The White House as Children's Daycare. Low-rent government.
May God damn him. . . . . . . . . .
Fuck Elon. Fuck him down.
Well, WTF are you going to do about it, Brownie???
Anyone with a brain, and over the age of 5 knows you can't bully and bash others on the one hand and beg them for favors (send us eggs!!!) on the other... then there's the president of the USA...
Daniella Lopez is as corrupt as her dad, Joey Lopez. She is now captain of a rutterless ship with no engine or sail. She is leading her Dumb and Dumber, Jessica and Denise.
Just let him get rid of Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security! Then perhaps people will feel the pain!
“A México se le respeta”, responde Sheinbaum al próximo embajador de EU
La presidenta se refirió desde Chiapas a las declaraciones de Ronald Johnson, quien no descartó acciones militares de Estados Unidos contra los cárteles mexicanos, incluyendo bombardeos.
“I’m a believer in the proscenium. An increasingly high-definition fidelity to life bores me; the point is to look through a veil.”
its want y'all wanted a white gringo uneverything good. enjoy MAMONES!!!
The real revolution: when TIKTOK is gone.
Cuidado. los embajadores de EEUU en Mexico han hecho puros problemas. Instigan, mienten, manipulan y matan y otras cosas.
The pain is necessary to send the message: USA first, White people first. It takes time for the world to understand what the country needs.
Erasmo wants to serve from the grave!!!
Do conservatives really want electric vehicles to succeed? Who cares, Montoya?
Oops don’t forget Karma
Bento Spinoza
One of the main things we can do right now is stop buying things that are owned by these guys. Don’t order anything from Amazon or any company owned by Bezos (Chewy, Whole Foods, the Washington Post). Please don’t buy a Tesla - if you own a car that uses Starlink, you can have it disconnected.
There are a number of social theories that say revolutions come from the populace…. That’s us. For those of you that are motivated - write letters to your congressman and senators and for the love of God in two years when we elect our congressman, vote against any Republican. It’s not personal. This is to save our country and ourselves. You don’t want your grandmother to stop receiving her Social Security. Can you imagine what’s going to happen if they get rid of Medicaid and all the people in the nursing homes have to leave?
Just to let you know the power of the populace…. In a town in New Jersey, a well respected Muslim family was picked up ICE. They are legal residence, but for some reason ICE thought they were terrorists. You should’ve seen the mom she is in her 50s, looks very serious in her black dress with her head covered. They owned a small café in town. Just about everybody in town started to work on getting them released. They were writing letters, organizing protests, called their lawmakers, and generally made a huge fuss. It worked! …first the dad was released, and finally the mom after two months.
I know a number of you have a deep prejudice against Muslims - maybe in a quiet moment, you can rethink that they are human beings like us and many are deeply religious, which is a good thing. The community they live in which is mostly white, love this family. They loved their little café and the family that ran the business - the people of their town got together and were able to bring them back.
This shows that we as a populace have the ability to make some change. But like I said, the first thing you can do is stop buying anything owned by Musk and Bezos. Turn off the TV when Trump starts talking. And if you believe in God, maybe you can pray a little.
Ha ha aha You win the Internet!!!
Send the dam US Marshals out already and start arresting these bad DOGE actors!
Achtung, Baby!!!
My 401k is down, eggs are expensive, planes are crashing, dept of education has been gutted, federal employees are getting laid off and a Republican politician is suggesting kids who can’t get free lunch to go get jobs and another saying we should have a chicken coop in our backyards. It’s only been 2 months and America is in flames and these guys are patting themselves in the back already. Please put me back in the main timeline. I don’t think I’m in the right place.
Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of Ukraine war, new polls show
The polls this week show doubt among voters, as Trump looks to close a deal with Russia to end the war.
Something's gotta give.
So tired of this shit. Americans, how much longer??
I don't want my Social Security money going into freaking Bitcoin!
Bullshit, you condescending jack ass. You freaking commie. You want the majority of the country that voted for this president to boycott the private sector, 🤣 (good luck) because you don’t like the republicans. Oh boy! BUT, you want social security and Medicaid (for the elders)
Here is the kicker, a town in New Jersey. rEsPeCtEd Muslim family was picked up by ice. (Oh no!) mostly white town, “gotta emphasize “ the people of the town got together. (HEY MORON YOU ARE SO FULL OF SHIT) take your propaganda else where. Rough 4 years, 🏆
Trump & Elon are gonna piss off the wrong person
Really, a pussy and nothing more.
And you, cocksucker, the word is "rudderless"....
I see there's something in the air. We've just got to get it together, sooner or later. . . . . . . .
It's all about white supremacy now. . . . . .Democrats in Congress are not fighting it. Whites want to live with themselves. Somebody's gotta fuck the trailer trash.
Most, no the majority of Brownsville residents who casted a vote voted for Trump.
I ask God to bless all actions taken by Donald J. Trump, Elon Musk, and all their minions. 🙏 Amen
Im more than sure all the politicians whether mayor or commissioners or BISD or Port commisioners THAT WILL NOT SAY NO TO MUSKS MONEY!!!!
How about cutting oil and farm subsidies? How about collecting taxes from the largest corporations in America? How about closing tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy?
The richest man in the world is looking to cut wasteful spending.
Start with corporate welfare.
People voted for Trump to help him and his friends.
Here you go, Montoya...
at 8:10 AM at 9:14 AM
PINCHE MOJADO go back to school and learn to write in english ESTUPDIO!
He started an unground newspaper soon to come up to the top... (dapapernothim).
at 3:57 AM
stick all those cartoons up your asss pendejo
So much hatred from a small loser.
Problem with democrats is that they depend on the government to support them. The only thing we need from our government are jobs. That's it!
Enough with the eggs.They are going down in price. Now what is it that you useless democrats need from the government?
Get rid of all federal program especially Medicaid.
So democrats don't have wealthy people who own corporations? Who is Soros?
Democratic politicians with their hands held out like a bunch of beggars.
Go Trump!!
at 2:44 PM at 3:57 AM
como chingas con tus pinches cartonns stick em up your mama's ass pinche maricon...
at 9:14 AM
where is ice when you need em?
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