Special to El Rrun-Rrun
A divided 3-3 board of the Brownsville Independent School District could not appoint any of the 25 applicants on a list fill the unexpired term of the late Erasmo Castro or to approve a special election May 3.
However, they still remain under the Texas Education Code requirement that a replacement for a member on the board should be made within 180 days of the vacancy, whether by appointment or through a uniform election. An item to hold a joint election May 3 was defeated and the November election falls outside the 180-day required by law.
There were three finalists of the 25 candidates who
applied, and there was a motion by Daniella Lopez to appoint the one who received more votes, Agustin Anduiza, and it failed to garner a second and the item failed. The next uniform election is in November.
Leading the charge against the appointment and insisting that an election be held were Carlos Elizondo and Minerva Pena, apparently unaware that by voting against holding the election this May they were, in effect, denying the voters a chance to elect their choice. Ironically, Elizondo had just said that he supported attorney John Shergold in having district voters choose their representative. Frank Ortiz feebly joined the duo.
Now the board is under the gun to appoint someone or risk sanctions by the TEA. The circus has come to town.
The November uniform election falls outside the 180 day window required by law to fill the board so the board will have to appoint someone before then.
And if they do not do either, legal counsel advised them, they should be prepared to face "consequences" from the Texas Education Agency for being legally out of compliance with the 180 day requirement. Castro passed away February 15 and the the board has until mid August to make an appointment or be out of compliance.
Onward through the fog.
In 180 days, there will be no BISD. It will be dismantled by President Trump.
Carlos Elizondo de la come .
Gasp! The drama.
What ever happened to America first? Forget Greenland, the Panama Canal and annexing Canada. Is the
G.O.P. on its way to tanking another
economy in record time? Also, our First Amendment rights are taking a
beating. Free speech is going the way of the Dodo bird. Opposition to
this administration results in arrest or potential banishment. MAGA are
you OK with this?
ELECTION!!! That's democracy.
It is clear that within both sets of these "Three Amigos," each group has one leader and two followers. The inability of one group of Board of appointed officials to set aside their personal agendas and differences—and to selflessly focus on their true purpose, which is to improve the school district rather than serve their own interests—has become undeniable.
La Rata Pelona, a.k.a. Carlos Elizondo, plays the bully in those three, while clueless Frank Ortiz, a.k.a. La Panochita y Manos Chiquitas, stays right by his side, desperately holding onto his leader’s coattails. While clueless Minerva sits in her elected chair with her mouth wide open waiting for a chance to say something about herself.
I hope the state comes in and investigates each vote that has been a cost factor to our tax payers so they can see how and who voted, the pattern will be clear!!
They all sound like the us president unamerican, and mescan das even woist...
Good. BISD needs to show respect to Erasmo Castro. TEA is governed by good individuals. Talk to them and tell them that you need time to do this action. At Charro Days, the audience went wild clapping for Erasmo Castro, as his picture and car went by in front of Ricardo Longoria. Let the people mourn. Work with what you have. Ask one of his sisters to take his place. Do the right thing BISD. Show respect.
Respectfully, RIP, Mr. Castro, kept his word and was not a follower, did not vote with intimidation (board member)
MP do was is right you claim you are a God fearing woman, then vote(appoint) to bring this nonsense child playground tug a war game to an END to focus on what is important BISD STUDENTS, their education
Fuck off HAG, the tax’s payers wanted an audit.
Carlos Elizondo is a bully not only at home but at the BISD meetings.
Minerva is total nut case and she needs to just shut the fup and let people speak. No one cares about her family and how many time your mom gave birth. El panochita de Frank is a total puss Carlos grabs him by the d and swings him like he wants to. They need to go and they need to go now
Carlos is a disgrace.
Real story not written is who at BISD evaluated the 25 applicants and how did they get it to 3? Were all 25 interviewed and by whom? Did the superintendent have veto power to select or reject? When will bisd release the 25 names and the scoring sheets and names of committee members how appointed and did all the board member get informed at same time and method? Will Herald ask these questions or you Montoya?
Real story not written is who at BISD evaluated the 25 applicants and how did they get it to 3? Were all 25 interviewed and by whom? Did the superintendent have veto power to select or reject? When will bisd release the 25 names and the scoring sheets and names of committee members how appointed and did all the board member get informed at same time and method? Will Herald ask these questions or you Montoya?
Toda entera sin problema.
NOT according to the three that voted NO CARLOS, MINERVA and ORTIZ
Trump can not completely get rid of public education. Education is the responsibility of the states.
You are ignorant.
Jason would get a machete and deal with the problem. There is your answer to WWJD.
Castro was a dumbass who wanted to get neat young male ass.
If you want respect for Erasmo Joto Castro stop mentioning him.
9:44 PM Your idiotic statement makes me wonder about the Carl Perkins Act and the IDEA Act. Both are federal laws and I don't think Trump can stop those monies. It would probably take an act of congress to change those laws. In addition, states will sue the federal government for those monies. Trump thinks he is omnipotent but all he is doing is opening Pandora's box. Oh, I forgot he thrives on chaos.
Remember the last appointment...
By Escobedo
One named Cesar Lopes
And since then bisd sucked
When Saavedra left
I don’t think they have it in them to do the right thing and come to a consensus. Let BISD employees vote for a new Board Member from the twenty five that applied.
Well, this has been done before. At TSC, at the Commissioner level...the ones inside selected the one they wanted to work with them. A good fit...and that is all folks.
They need to vote for the best MAGA supporter, who doesn't care if undocumented kids from BISD are deported, and wants to end the DOE. Boom, you just replaced Erasmo Castro!
March 15, 2025 at 10:37 AM...What drugs are you on? Rata, get a life and grow up!!!
March 15, 2025 at 5:59 PM...Correcto Mundo!!!
March 14, 2025 at 10:14 PM
Simon....La Rata Pelona, AKA Carlita Elizonda....SE LA COME y La Panochita AKa Panchita el "Frank Ortiz" le da masajes en las pelotas!!!
😂🤣😂hilarious how he changed his tune once he got into the office. The ignorance of people is amazing. 🤦
Anyone want to mention the trash and political hungry of a person that daniel lopez is?
Eugenio over qualified.
Too intimidating.
Blanca or Anduiza have a better chance.
Las Vegas odds take Blanca by a nose.
BISD too expensive for the low results.
The Carl Perkins Act can be modified or eliminated through legislative action by Congress. Anything is possible.
12:17pm No association with DL, it’s obvious she cares about her community/ BISD students the only qualification to be a humanitarian is to CARE, its obvious DL DOES as for CE MP how quickly you the community forget about their past board shenanigans where were YOU the community who is asking for audits, public information, etc when these past board shenanigans were not voting for the betterment of the district, hypocrisy
at 8:46 PM
como chingas con tus pinches cartoons PINCHE PENDEJO
You're completely correct. Remember when Carlos Elizondo seconded the motion to approve the scoreboard at Sams Stadium with a starting cost of 600k and ended at 1.5 million. Minerva also approved the purchase. The scoreboard was a failure as there were issues with it and was never worked as promised. This is just one of many screw ups. He now wants to be a Savior lol 😆
Sams Stadium is beautiful. Ask Elon to donate money to make it a domed stadium and we'll rename it in his honor. And SpaceX technicians can repair the scoreboard.
Carlos Elizondo is narcissist jerk that teats woman horribly. We should not be in any leadership role. I don’t understand how he goes to church and then plots so much evil.
leave it to the people, Farley was the one that did the best vs Castro. He should be appointed to the board.
Go Farley, you need to represent all the BISD community
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