Tuesday, May 11, 2010


By Daniel Reyna
As someone who has been at the other end of the judicial system, I was astounded to read where former Cameron County District Attorney Yolanda De Leon De Leon says that she didn‘t wish her experience with the judicial system on someone else “who doesn‘t have the resources “to defend themselves."
Does this mean that she is saying that if you have money the judicial system – justice itself – is for sale?
That makes me wonder if in the two years that she says that she was “under a cloud“ and did not take any cases whether she performed any pro-bono cases to help out needy clients.
For some reason, she reminds of me of Dick Chaney, a man who benefitted handsomely from his tenure as George W’s vice-president. He would rant and rave about those criticizing the corrupt administration while he was making like a thief as a result of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
To quote the Brownsville Herald report: “I don’t wish this on anybody,” De Leon said, adding that she spent thousands of dollars in legal fees to clear her name. “I don’t wish this on somebody who doesn’t have the resources” to defend themselves.
Does Ms. De Leon remember how many people had to take guilty pleas while she was the prosecutor even though they thought they were not guilty of the charges she brought against them? And does she remember those that got off with committing some crime because they could afford a high-priced lawyer?
It’s statements like these that make those of us average citizens lose faith in this judicial system. I get it now, Ms. De Leon. The poor commit crimes and the rich make errors in judgment. I wonder where Pat Ahumada would be if he didn’t have the means to defend himself against the theft charge of the $26,000 city vendor's check?


Anonymous said...

Ruben Penas friend, have you noticed they are always involved in controversy. birds of a feather stick together.

Anonymous said...

Equal justice ... fine theory ... hard to practice

Anonymous said...

Mr. Reyna has the audacity to speak out against any public official who does wrong. Has he forgotten that we was also found to have falsified some paper work in Los Fresnos where he was an official? It is the pot calling the kettle black. How soon he forgets, but many peole still remember how he also received a paycheck from BISD and all he did in his room was work with his personal business, hiding behind a partion in his room at BMS. Keep your mouth shut and maybe people will forget you and what you did also.

Anonymous said...

"Has he forgotten that we was also found to have falsified some paper work in Los Fresnos where he was an official?"

Attack the message not the messenger.
