Tuesday, September 26, 2017


(The following is written by Carlos and Esther Reyes whose son Ivan was shot and killed by fellow corrections guard Marco Antonio Gonzalez. Gonzalez was acquitted of the murder and later convicted on nine counts of aggravated assault resulting from a seven-hour standoff with law enforcement officers and is serving the remnants of a five-year sentence. This letter is written to Cameron County Republican Party chair Morgan Graham.)

By Carlos and Esther Reyes
Special to El Rrun-Rrun
We are encouraged to see that you took time from your busy schedule to listen to us and discuss what can be done to prevent such a thing from happening to anyone else’s child.
There were many things that went wrong in the system which resulted in our son’s death. We have learned that after our son’s death at the hands of his co-worker the Cameron County Sheriff’s Dept. has instituted a background check going back 10 years of all employees. 

This was done after it was learned that Gonzalez had documented treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction at Valley Baptist Hospital and this was not detected by the department.

We have learned that a Dr. Venegas was the physician who treated him and has that documentation. He was also treated for mental disability caused by his addiction.

As we said during our meeting, when Gonzalez arrived at the home of Monica Robles, he had already called her at about 2 a.m. in the morning and threatened that he would kill anyone who was there with her. 

That proof was collected by a communications tower in the area. One of the neighbors who was never called by the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office to testify told us that he had called her and told her to stay inside because there would be hell to pay (un desmadre).

The shooting of our son by Gonzalez was clearly premeditated since he carried four magazines loaded with 40 bullets each. When he shot Ivan, the forensic examiner testified that he could have survived had he received medical attention. However, when Monica tried to use the cell phone to call for medical assistance, he made her hang up and then followed him as he tried to leave the house and shot him on the head, killing him.

When her brother arrived and tried to call, Gonzalez fired twice and missed him.

Clearly, he was not acting in self-defense as his attorney Ernesto Gamez led the jury to believe.

We have also been told that he is still harboring thoughts of revenge against us after we interceded with the Parole Board to deny him conditional release. A person close to him has been told that we will pay after he gets out for having opposed his release.

This man continues to be a danger to the community and should not be released. Ideally, there should be a way to allow the state or federal government to deport him from this country. As we said before, he took an oath to obey the laws of this country and has not held up his promise. He also took an oath as a corrections officer to uphold the U.S. Constitution, an oath he clearly violated when he took the life of a fellow corrections officer.

We hope that through your efforts we can do something to prevent people like our son’s killer from being able to continue to terrorize our community and hurt innocent people. Toward that end, we stand ready to assist you in any way we can.


Diego lee rot said...

No one is a monkey
I coat my lens with Vaseline
No one is a Flunky
We're all just human beings
Every morning when I awake
I say a honest prayer
I pray for you and I pray for me
And everyone out there

Anonymous said...

Not everything is a World Crisis. things happen.

Anonymous said...

send him back

BobbyWC said...

Your headline implies Gonzalez is a naturalized citizen. Under these facts the answer is no. He can only lose his citizenship if it is proven he lied on his application. In the UK or Germany for certain crimes the government can pull your citizenship and deport you back to your country of origin. This was rarely used in the UK, but in light of the latest terrorist attacks, it is now being used.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Marco Antonio Gonzalez is a convict criminal and a danger to our community

Anonymous said...

I believe 30 bullets fit in each magazine

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you personally having served on a jury (not in this case) our DA has some very incompetent assistants. Thank God we are bringing help from outside. These visiting assistants are very well prepared.

Anonymous said...

Yes by all means deport him!
Mexico honers dual Citizenship
So he's still Mexican! Send him back.

Anonymous said...

Deport his sorry ass before more innocent people die. I met this family and I feel terrible for the loss. I can't imagine losing a child. May Ivan Rest In Peace and may his family have some type of Peace and comfort to live with the loss of their son and knowing that received a slap in the face from our shitty District Attorneys Office. The DA and his incompetent assistance failed to secure a conviction and to safely protect our community.

Anonymous said...

This kind of thing makes me very sad. Long after the legal books are closed and the criminal justice system has done it's thing, a suffering family is still trying to take it's revenge. They are bogged down in the tears and pain and cannot move forward with life.

Anonymous said...

You all are full of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

BOBBY WC is acting loco. Como siempre. ese Kool-ay vale sebo!!!

Anonymous said...

There is much more than meets the eye in this case. Unfortunately 12 different individuals privileged to v viewing all the evidence presented to them that allowed them to make the decision.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but why is no one taking Monica Robles accountable for playing with these 2 men. This lady not only lost her boyfriend to a gunshot wound but not even months had gone by and she was already in bed with another man. This woman is as much responsible for Mr. Ivan's death as Mr. Gonzalez. The family of Ivan shouldn't even think this woman is a victim because she is not.

Anonymous said...

Yeah....the 12 jurors saw the evidence that the overpriced Lawyer Games got before them. A lot of the evidence was not presented in court, without much of a fight or objection from the prosecutors because their boss and the presiding judge got a kick back. $$$$
Don't be so naive people. This is the pit of CORRUPTION!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah losing a child over a woman what a waste!

Anonymous said...

Yeah....the 12 jurors saw the evidence that the overpriced Lawyer Games got before them. A lot of the evidence was not presented in court, without much of a fight or objection from the prosecutors because their boss and the presiding judge got a kick back. $$$$
Don't be so naive people. This is the pit of CORRUPTION!!

Anonymous said...

Yea but the dumb ass judge gave the wrong instructions to the jury by not knowing the meaning of two english words: concurrently and consecutively (at the same time vs. one after the other). Blame the judge for that one! Defense attorney simply took advantage. If i was the defendant that IS the lawyer i want, wouldn't you?
