Thursday, December 10, 2015


By Juan Montoya
Staffers at the City of Harlingen's Human Resources Department have confirmed that Melissa Landin (aka Zamora), has been hired to be that city's new public information officer.
Landin, currently PIO with the Cameron County District Attorney's Office, apparently was the top candidate for the position and selected by the city manager. A Human Resources employee said that the time for applications for the position was closed and that Landin had been hired for the job.
It is unknown when she will start with the city and what her salary will be.
Landin, a former newspaper reporter, South Padre Island Convention Bureau director, City of Brownsville commissioner, and PIO with former county judge Carlos Cascos' office,  had been withe the DA's Office for just about as long as DA Luis V. Saenz had been in office, almost four years.
During her tenure there, she was the key player in publicizing Saenz's campaigns against eight-liner establishments, domestic violence, and lastly, that office's efforts to enforce the DWI blood-testing of defendants.
Just as she was an aid to Saenz to get reelected, she was also a lightning rod for controversy. She had been Saenz's manager of his Facebook page and his efforts for reelection
She was also Republican candidate for sheriff Victor Cortez's manager in his bid to get that party's nomination in March.
Her leaving is seen as both a good and bad thing for Saenz.
"On the one hand, Luis is losing a liability because of the bad feelings generated against him by her presence," said one. "On the other hand, many might see this as a sign that she sees the writing on the wall for his nomination in the upcoming Democratic primary elections."
Sources in the Harlingen city commission say that as a city employee, the city personnel policy prohibits city employees like Landin from openly working for any candidate in any race as outside employment.
The policy states that "Employees may not engage in outside employment, including self-employment, where such employment would constitute a conflict of interest or would affect the employee’s performance for the City."
Obviously, working on behalf of a partisan candidate might be seen to constitute a conflict of interest.
Since she was running both Saenz and Cortez's online campaigns, it would appear that unless she is ready to leave those endeavors aside, it might not go well for her while an employee of the City of Harlingen.
"The fact that the county was allowing her to combine her employment as PIO and her public relations work on the political side always rankled some people," said a DA's Office staffer. "Harlingen is a different animal. You have to walk on eggshells over there or the ax will come down. She's not going to be in Kansas anymore."


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Melissa. You deserve it. You have been on the receiving end of so much shit because of who you work for. Harlingen is lucky to have you.

Anonymous said...

I guess the rumors are true! Luis, Melissa sold you out. She is helping Masso. Pendejo! Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Good ridence.. Let Harligen deal with her.. And now that she can't be helping Cortez and Luis.. They both are gonna be in need of campaign managers.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Luis has a Republican opponent

Anonymous said...

Wow. Certainly a blow to his campaign.

Anonymous said...

Lets be honest DA Luis v Saenz couldn't get it hard anymore, so thats why she is leaving to the north end to find a new cowboy with long mustache like luis'es

Anonymous said...

It is no surprise Mellissa Zamora left Luis just when he needed her the most. What did you think Luis that she was going to be loyal to you...thru thick and thin? She knows you are going to lose so she decided to take a pay cut. You gave her way to much authority allowing her to make everyone in the DA's office life miserable. She ruined your reputation plus bringing back your womanizing ways. Mellissa had an agenda of revenge by working for you. She had her eyes on ELRRUN, Jerry McHale and Zeke Silva. She used your office to intimidate people thinking she had power to do as she pleased using the threat of your office to manipulate you to indict innocent people. Now she is leaving you for Harlingen,TX????

Mellissa don't think Harlingen will put up with your manipulating ways. The commissioners along with the citizens will make sure you stay focused on Harlingen and not your personal agendas. FYI Mellissa... Harlingen has way more blogs than Brownsville and they 10 times worst than Bobby Whitmand and ELRRUN.

Best of luck Mellissa. Stay focused on your job and quit being such a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Yep, she is going to have a hard time fitting in. The people in Harlingen are much smarter than those in Brownsville. She will be there less than a year if that. Surprised they did not go with someone from the upper valley.

Anonymous said...

Wow 8:53 AM, sound like you are jealous of Mely. She's a great person with a TON of PR experience that deserves a pay RAISE. She's going from being in charge of PIO of an organization with 100 employees, to being the PIO of an entire city. If you think that's a pay cut, you're delusional. Her job is to do PR, and that she did. She completely turned the image of the office around after corrupt Villalobos had his way with it. She singlehandedly brought attention to issue like domestic violence, victims of crimes, drunk driving, and remembering to not leave kids locked in hot cars. People talk about it, whether they like it or not, but it proves she did her job by getting attention to these very important issues our community faces. It's sad that just because a woman is attractive, people assume they can't possibly be driven and intelligent. She's got the best of both worlds. Great job Mely! We are proud of you and know you will continue to do amazing things.

Anonymous said...

Jason Moody was the 1st PIO for the DA's office and when he left the DA'S office because he wasn't re-hired by Luis Saenz but instead was replaced by Mellissa Zamora Hernandez he has done a great job on the private sector. He had it worst than Mellissa with a boss that not only got indicted but was found guilty and sent to prison, yet he did his job 1000 times better than Mellissa. He came up with the tree of angels, pedals on the lake along with helping the crime victims. Mellissa never had any new ideas...she only piggy backed on what is existing. The idea to go to do presentation at the BISD was Zeke Silva not Mellissa. He worked hard to make it happen in his short time at the DA'S office. Mellissa has no creativity. Mellissa only has revenge in her heart.

So no Mellissa got the negative publicity because she is a vindictive woman that is used to back stabbing people to get where she is at.. not for who she works for. The DA is not blame only because he gave her tooo much authority that will be his downfall. Them two deserve to be remembered for who they truly are and that is Selfish, Vindictive, Power Hungry, Untrustworthy, Heartless individuals that used the Political Office to seek revenge on their opponent and whomever disagreed with them.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Congratulations Melissa. You deserve it. You have been on the receiving end of so much shit because of who you work for. Harlingen is lucky to have you.

December 10, 2015 at 5:06 PM

Anonymous said...

at December 11, 2015 at 10:05 AM.. Jealous of what?? The Crime Victims PR was created by Jason Moody under Villalobos, drunk driving was created by MADD, the crime got into the schools because of Zeke Silva not you. Quit taking credit for other peoples accomplishments. Petals on the lake and the Angel Tree was Jason Moody under Villalobos not you Mellissa. As far as 100 employees you represented the State and the Whole Cameron County not just one city but Cameron County and your leaving the DA department with a huge black eye and the laughing stock of the state of Texas. You have turned the DA and the Office in turmoil. Everybody is clapping, laughing, smiling, singing cheers you are leaving. No one trusts you Mellissa. No one is giving you credit other than destroying peoples lives. Do us a favor and shut up. Quit blowing your own horn. As far as PR is concerned you have no creativity. We could easily copy and paste your PR from the San Antonio Express. I think you should stay off the blogs now and get used to it because Harlingen will NOT put us with is.

Anonymous said...

Yes he does..

Anonymous said...

Wow 10:59 AM, or should I say Jenny Camacho? Stop being pissed because DA's Office let you go. No one likes you. Sincerely, EVERYONE AT THE DA'S OFFICE.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Melissa. The County knows who the black eye and vengeful person is. God bless you. You are a true professional with a big heart.

Anonymous said...

Copy and paste from the Express News? The person who wrote this is an ignoramus.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Melissa.
You're awesome.
Wish you and yours the beat always.

San Antonio

Anonymous said...

Harlingen is hiring the worst candidate possible . ....wonder how many marriages she will destroy over there? Melissa is evil and cunning . ....remember , she's the one who helped Rene Oliveira get away from the drunken accident and keep it from the press while a city commissioner . No morals bitch.

Anonymous said...

Vindictive ? Sounds like you're describing Sylvia Garza Perez.

Anonymous said...

By the amounts of the different negative comments on Mellissa Zamora she is not a likeable trustworthy person. Who in their right mind would trust this person? In a way it seems people are glad she is leaving. I don't know and from I've read don't care to either. I will however look out for her since I live in Harlingen with ties to the city staff. We don't need any bad publicity from this woman.

Anonymous said...

Saenz doesn't deserve a second chance. He really blew it. He could have been so much more than Villalobos, but from day 1, his slimy staff killed his reputation and respect. Getting rid of that nasty woman now, too little too late! The damage is done.

Glad a 3rd person joined the race for DA. Neither Saenz nor Masso are worth a vote. I'm voting for the Republican for DA. Coming from a hard blue pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-Obama, pro-Hillary Democrat, ha never in a million years cast a vote for a Rebublican. Until now. The Democrat DA candidates this year suck balls.

Anonymous said...

In America we are all entitled to our own opinion , even the ignorant and jealous . I would use the word Victorious when describing Sylvia Garza Perez . Happy Holidays to all of Cameron County !

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen Melly?


Anonymous said...

What an asinine comment.

Anonymous said...

Melissa Zamora has always been a strong independent, and intelligent girl. She has never fit the Brownsville mold and people resent her for that. She has a no nonsense approach very much like a man. If you ever have a conversation with her you see that almost immediately. That is not an asset in these parts. She needs to leave and go where people are like her and are not so insecure to have her around. Some of these comments are downright vile and she doesn't deserve the attacks from obviously unhappy and cowardly people who don't ever have anything nice to say about this community. Best to you Ms. Zamora. You were an excellent Commissioner and I'm sure an excellent employee. Too bad we didn't do enough to keep you here.

Anonymous said...

You must be related to her, or your just a BROWN NOSER

Anonymous said...

Let HARLIGEN DEAL WITH HER,, I BEY THAT IN LESS THAN 2 YEARS SHE WILL BE RUNNING FOR SOME SORT OF AN OFFICE POSITION . Brownsville doesn't like Mellissa she is an rotten apple with poor sense and only thinks about her self, her husband is her puppet.

Anonymous said...

I am a Democrat voting Republican for the first time in my life in the DA's race. We voted for Luis Saenz the last time but, are extremely disappointed this time around. We feel for him but, he turned out to be his own worst enemy and apparently this young lady (Melissa) was not much help. Good luck in the future for both of them but, enough is enough, time to go my friend.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 11:28........"you were an excellent commissioner ".....surely you jest? While serving as a commissioner , Melissa got Rene Oliveira out of a dwi accident , left his girlfriend to take the rap, and got the police to look the other way......that's your "excellent commissioner "..Pobre Harlingen , she will add to their dysfunctional city government .

Anonymous said...

Cascos won county wide as a Republican. It can be done. And with two openly corrupt Democrat candidates, well that's the same platform Cascos won on too. When he ran against Gilbert Hinojosa.

Anonymous said...

Just remember if you vote for victor cortez you are voting for luis saenz
