Tuesday, October 8, 2013


By Juan Montoya
After being dogged during the last campaign with charges of womanizing and giving swollen-lip service to domestic violence cases, Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz has come out in a big way to assure victims of the crime that he's on their side – and to warn perpetrators that he'll put them away for it.
If you happened to be walking anywhere near the Cameron County Administrative Building on Harrison Street (as we happened to be), you couldn't help but notice the huge banner sign on its front warning that "When red and white turn to black and blue, you get orange, referring, of course, to domestic violence after love goes sour and fist o'cuffs start to flying.
We stopped and went back to take a photo and wouldn't you know it, but Saenz himself was in front of the sidewalk talking to some pedestrians who had stopped to eye the sign.
He was gracious enough to allow us to take a photo for posterity's sake and there you have it.
Now, as we stood there chit-chatting about this and the other, we noticed that when the wind blew in from the north, it went under the banner sign where the guy in orange is holding on to the bars and the billowing air made it appear as if he was struggling to get out from behind the bars. Now, we're sure that the designers never thought about the effect, but nonetheless, it was disconcerting if you looked at it long enough.


Anonymous said...

Lock up those women beaters, chicken shits! Anyone that beats a woman are not men, they are viejas!

Anonymous said...

How ironic that Saenz has a domestic violence campaig going on, and Martin Arambula is running for County Judge. Martin is a wife beater that was never prosecuted for beating his wife thanks to Villalobos. Vote for Sylvia Perez!

Anonymous said...

at 9:18 anonymous. Relax Sylvia. NO one believes you anymore. You are a joke. Unreliable and tied with the Hernandez Politiquera machine. Why would anyone vote for you? You don't last on anything. How many husbands have you had? You didn't even last a year as the elected Democratic Chair. What a joke you are Sylvia Perez Garza. Nothing but a JOKE.

chief cool arrow said...

what a joke saenz promoting this he after he was/is a wife beater too y andva de wello. dont tell me you already forgot luis? maybe altimers, sometimers tec.?????? cca

Anonymous said...

Here's the joke, juan.: That banner was likely produced by Melissa Zamora's old "promotions" company. ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Yea Luis Saenz, go after the elected wife beaters....prosecute Martin Arambula for beating his wife not once but twice!.....Go Sylvia...beat the wife beatrer for all women of Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

While we are on the domestic violence thing,...remember that men are abused also Juan, just Jessica Tetreu's husband. The poor bastard was beaten the shit out of by our commissioner. She would beat him and call cops and then say that he beat her! That is something that Melissa Zamora would also do when her husband caught her going down on her boyfriend at the park,...and now she is the one pushing this out on the commubity? Ridiculous! they say domestic violence right away assumne that it is a man beating a woman...huh! Zamora and Tetreu served together as commisioners,....they should consider becoming restlers,...tag team partners the husband beaters!

chief cool arrow said...

watched the movie el gringo with mel gibson and i dedicate the last song to luis sanez its called cool arrow. chief
