One of the pairs of hands that you see outstretched to raise our National flag on the battle-scarred crest of Mount Suribachi so many years ago, are those of a Native American ... Ira Hayes ... a Marine not of the ethnic majority of our population.
Were Ira Hayes here today...I would tell him that although my words on another occasion have given the impression that I believe some Marines...because of their color...are not as capable as other Marines...that those were not the thoughts of my mind...and that they are not the thoughts of my heart.
I would tell Ira Hayes that our Corps is what we are because we are of the people of America...the people of the broad, strong, ethnic fabric that is our nation. And last, I would tell him that in the future, that fabric will broaden and strengthen in every category to make our Corps even stronger...even of greater utility to our nation.
I would tell Ira Hayes that our Corps is what we are because we are of the people of America...the people of the broad, strong, ethnic fabric that is our nation. And last, I would tell him that in the future, that fabric will broaden and strengthen in every category to make our Corps even stronger...even of greater utility to our nation.
That's a commitment of this commandant...And that's a personal commitment of this Marine.
By Michael Sykes, For The WinUSA TODAY Sports Media Group
The page honoring the famous baseball player was deleted as part of a mass removal by the Donald J. Trump administration targeting, among others, Black and other minorities' military contributions.
Robinson's military history was scrubbed from the Department of Defense's website by Tuesday evening. The DoD removed a section from its website dedicated to Robinson's military service as part of its "digital content refresh" focused on removing what the Trump administration considers the promotion of "diversity, equity and inclusion." Robinson's story was included as part of the "Sports Heroes Who Served" series on the site before it was temporarily removed — and then restored Wednesday following public outcry.
MORE JACKIE ROBINSON: Here's why the Department of Defense removed Robinson's history from its website .
Not only was Robinson's history erased, but it was also mocked. The canonical URL on the story originally included the term "sports-heroes." The department marked the beginning of the URL with "DEI" like it has done with similar pages, as if being a Black man serving his country in the Jim Crow United States during the 1940s was some cakewalk.
The page honoring the famous baseball player was deleted as part of a mass removal by the Donald J. Trump administration targeting, among others, Black and other minorities' military contributions.
Robinson's military history was scrubbed from the Department of Defense's website by Tuesday evening. The DoD removed a section from its website dedicated to Robinson's military service as part of its "digital content refresh" focused on removing what the Trump administration considers the promotion of "diversity, equity and inclusion." Robinson's story was included as part of the "Sports Heroes Who Served" series on the site before it was temporarily removed — and then restored Wednesday following public outcry.
MORE JACKIE ROBINSON: Here's why the Department of Defense removed Robinson's history from its website .
Not only was Robinson's history erased, but it was also mocked. The canonical URL on the story originally included the term "sports-heroes." The department marked the beginning of the URL with "DEI" like it has done with similar pages, as if being a Black man serving his country in the Jim Crow United States during the 1940s was some cakewalk.
Looking for sexy shower mate!! I’m in need of someone to satisfy sexual tension and depravity. Pleasure and exploration are included and reciprocation is a must. MILF fun is better than most I hope you will join me and satisfy my cravings
Something's wrong with white people, Juan.
Get to the bottom of it. Erasing history is for losers.
Begging for money at every turn. Trump is beyond sickening.
And, yet, NOTHING is done about it.
I’m sorry to admit I was born with white skin. My ancestors were persecuted too. Many immigrants who fled from Europe during the potato famine were being treated poorly. During the early days of railroad building the African slaves weren’t used for that. The slave owner said they valued the slaves. Though I am white I regret that I am
Such a low-class thing to do.
Someone is feeling damned insecure.
Valley lawmakers propose letting Starbase control weekday beach closures next they will want to privatize it, and the elected officials QUE??? NADA NADA Y NADA THEY ALL NEED TO BE REPLACED.
A hard rain's a-gonna fall.
There was a movie made about Ira Hayes....I believe Tony Curtis played him in the Hollywood flick. PENTAGON should be damned ashamed.
So, what's Trump gonna want next - an All-White NFL and NBA?
It's 5 minutes to midnight America - there should be a huge amicus brief from thousands of lawyers and judges to lobby the Supreme Court to reverse or radically modify their Immunity ruling.
Trump should be arrested.
White people are the MINORITY in world population.
They're asking for it.
Draft dodger Trump calling a war hero DEI. His coward ass stayed home and played tennis.
Haven't heard, but did local Trump groupie Hasse serve in the military?
MAGA my ass. It has been clear for a while that it is MAWA Make America White Again. Since something not far under half the voting population in the Valley voted for that bastard you have yourself to blame when they come for you.
It's still there. Not being prioritized now. More to history than negroes and natives.
History says whites are criminals.
Great news Jerry, Texas House panel advances 'Trey's Law' to ban NDAs in sex abuse settlements
Cindy Clemishire was 12 years old when Robert Morris began to sexually abuse her in the 1980s. He made her promise not to tell anyone about it.
“The first time he made the premeditated decision to violate and defile my purity, he told me … 'You can never tell anyone, because it will ruin everything,’” Clemishire recounted to a Texas House panel Wednesday morning as the lawmakers heard testimony for a bill proposing to ban nondisclosure agreements in sex abuse cases.
Fake news
The $64.000 question is: Why is Trump destroying the Country.
Fucking disgusting.
My understanding is that NO, Hasse did not serve.
But he acts & talks like he did.
You are worried about recession but not about fascism. Says it all right there, really.
Forget "the melting pot."
Hahahaha 😎, bro your the shit. 👍 yes
Yellow journalism
Racist dictator Putin puppet
Many Mexicans and Mexican Americans consider themselves WHITE, so they actually were voting for their kind. That is why they are outspoken and strong in the Valley and Cameron.
Trump and the Republicans are tweaking the country to make it better for the ruling class. The new world order.
Hay dios mio
Ke injusticia
No voy a dormir
Because you were poor or part of a White group that was not accepted: Jews, polish Jews, gypsies, Irish, Japanese. Do not regret you are White, support equality and justice for all from within your group.
It is only yellow journalism when we read things we do not like, do not accept nor we want to know.
Economy is what rules America. Trump was elected because Americans want more money in their wallets. First is Money, second is Truck, third is Home. Freedom, Justice and Independence take a backseat.
Race wise Mexicans are white. However, the blue eyed blonde doesn't see it that way. Neither does the blue eyed blonde Mexican. At the end of the day we all bleed red.
at 7:27 AM
wear transparent clothing on your NALGAS PRIETAS, that guey people can say there goes another pendejo meskan... gueyon
12:07 Recession and Fascism. Trump gives you loads of both.
White men need to convince White women to have six or seven children and stay home to take care of the kids. All white women need to have six or seven children. To help the country. The minority people, do not have children. or only one kid.
at 7:07 AM
MAMASELA JOTITA te gustan los hombres maricon
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