Monday, January 2, 2012


By Juan Montoya
They say that holding political office invigorates some politicians.
In other cases, such as Bill Clinton and George Bush, for example, the weight of their office visibly aged them, regardless of their outside recreation.
Locally, we used to laugh when office holders like Cameron County Joe Rivera and commissioner Lucino Rosenbaum Jr. ran for re-election and their campaign signs showed images that seemed to have come from their high school yearbooks. Now, politicians being what they are, this much was to be expected. But the pics that Pct. 2 Constable Pete Avila is using seem to have been pulled from his previous lifetime.
We were sitting around a coffee table in a local greasy spoon with the likes of Rivera, Avila, Cameron County Treasurer David Betancourt, and Pct. 1 Supervisor Gabino Vasquez among others.
When the subject of old pictures came up, Avila took the ribbing good-naturedly and said he already had the picture on hand so he used it instead of spending more money for a professional photographer.
"I was much older than," he said as the others broke up laughing.
 Now, we have seen others use photographs that date back a few generations, including Betancourt. However, the prize for using old pictures would have to go to former Cameron County Judge Ray Ramon. Ray's pictures never changed. Even after years in office, his photo never seemed to change.
"Ray was ageless," said a wag around the table. "You can probably find an old sign bearing his picture somewhere out in some forgotten corner of the county. Hell, Pete looks like an old man compared to some of the ones Ray used."


Anonymous said...

That is a picture of when Pete was a fetus! Mamaon! Mamon!

Anonymous said...

son los mismos mamones all the elected officials de la courthouse out out out fuera you all stink!!!! yikes

Anonymous said...

well at least la sofia benavides looks pretty gordita in her picture and what you see is what you get she has not altered her picture, pura vida pa la sofia pct 1 all the way

Anonymous said...

There is no way you can compare this to a fetus picture. Some people are so dumb founded. !HATERS!HATERS!

Anonymous said...

Pete Avila is a waste of tax payers monies, does nothing during the week, but does security, and moves houses on county gas on the weekends making revenue. You figure he put it into his house, he lives in a fucking pig stye. He should shoot himself and start over. El pinche pendejo mamon right hand tambien.
Earlier this year he even asked for a raise...This guy is the smartest dumbfuck, crook I have ever seen. Fucking us all!!!

Anonymous said...

Im his grandaughter. Pete Avila is not a waste of tax payers money. Maybe the Constable position is a waste, not the employee. Moving houses and security, ect is the job duty and my grandfather did his job! "You figure he put it in to his house, but no he lives in a pigsty". Pos quien te entiende? You complain he's a waste of tax payers money and then you complain that he does take money and by a nice house? He is an honest hard working man! He has a masters degree. He was the constable, contractor and baseball coach for the highschool all at the same time. At his age, that is awesome! He does not live in a pig sty he has the same house he raised his 6 kids in and it is nice and clean inside. Have you been inside his house? If so, who the fuck are you? Going behind his back talking all this sht? Fucking hater, loser, low life with nothing better to do. He should shoot himself? Fuck you bitch, hes fucking living the life getting his firefighter retirement fat check and his check from coaching, the houses he owns and rents out, and his job as constable and you miserable fuck are the that needs to commit suicide cuz your a waste of man kind!
Re: Pete Avila is a waste of tax payers monies, does nothing during the week, but does security, and moves houses on county gas on the weekends making revenue. You figure he put it into his house, he lives in a fucking pig stye. He should shoot himself and start over. El pinche pendejo mamon right hand tambien.
Earlier this year he even asked for a raise...This guy is the smartest dumbfuck, crook I have ever seen. Fucking us all!!!
