Sunday, March 17, 2013


By Juan Montoya
At first it was just Maria Esther Garcia who was known to be running for the new position of Justice of the Peace 2-3. Garcia listed Lynette Benavides, of Brownsville as her treasurer.
The appointment of a treasurer allows the candidates to raise funds for the coming campaign.
Now we understand that the opening of the position has opened the floodgates of rumor and some of the names that are mentioned are startling, to say the least. Among them is former Pct. 2 Constable Pete Avila, who is now taking classes to become a more viable candidate, Mariano "Bean" Ayala, the perennial master of all ceremonies in Brownsville, and even Brownsville Independent School District trustee Minerva Peña.
We even now understand that City Commissioner Ricardo Longoria, who opted not to run against Sofia Benavides for Pct. 1 commissioner is also considering joining the fray.
Garcia is the court administrator for County-Court- at-Law 2 Laura Betancourt and the daughter of Cameron County Pct. 1 commissioner Sofie Benavides. From what we have been able to ascertain, Garcia is fairly well liked in the courthouse and from our previous experiences with that particular court – having had to pay for our legal transgressions in the pas – all we can say is that she treated lawyers, litigants and defendants in a professional, courteous, and efficient manner.
Avila lost to his nemesis Abel Gomez for constable and now apparently has decided that his years as a fire fighter and a law enforcement officer give him a leg up in the race against other candidates.
Garcia, however, has been with Betancourt for the better part of a decade and has probably overseen the dispensation of literally thousands of cases before her judge's court. It'll be difficult to beat her on the issue of experience.
Before she became the administrator of the court, she was also the office manager for former commissioner John Wood. That probably allowed her to rub elbows with most influential political heavyweights in the county, giving her a leg up on political contacts critical to get elected here.
And speaking of another JP office race, let's not forget that Erin Hernandez Garcia is also running this time around because she beat out Yolanda Begum in the last election to serve the unexpired term of Tony Torres. Many observers think that there may be a Begum-Hernandez rematch in the works.
We're still more than a year from the 2014 primaries and we can expect more candidates for these and other positions to emerge from both parties as the time goes on. For now, all we can say is that if this is any indication at the amount of interest in this race, there will probably be more coming out of the woodwork.


Anonymous said...

I hear that "Aun hay mas" como dice Raul Velasco.

Anonymous said...

Ya basta with the inbreeding. After a while the chromosomes start to create ugly facial and mental problems. Im paraphrasing people!

Anonymous said...

Heard Richard Longoria is also running for that position. Any truth to that?

Anonymous said...

Begum would be an idiot to run again. Didn't she learn the first time?

Anonymous said...

Rick longoria is running too...

Anonymous said...

Mary Esther has been a part of the existing cronyism and compadrism that affects our community, she. Has held jobs in the county because she is the daughter of our most inefficient commissioner, now like Ernie Hernandez and his daughter Erin Sofia wants to secure her daughter's position permanently on the county's tit , Bemavides owes her permanent position in the county to her ties to politiqueras like Hefminia becerra , Tomas's Chavez and the rest of the gang of thugs plus inside help from Roger Ortiz's office, contacts that she inherited along with her job from her husband the late Pete Benavides.

Anonymous said...

Nobody can get a job in the county, city or even the BISD unless you are the relative of an elected official Mary Helen's greatest qualification is that she is the daughter of stupid Sofia Benavides who is Ernie Hernandez's puppet in the commissioner's court, it is a conflict of interest to have the 2 coissolners's daughters as JP

Anonymous said...

Rick longoria, Pete Avila Mary Hester Bemavides, why are there any new blood running?

Anonymous said...

What a choice!! It is a dignified position after all! Pete Avila is dum, Rick Longoria has been a commissioner and has not been fair and square, Mary Hester is Sofia's daughter, maybe bean Ayala would be a better choice

Anonymous said...

Is it legal legal for the commissioners to have their 2 daughters as JPs

Anonymous said...

mary esther is dumb as a door knob. She works for the most incompetent judge on the bench.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Erin

Anonymous said...

I am not a woman hater but mary ester and urine, are fugly.

Anonymous said...

Begum running? What a joke. That bitch committed political suicide with her dirty ass campaign against Garcia.

Anonymous said...

You obviously favor Mary Ester just by the tone of your article. You have your facts SEVERELY wrong though. She is NOT liked at the courthouse.

Anonymous said...

Mary Ester's brother Jesse Mata is the one who lied for Rosenthal and Solis....I wonder if his honesty runs in the family?

Anonymous said...

Mary esther the airhead cant handle a JP position. just cause she's always had her jobs in the county cause of her family's pull doesnt mean she will make it this time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
Is it legal legal for the commissioners to have their 2 daughters as JPs

legal eagle said...

legal or not thats what the politiqueras bring to the table,
voters of cameron county just ask bercera, chavez and all th eoer politiqueras etc etc etc. voto pagdo, voto seguro, nothing but shit. and nobody can stop them, this has been going on for the last 30 years or more just ask joe rivera and aurora de la caca.

el monkey shines said...

mary esther i want to hellp your campaign but if you have becerra, chavez and all other politiquera then its in the bag, no need for us regular citizens to step in cause its a done deal right? monkey

Anonymous said...

all the rules of honesty are besided the point in county corruption no matter how they want to explain it or cover it.

Anonymous said...

"It's not what you know but who you know that counts for these ass holes." For being a daughter and thje other a complete ass hole.
