Monday, August 19, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Following a visit from the Brownsville City Health Department and receiving a report citing violations, the owners of the Oyster Bar II quickly corrected the perceived problems and 13 days later, a surprise visit from the inspector gave them a clean bill of health.
"We thought it was all done with," said former Brownsville commissioner and mayor Henry Gonzalez. "But then the broadcast on Channel 4 was aired and it made it seem like there was all kinds of things wrong here."
The newscast had made it seem like there was an infestation of rodents leaving droppings all over the kitchen and bathroom areas, Gonzalez said. However, he said that the photos that were disseminated on air weren't in the kitchen, the bathroom or dining areas at all.
"The only place where there was any problem was in the very top shelf of a broom closet way in the back and away from the kitchen and dining area," he said Monday over a cup of coffee. "But the damage had been done."
We looked at the place where Gonzalez said a photo – allegedly showing widespread rodent contamination – was taken and confirmed that it was the very top shelf where brooms, extra fluorescent bulbs and other cleaning supplied were kept. Dust from the ceiling and specks of dirt were the only things visible on Monday.
Still, we understand that blowing up a picture of a shelf and making it appear like it was a photo of an entire floor makes for good television. But as a struggling businessman, with faithful employees and a restaurant known for having a sterling reputation of cleanliness, it clearly bothered the former mayor.
"My employees and my customers know how strict I am about keeping everything clean," he said as he glanced about the still-empty dining area. "You have to climb up the top of a ladder just to get to that
 shelf, no one could even reach that high. Who knows how long stuff had accumulated up there."
The fact that the report was aired even after the violations had been corrected is the most unkindest cut of all, say Gonzalez's friends.
"If anything, Henry is fastidious about keeping the place clean," said one. "I have seen him sold some of his employees if they as much as drop a fork on the floor. To broadcast the photos of a problem that no longer exists and then post them all over the web is really unfair."



BobbyWC said...

Breaking News - Pigs Fly - In support of Mr. Gonzalez I immediately went for fried scallops - I knew enough that if valley central reported it I was not going to trust it. I have been eating at the Oyster Bar for over 20 years its seems - long since my move to Brownsville.

I say pigs must be flying because I also agree this United Brownsville thing must be stopped - Minerva is the type person who needs to be with the cool kids - she is mad how she was treated by the previous majority so now she is just acting out of spite - she is bad for BISD

And as to Enrique = he has to go - what if someone has already turned states evidence for immunity? Think about that Enrique - because my sources say they have.

So we agree on three things which means the press reports of pigs flying must be true.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Well the bow legged boy is a dunce.

Anonymous said...

sounds like grounds for a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

even rodent droppings inside a closet inside of the same restaurant where food is served is very bad.

Anonymous said...

So there was a problem? He shouldn't be crying foul if his employees are too lazy to clean.

Anonymous said...

Never mix food and politics. Oh, I forgot; this is the land of pre-election pachangas.
On another note, Ryan must be hard-up for news stuff, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Pinche Ryan Wolf maricon. The guy twists the truth to get ratings. That's what got him in trouble at his last job and ended up getting him fired. Go pluck your eyebrows up in Austin with your fatass lover, Erasmo.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wolf should be a little more concerned with the liability he creates for his station and less concerned with sensationalist journalism.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Boobie, shut THE FUCK up, you rolling-assed has-been. NOBODY agrees with you! get that thru your thick skull pronto. jmho

Anonymous said...

Way da' go Bobyiiiii.....calling a spaid a spaid!......Uuuuuyyyyyy!!!!

Don cleto said...

Ryan wolf is just that a wolf crying all th etime, i dont beleive anythign him or that martinez girly report, puro facebook and twitter crap, not news worthy, dc

Anonymous said...

Who directs Ryan Wolf's actions for his "Dirty Dining" item. Obviously he depends on the health departments of each city, but what determines which restaurants get bad mouthed on the air. What are the political implications??? Do advertisers get special dispensation? Or, is this a means of soliciting advertisers??? Obviously, some question of the randomness of Ryan's ugly piece of the news.

Anonymous said...

De qué chingados están hablando?de ratas en el restaurante o de la pinche rata estérica de el ex mayor
Y cual de los oisters? Porqué el de el centro no se queda
Atras vas al pinche baño viejo y te saludan las pinches ratas y cucarachos y pa que se hacen pendejos si es la verdad, políticos políticos no valen madre,

Anonymous said...

Wake up people. You know who gets bad food inspection reports. Restaurants that don't cater to the health inspectors. Period.

Anonymous said...

