Friday, March 14, 2025


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Wanna achieve equitable economic development? Don't do what Brownsville does.

When news that the City of Brownsville Commission had appointed one of their own – At-Large "B" commissioner Rose Gowen – as chairperson of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, everyone knew that business would continue as usual.

The BCIC, which controls its share of sales tax revenue to the tune of almost $6 million a year for "quality of life" projects, has long been a source of public cash for a select section of pretentious, well-to-do residents who have formed their own social club with public funds to which they believe they are entitled. Gowen, a gynecologist,  is one of the worse, funneling public funds to her nanny government causes such as hike and bike trails, so-called wellness projects like the Cannery Project, and other gentry pursuits trying to get the city – the poorest in the state and nation – to emulate Austin, the wealthiest in the state.

As head of the BCIC, expect the same type of direction from that bunch. After 16 years on the city commission, Gowen passed ordinances that required 10 percent of any transportation bonds (Certificates of Obligation) issued by the city to go toward trails and bicycle-friendly projects and businesses. In this way, she has overseen the detouring of millions to her pet projects on the backs of local taxpayers, the majority of whom don't use them. All that time she paid no city taxes on her residence shielded by a historical designation on her house. Neat.

Her justification? That it would lower diabetes and obesity rates. She claimed – without any clinical proof – to have achieved that through the trails during her last campaign.

True? Of course not. But who's going to call her on it? Now, as head of the BCIC ATM, she has a majority on that well-heeled board to do her bidding. The so-called Cannery Project, for example, is way over budget through numerous change orders. And you will notice that most of the companies and the workers on the projects are not local.

At best, this can only be called the provincialist sociopolitical incest that has cursed this border city. People of Gowen's ilk actually believe that only they know what is best for the rest of us mere mortals whose reason for being is to follow them as leaders and kick into the public kitty.

That's the reason why the local boards and their staffs – from the City Commission Public Utility Board, the BCIC, the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC), and others like Texas Southmost College, the Port of Brownsville, the Brownsville Housing Authority, and the Brownsville Independent School District – are filled with their clubby members and dole out goodies and jobs to their friends and political cronies.

Take the PUB, for example. It's often referred to by locals as the Primos, Uncles, and Brothers for its insularity, and once you get on the staff, like the city, you are on there for life if you toe the line and don't misbehave. 

Once the board of the PUB had the son of a local university president elected chairman whose only qualifications to run the utility was that he was her son. He later went on to become a major vendor to the PUB before his ineptness was made public and he limped away with only one lucrative contract. And so it goes...The $125 million Tenaska electric plant debacle paid with artificially-high utility rates by local residents was partly fueled by inept yes-men and yes-women on the board who sat by while the residents were fleeced and no plant was ever built. 

The result is that local qualified administrators and professional staff who seek employment with the city and these boards are also bypassed by this socioeconomic incest and provincial thinking that pervades the city and they move on to other places where their talents are appreciated. Meanwhile, Brownsville stays with mediocre administrators and professionals whose only claim to fame is that they are the Primos, Uncles and Brothers of local politicians and members of the "club," and the city's resources hemorrhage to other communities instead of benefitting local residents and the taxpayers who fund the city. 

Everyone but the residents made money from the Tenaska scam. 

And, to the woe of local businesses and vendors, they have developed a knack for using buy boards to bypass local providers – even with a five percent local preference – in favor of vendors and providers from outside. Everything from building maintenance to security services are being handled by outside providers even though there are plenty of local vendors who hire local workers. 

So while local vendors and businesses pay their taxes, hire local workers, and are part of the community, they see the contracts go to outside providers. They cringe when they see their services bypassed by these boards, and the city commission, and handed to outsiders, even when their fees for their services are lower than theirs.

"I go and sit in on the BCIC meetings and see the same people get the grants, and when you look for the BCIC staff to help you, they are never there," said a local businessman. "The worse is when these city-appointed boards dole out money to the city itself. It's like you already paid taxes to the city and then they get even more money from these boards. It's double dipping."

Even so, the city and BCIC and GBIC, not to mention the port, periodically are awarded prizes for excellence by their industry group to who they pay exorbitant membership fees. So while the city has a hangdog appearance to casual visitors, their walls are filled with plaques attesting to the "excellence" of their performance. 

Doing business in the city – despite promises from every politician at an election cycle – remains a mine field, with some business waiting for months (we know of one case where it took 8 months) to get the right permits from the permitting department and beguiled by the thicket of rules and regulations about which they are not told until their applications are rejected. And they pay months of rent awaiting their approval without being able to do a cent of business. Many just give up in discouragement and move somewhere else.

The use of buy-board purchases over local providers is another sticking point for local vendors.  

We remember when Cameron County commissioner David Garza inquired about a buy-board purchase of sheriff department patrol cars and asked why they were going to a firm in Central Texas instead of local car dealers. The purchasing department told him it was part of a buy board, but upon comparison – including shipping and other costs – it was discovered that the cost of local units was the same, if not lower, than the buy-board purchase. The award was voided and the local car dealer got the bid. Why can't the city, BISD, PUB, etc., do the same?

Until this system of socioeconomic incest and the grandiose illusions to emulate other municipalities which have nothing in common with ours are abandoned, we will remain comfortably dragging the rear in economic and professional development.


EL REY said...

What Gowen is doing is keeping you in the game. Hike & Bike trails are BIG in McAllen and Harlingen. Get your head out of your tamale-fattened ass, Juan. La cagas, guey.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Brownsville is at the anus of the Rio Grande. That's why you are what you are - shit.

Anonymous said...

Great Article, Montoya. Don't forget to add the Port of Brownsville and the little feifdom the Guerra Family of Matamoros is building there. You can't have a business nor lease a lot at the Port of Brownsville without contributing to the Cartel del Gulfo fund. The Port of Brownsville needs a deep audit and investigation.

Montoya, airing the dirty laundry of Cameron County and the City of Brownsville is your forte. You're a diamond in a coal mine on local matters. A simple advice, stay clear of Federal Politics the people have grown tired of Democrats corruption of the region. The People have learned the corporate, mainstream media is nothing but propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Kickbacks! That's what's keeping us back
Our elected officials all wanting the whole pie.


Trump is a massive failure. Fact.

Anonymous said...

Horrible grammar J. Also, learn about economics.

Anonymous said...

Blogger mentality is what's holding us back. You have an $18 billion dollar project with LNG, soon to be a larger amount with the expansion, you have SpaceX with over $3 billion dollars, and we still have other LNG's working on FID. If you're educated to live off government subsidies, then it's very difficult to take advantage of the opportunity in your back yard. There are very few cities in the entire US that have this level of investment going on. Locals need to eat it up like your life depended on it.

Anonymous said...

😂 sorry bud, that’s funny the chicken eye of the rgv

Anonymous said...

Guess who is not letting Europe by Russian fuel. Trump is gonna be rent free in your head. American currency and control of the banks. Read up on that, winning 🏆

Anonymous said...

Guess who is not letting Europe by Russian fuel. Trump is gonna be rent free in your head. American currency and control of the banks. Read up on that, winning 🏆

Anonymous said...

these city boards that are made up by the same people, guarded by city officials unfortunately are costing the people of the city money. fees for this and that..., its ridiculous. PUB, BCIC, and GBIC are a robbing the city tax payers and ultimately getting a piece of the pie. What is hilarious (being sarcastic) is that when they are pointed or when it comes down to getting this so called city officials out of office, the get elected again and again and when a new person wants to go in, the public shreds them....We as a city need to stand up and hold these thieves accountable.., it is our money they are playing with and ultimately we are the ones that are affected by these misuse of funds. They don't get affected, because guess what they have historical homes that don't pay taxes or are protected by some state agency or law.

Anonymous said...

This is an UNEDUCATED, IGNORANT Welfare Society...and you think a city should flourish under these conditions?! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes 👍, good read

Anonymous said...

Yes the people that are in the know and pay attention to things here locally understand. Little by change is happening and more people are aware of the shenanigans With in are city and the boards and recycling of positions. Appreciate you activists

St. Peter said...

May God damn Trump & Musk

Harlingen/First Time Here said...

My neighbor took down his Trump flag. It's never been down. I'm closely monitoring the situation.

Eldelasprietas said...

Just woke up. Saw Trump was still alive. Going right back to sleep. Wake me up when he's gone.

Bobby said...

Absolutely mind-blowing! Reality is sometimes crazier than fiction!

Committee To Defend Brownsville said...

no king.
no dictator..
no oligarchy...
let's take action now for democracy .. !!

Anonymous said...

7:46 AM And you ate here reading and posting on the Rrun Rrun because you love SHIT. SHIT makes you feel SO good.

Anonymous said...

Funny that Republicans don’t realize Canada would be a blue state...................................

Absalom Aleikum said...

There are more of us than you think.

Anonymous said...

After announcing her decision to reside in Mexico, Britney Spears expressed: 'I am so lucky! This place is incredibly beautiful! Thank you, Jesus, for a place so far from the United States!' Mexico is a nation full of greatness, known for its multiculturalism and welcoming spirit for those seeking a new beginning.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Trump all this is legal. Bribes are OK you will not be arrested nor anything. They passed a law.

Anonymous said...

Run for office. Ask questions before voting from the various candidates. Vote for the new people.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is unique. Nobody wants to leave this place. More people are coming here trying to change it, but in the process they will change.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Republicans have been in power longer. Also, they have established more rules and regulations to favor the rich. Do not get tired of Republicans but do not try to get rid of Democrats so that you can see how great the Republican party is. Without the Democrats, you will hate the Republicans.

Bone in Bone Out said...

Marco Rubio will be 1st Trump cabinet member to resign.

Irving R. Levine said...

Is Brownsville secretly supported by Matamoros money?......

Anonymous said...

Reminder. Only in America can a HOMELESS VETERAN sleep in a cardboard box on the street, while a Convicted Criminal, and Draft Dodger sleeps in the White House.

Anonymous said...

what do you all want? the gringos to come down here and build zumbidos like the ones in mata back in the 50's and 60's? Its fine as it is now.


For those who haven't been paying attention: a huge chunk of your paycheck goes to Social Security. It's literally your money. Don't just stand around while they try to take it.

Anonymous said...

mcallen and harlinchon are gringo cities, aqui puro mojados they use bikes to go work and to go see the rocket failures...NADA MAS!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 10:20 AM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 10:01 AM
this is a blog estupido nothing formal in blogs pendejo learn about blogs idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

Why is an unelected person allowed
unrestricted access to citizen’s private information? Laws don’t apply to oligarchs? The GOP ignores
and condones Musk’s activities.
Basic rights are being violated. What
has happened to our rights guaranteed by the constitution? Let’s see where the dust settles.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a nice city. Quiet for those that like quiet. Loud and rowdy for those that like to party. Small and down to earth but also has millionaires living around here. Educated people but also people that went to the School of Hard Knocks. It has good people and bad people. The bad people are spoiled and lazy and make their families live with stress.

Anonymous said...

Maybe BISD can use the bike and hike trails.
BISD could get Elon Musk to build several hundred mini buses to transport students.
And when the buses need charging just set up several charging stations.
Tesla mini buses Inc.

Anonymous said...

Yes, social security is our money but don't just tell doing something about it. Give us ideas as to what to do. We can't be violent.

Anonymous said...

The reason why Brownsville is behind is because even though many of its people are fine humans most don't believe in education. Education is not valued. For instance, 4:38 states defend your SS money well starts by writing to your elected officials. Let the state elected officials know that you will not vote for them if they don't take care of your money. You can also call them. The problem is that the people don't know how to write or speak.

Lack of education is why Brownsville is behind.

Anonymous said...

I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that corruption at various levels drags us down but besides that we are an unoriginal city. We are a "me too" city. Some city does something that looks good and we say oh, me too, we want to do that. Except for the plastic bag ban and to that the governor said oh, no way.

Anonymous said...

tenia que salir el cartoon little werquito mamon. now go play with your cartoons but en el escusado PINCHE MAMON

Anonymous said...

You got a point. We should have a recycle program outside our homes. We should have more parades. We should have a Port of Brownsville parade for the regular folks. We should have more flowers, greenery and pretty lights around the hood. We should have a CLEAN YOUR STREET program. But should doesn't exist.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, get rid of all the crooks??? Maybe, that wouldn’t keep Brownsville behind???

Anonymous said...

Time to eliminate at-large positions and go to individual districts, at-large positions dilute individuals voting strength. Only Mayor should be at-large. The jig is up! Charter election now!
