Saturday, August 28, 2010


By Juan Montoya

We must be getting close to election time again.
This August, a mere 60 days before the November Congressional District 27, Congressman Solomon Ortiz just can't seem to stop thrusting his largess (with out money, of course) at local voters.
Whether it's money for the colleges, the infrastructure, law enforcement and Homeland Security, Jolly Saint Solomon is bringing the bacon home, or at least trying to make it seem like he was the power behind the approval of the various grants by the different federal agencies.
No children, no lump of coal for you. Kindly Santa Ortiz has a sack full of goodies for you.
We all know that even if Solomon and his minions had nothing to do with applying for grant or writing them, the announcements by the different federal agencies are filtered through his congressional office as a matter of courtesy. So when he makes his announcements, it appears that he has been assiduously laboring behind the scenes and fighting with the faceless bureaucrats in Washington to champion our cause.
The latest present to his South Texas children was on Friday, when he did some heavy hitting on our behalf. For example:
On August 26, 2010, his PR flacks spread the word far and wide that:
(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) announced today the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant for the City of Raymondville and Willacy County for $24,833. The funding is made available through the U.S. Department of Justice.
That was relatively small change as Washington grants go, but then came this:
On August 26, 2010,
(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) announced today a $250,000 grant for the STARS program at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi. The grant is made available by the U.S. Department of Justice.
The STARS program is designed to aid court-referred and at-risk youth as they make choices that impact their lives and educational careers.
Then this:
August 24, 2010
(Washington, D.C) – U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) announced today the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant for the Brownsville Police Department and the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office for $116,952.
“Having dedicated my life to law enforcement, I am pleased to know this funding will help two agencies in Cameron County as we work together to make South Texas a safe place for all to work, live and visit,” Ortiz said. “This funding will allow the Brownsville Police Department and the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office to purchase equipment and technology to better serve our communities in the area.”
Them words were mighty pretty, weren't they? Well, let's hear them again, B'god. Notice that the further north we get and closer to Nueces County, the awards seem to get bigger.
August 24, 2010
(Washington, D.C) – U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) announced today the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant for the Corpus Christi Police Department and the Nueces County Sheriff’s Office for $247,696.
“Having dedicated my life to law enforcement, I am pleased to know this funding will help two law enforcement agencies in the Coastal Bend as we work together to make South Texas a safe place for all to work, live and visit,” Ortiz said. “This funding will allow the Corpus Christi Police Department and the Nueces County Sheriff’s Office to purchase equipment and technology to better serve our communities in the area.”
Then, on August 18, 2010:
(Washington, D.C) – U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) announced today $865,920.00 in stimulus funding for the City of Brownsville to foster economic growth and development by increasing public computer access and broadband Internet in South Texas.
The project will enhance existing technology and resources in Brownsville Public Libraries by adding 176 new public computers that will allow residents of the city and region to access the Internet with greater ease. The Brownsville Public Library system will provide training and tutoring for residents to learn how to use computers and the Internet. The project will create jobs and spur economic growth and educational opportunities.
But, look at what our co-constituents further north got:
August 17, 2010
(Washington, D.C) – U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) announced today $4,165,339 in federal funding for educational programs in South Texas.
“We have secured a great amount of funding for the Education Service Center 2, the Corpus Christi Independent School District, Del Mar College, Texas A&M University—Corpus Christi, and Texas A&M University—Kingsville that will help increase the literacy of our next generation of Texas children and young adults as well as assist them in enrolling in college and obtain an education,” Ortiz said. “I am committed to my continued work with school districts, colleges and universities in the 27th Congressional District of Texas as we work in building a well-rounded and educated workforce and society.”
In contrast, the educational aspirations of Brownsville students got a few less pesos from Santa Ortiz.
August 16, 2010
(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) announced today $1,508,460.00 in federal funding to the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College for the Student Support Program by the U.S. Department of Education.
“We must afford our students in the lower Rio Grande Valley every opportunity to obtain an education and earn a college degree,” Ortiz said. “The Department of Education recognizes the efforts being spearheaded by UTB/TSC and through this grant, first-generation, low-income students have the opportunity to enroll at the university. I am confident this money will assist UTB/TSC to continue their work in building a well-rounded and educated workforce and society.”
And, of course, let's not forget the Port of Brownsville which has played a critical role in keeping our congressman and his staff well fed and entertained, often using funds from the missing $21 million bridge to nowhere.
August 11, 2010
(Washington, D.C.)—U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) announced the designation of eight Marine Highway Corridors, including the “Cross Gulf Container Expansion” spanning from the Port of Brownsville, Texas to Port Manatee, Florida.
Incidentally, the Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood also had a small role to play in the business and Ortiz dangled the possibility that the Port of Brownsville may get a part of the $7 million for which the designated projects will be eligible to compete.
But he's not done (I told you August was a good month for Solo).
On August 10, 2010, he announces a Godsend for out teachers and Medicare clients.
(Washington, D.C.)—U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) voted today for passage of the Education Jobs and Medical Assistance Act in the House of Representatives. The bill would retain 772 teachers in the 27th Congressional District of Texas as well as provide more than $858 million for the Medicaid program. The bill now goes to the President for his consideration.
Also, on the same day, Solomon does some more heavy lifting for us.
August 10, 2010
(Washington, D.C.)—U.S. Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) announced today the passage of the 2010 Border Security Supplemental Appropriations Bill. The bill provides $600 million in funds to help protect the U.S.-Mexico border by strengthening border security and enforcement efforts along the Southwest border. Ortiz is a co-sponsor of this bill.
Never one be remiss and not throw a bone at the Republican core constituency in Cameron County, Ortiz, on August 06, 2010, announces:
(Washington, D.C.)--U.S. Congressmen Solomon P. Ortiz (TX-27) and RubĂ©n Hinojosa (TX-15) announce today a $2,300,000.00 grant awarded to the City of Harlingen through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The funds will be used to improve the drainage system around the downtown area which is prone to frequent flooding during heavy rainfall. The FEMA grant was awarded specifically for damage incurred in the area due to Hurricane Dolly in 2008.
With two months left to go before the November election, be prepared to be bombarded by the PR machine in the 27th Congressional District office as the elves crank out the efforts of our paladin in Washington, Solomon Ortiz, doing battle on our behalf and bringing home the bag of goodies.
If somewhere in the back off your mind you realize that it's our money that is returning to our area, and that Solomon is making it seem like he's doing us a favor by announcing its return, you are entirely correct. After all, after 28 years in the machine, he's got the rap down pat.


Anonymous said...

Ortiz, Lucio, Zayas, Cortez have been there too long. JUST VOTE THEM OUT!

Anonymous said...

I agree anon, gypsies, tramps, and thieves. Puro pinches rateros, que no valen madre.

Anonymous said...

Son las Ratas que tienen patas.

Anonymous said...

Ortiz horrible accent reminds of Omar Lucio Cameron County Sherrif, who looks old and tired.
They both look past there prime, ready for the old horses farm.

Unknown said...

This highlights how far removed Mr. Ortiz and his staff have become from the constituents of his South Texas District. Laying claim to true results of his efforts is certainly his prerogative and option, but doing so on results in which he had no involvement to seek political favor is a gross insult to the fine people of the District. He and his staff obviously think we are too unaware, too self-absorbed, too apathetic, or just too accepting of his serfdom to see his motives. Sorry to disappoint him but we read him like a book and the plot is getting a little boring. It is a shame he has become so far removed from the people he was elected to represent. Time for a new direction. HASTA LA VISTA BABY !!!!!

Ed Mishou
Candidate for Texas' 27th Congressional District
