Saturday, June 4, 2016



Anonymous said...

It is said Since Muhammad Ali came to Brownsville, TX back in the 80's Jessica Tetrau Kalifa is going to have A HUGE EVENT to remember him . She remembers him when she was in pampers. She said his smile will for ever be in her heart. She also would like an overwhelming response of facebook posts praising her for her endless efforts in taking credit for other peoples accomplishments. They are only haters in this world because those that don't praise her are jealous of her.

Please remember that the city Pays for her phone and when shit hits the fan the phone automatically stops working until the dust settles. Facebook praises, sympathy remarks towards Mr. Ali could be left on her facebook page and Jessica will make sure President Obama reads it at Mr. Ali's funeral.

Anonymous said...

Well, Juan, it's good to see you set aside all the local ten-percenters to write about a truly great American. By the way, are you sure Tony Zavaleta is a U.S. citizen. Let's see his birth certificate. Could be a shocker there.

Anonymous said...

(Ali came to Brownsville, TX back in the 80's Jessica Tetrau Kalifa is going to have A HUGE EVENT to remember him)

Love her fat, juicy, flabby ass and legs.

Anonymous said...

Ali was perhaps the best heavy weight boxer of all time and a good fellow. However for about a seven years period, he was completely controlled by Elijah Muhammed of the Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam was a radical, black power criminal organization who killed Malcolm X when he saw the light and split from them. Muhammed stole every dime Ali made during that period of time. When Ali broke with them and became a Sunni Muslim he was dead broke and had to continue to fight way past his prime because he needed the money. He was too old and slow to fight and took to many blows to the head which started his 32 year battle with Parkinson's disease.

I met him in the fall of 1966 when he came to Houston to fight Cleveland Williams. In fact his hand was the first black person's hand I had ever shaken. I recall him as a kind, soft spoken man and that has been my lasting impression of him. We are the same age, raised in the same American but with very different points of view.

Ali was just an ordinary man who did some very extraordinary things and became different icons to different people. He made a very big impact on the world in which he lived.
