Wednesday, September 16, 2015


By Juan Montoya
Imagine this scenario.
Cameron County Judge Pete Sepulveda, who was appointed to that position when Carlos Cascos left to become the new Texas Secretary of State has never been elected.
When and if either Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez or Pct. 2 commissioner Alex Dominguez decides to run for the county judge's office in the 2016 primary against Sepulveda, it will be up to Sepulveda to appoint their replacements.
And Sepulveda, who is not dependent on the Cameron County Commissioners Court to pay his $230,000 salary, is beholden to no one. He is also the CEO the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority. He can cut deals and quid pro quos as much as his little heart desires and can fairly pick whoever he wants. "I'll appoint you, you'll support me. Deal?"
So, if that happens, we will have an unelected county judge appointing two county commissioners (Pcts. 2, 4) to represent the voters in those jurisdictions.
Both commissioners just got elected to new four-year terms. With three years left on their terms, this means that their replacements will be able to vote on the upcoming 2016 budget. We will, in effect, have taxation without elected representation since Sepulveda (not elected) will make it a majority.
Will this come about?
Appointments generally are good until the next general election, so will the appointees need to also run for their respective seats in the March primary as well?
Things, as Alice in Wonderland used to say, are getting curioser and curioser.


Anonymous said...

Sepulveda proved at the last Commissioners session that he is incompetent to deal with the public. His actions demonstrated that he cannot does not want to deal with the public....those paying his salary. He is paid far more than he is worth and has never had to deal with the voters. He prefers to act without scrutiny and is fearful of transparency in county government.

chief cool arrow said...

Pete dontt gives a hoot doesnt answer to anyone but the ccrma and could care less of the taxpayers he did a great number on the citizens in pharr in late 1990s but cameron county always likes shitty management cca

Anonymous said...

A Mexican will do what he's gotta do, Juan. Mexicans have no sense of loyalty or desire to be honest and trustworthy. They are the worst kind of people. Sepulveda left a shitty trail of turds when Pharr fired his big, brown ass. Look it up.

Anonymous said...

I SUPPORT BTMFTTM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SAY NO TO YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What Cascos did to this county is not even funny, he left a mess and created a new mess. So much for all the hoopla when he left, good fcking riddance.

Anonymous said...

Our elected officials are far worse than Sepulveda. We know his pay comes from the citizens....but our elected officials are "for sale" and take their money from entities that want to buy their votes....often on issues that don't relate to the Valley. Our elected officials have become "cheer leaders" for LNG companies lately. We just don't know how much the LNG companies are paying them.

Anonymous said...

He's a peace of shit

Anonymous said...

In the pic he resembles a Mafia thug .
