Wednesday, June 13, 2012


"The wicked flee when no man pursueth."
Proverbs 28:1
By Juan Montoya
It started out even before the primary elections.
Numerous campaign sings of Yolanda Begum, candidate for the Justice of the Peace 2-2 position, were slashed with box cutters or other sharp instruments. Interestingly, only Begum's and no no other candidates', signs were vandalized. In some case, another candidate's sign (Erin Hernandez Garcia's) was next to hers and was not touched. At the Valley International County Club, the vandals actually went on private property and slashed them.
Now, with only one opponent against Begum in the runoff (Erin Hernnadez Garcia), the fun and games has started all over again. In a report filed with the Brownsville Police Department, Begum has said that someone has been removing her sings (metal posts and all) from various locations around the city and leaving other (Erin Hernandez Garcia's) signs untouched.
"Jut mine are disappearing," said the exasperated candidate. "There's a gap where mine were, but others (like Erin Hernandez Garcia's) are still there."
The tactic from her opponents camp (and logically, who else would care about Begum's signs?) seems to be: If we couldn't beat her outright in the primary, let's make her spend her money and divert her from campaigning for the runoff."
Signs, as most candidates will tel you, are not cheap. Begum says her 150 elaborate campaign 4x4 and 4x8 signs set her back some $12,000. Although she told police she does not know the identity of the sign thieves and vandals, she said her mother had spotted a white pickup truck (Ernie Hernandez, Erin Hernandez Garcia's father, owns a white pickup truck, among other vehicles) loaded with her daughter signs along FM 802, where some have disappeared.
"She called me up and asked me if I was still placing signs and I told her I wasn't," Begum said. "She didn't think anything of it when she saw the truck passing by and didn't follow it."
Meanwhile, when a Harlingen television station queried Begum's lone opponent (Erin Hernandez Garcia) about the stolen signs, she struck an arrogant pose and called her opponents, among other things, a "crybaby," "insecure," and "unqualified" to be a justice of the peace.
Even a famous local politiquera called this blog to "protest too much" and sought to remove the blame from Erin Hernandez Garcia (Ernie Hernandez's daughter) for the missing signs and vandalism.
"It's just that people place signs without permission and the owners sometimes call to complain about them," she said. "Erin (Hernandez Garcia) had nothing to do with it, believe me."
As the Bible states: "The wicked flee..."


Anonymous said...

I saw Erin's interview with Daisy Martinez. All I can say is she is full of herself. She is super arrogant, her demeanor shows that of a person who wants to be above everyone by stating she is an attorney. That is her slogan to win the race. By stating such, she is really saying that Linda Salazar and the rest of the JP's that have been around for years do not know how to apply the laws. Linda, I believe began working as a clerk back in the 70's and has won over the people of Cameron County with no law degree. I am going to give Mrs. Begum a chance, because unlike the Hernandez's she has no personal gain from this. She seems to have a fresh attitude and has shown to be true to her colors. I am pretty sure that a lot of Javier Hernandez supporters much rather have Ms. Begum than Mrs. Erin H. Garcia. Yolanda Begum for Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Place 2!

Anonymous said...

The offer still stand if you see anyone removing signs without permission.


Anonymous said...

It cracks me up that as STUPID as Begum sounded on TV last night, she still has little cheerleaders out there. you are supporting a woman who couldn't even speak in complete sentences in the interview, is whining about signs being gone...and she wants to be a judge. Mrs. Begum you are a joke.

Anonymous said...

What disgusting pieces of shit!

By the way, a Begum sign was cut clean in half near the entrance to hidden valley this weekend

It is obvious to all that Begum is running against an idiot thug

Anonymous said...

Another Begum sign cut in half near corner of Old Alice and Fireside,

Anonymous said...

This is going to be a tough run-off election....we have the daughter of a corrupt county official vs an idiot who barely speaks English. Do we choose a questionable lawyer...who at least go through law school....or a wannabee housewife who is has no education or experience in judicial processes. As conflicted as I am, I think Erin is the rational choice.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick and tired of all these candidates stealing and defacing their own signs for attention and publicity. We are not pendejos. The majority of candidates know the repurcussions and I'm sure they don't want to go that route.

Our family is not voting for either one of these two.

Too much bad blood and negative Karma----might rub off.

Anonymous said...

Rest assured, the voting public is not as 'conflicted' about the choice as you are Erin.

Anonymous said...

who does Erin have left, Chezmeh? Aroldo Cadriel, who tried to vote for her from prison. and the Republicans, because they want another 'Abel Limas' or 'Ernie Hernandez' to bring scandal down on the Democrats.

its a no brainer Begum wins

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 6:31, you know I used to have a friend who would talk a lot of crap abou the Hernandez family and when I asked him why ....he couldn't give me a straight answer. So i said,ok...let me find out ....turns out...the shit most people say about them is all crap. Its all just a bunch of rumors......

Anonymous said...

I live in rancho video, so I don't vote in this election.


Erin is Ernie's daughter. She defended the use of illegal ballots. She violated ethics rules while serving as treasurer for another elected official. She tried to profit from the county claiming she owned the vending company so that daddy could vote to award her the contract. Her mother is a corrupt politiquera. Her uncle killed a young girl and molested another child. Another one of her uncles was a convicted felon and given a job at the county by her dad Ernie. But then he couldn't pass the county service exam. So Ernie had someone else take it for him. Nice family.....

I would take dumb, blind, and death than this corrupt bunch of Hernandez's. I mean really, do you want another one taking our hard earned tax money?

Anonymous said...

Erin went to a last tier bottom of the barrel law school. She has proven to be a worthless lawyer with no real practice, other than representing clients before the county (where her corrupt father) on contract issues. Conflict? It would be in any other town. But I guess we are th exception. And since everyone looks the other way, they keep on doing it.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever noticed how many volunteers Begum has? Have you ever noticed that her numerous supporters are very passionate and bend over backwards to help her and promote her? Have you ever noticed that her supporters come from all walks of lives? have you ever noticed that among her friends and supporters you can find people that are highly educated and cultured, and that she is highly educated and cultured? so who are you (that most likely don't know her), to say that she is an idiot because she has an accent? or because she is not an attorney? look at Erin's ardent supporters, they are all fake accounts of Erasmo, Linda, her brother and parents. Most likely you are one of them

Anonymous said...

Let's face it everyone.So what if Erin is an attorney. If I were as educated as Erin claims to be I would not run for justice of the peace to seek any type of payment, instead I would open my own office mind my own business and practice law. Obviously she is not capable of that. Just because she is an attorney does mean she knows what she is doing. Erin is just like her father and does not have shame. Erin the people do not need you because from what I know about you is that your legal advice is expensive and worthless. Thank goodness someone of us who know the real Erin, nothing but a dumb arrogant sorry of a person.

Anonymous said...

You have written a great site.
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Anonymous said...

We are all voting for BEGUM!!!

Anonymous said...

anonymous 6.31
No Erin there are not rumors, there are facts

Anonymous said...

The real Lady will win ... Ms. Yolanda Begum is a class act just as her supporters are and Erin needs to distance herself from the rat trash political family she is related to and works so hard to defend.

Former county employee said...

Everytime that Ernie Hernandez and his "Miss Piggy" daughter speak? It reminds me of that scene in the Exorcist where she vomits the green slime at the priest! That's exactly how I feel about those two. Ernie Hernandez is not that clean and too STUPID to not get caught pulling his shenaningans!!!

there or they're, that is the question, said...

At anonymous 6.31 No Erin there are not rumors, there are facts

Your comments should read:
No Erin, they're not rumors, they're facts.
"They're", contraction for they are. There just doesn't make real sense. At least, I believe this is what you wanted to say.
I didn't want to go there but at least they're aware of their grammatical error. :-)

they air said...

Someone stole the sign that used to be there.
They're destroying Yolanda Begum's campaign signs.
All political candidates have had their signs vandalized.

Anonymous said...

Personal insults and bias aside, what makes Mrs. Begum a better choice than Erin H. Garcia for JP 2-2 ? Really, I would like to know.

vomit, slime , stupid, Miss Piggy, mexican please! said...

Personal attacks, grow up, really just grow up.

i am an educated voter said...

I am an Erin supporter and I consider myself educated and cultured. I am not a fake account. Fake account?
One thing that bothers me is all this name calling and personal attacks against Erin by the " highly educated and cultured supporters" of Yolanda Begum. If the Begum supporters want to place Erin in a bad light, talk about something of substance , not these silly personal attacks. I would never call Ms. Begum derrogatory names or mock her accent. We all have accents.
Can we all agree that for the remainder of this campaign to stick to the issues and be adult and civil?
That is what educated and cultured people would do.

Anonymous said...

Why even bother to explain, they don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Oh the cultured-----sangre azul.

Calling themselves the working class....WE ARE ALL THE WORKING CLASS....PENDEJOS!!!!!!

Stooping down to the bottom of the barrel.

In Browntown?
