Tuesday, October 16, 2018


By Juan Montoya
Tonight's meeting of the city of Brownsville Commission will signal the new majority taking over the direction of the city.

The new force of four commissioners have effectively wrested the control of the city's direction from iron-fisted Mayor Tony Martinez, Rose Gowen, and new ally Ben Neece.

Now the majority consisting of Jessica Tetreau, Rick Longoria, Cesar De Leon and Joel Mungia have shown that they can hold the line. And it all seems to go back to the appointment of Nurith Galonsky to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC) after Tetreau's vote was ignored by Martinez and Galonsky was voted in to the GBIC which handles about $5 million in sales-tax revenues to bring new industry to the city.

At the time, it appeared that Esteban Guerra – since elected to the Brownsville Navigation District commission – was going to go on the GBIC.

But tonight, there are two visible signs of the new majority flexing its muscle. The first if the appointment of new city manager Noel Bernal. The other is the confirmation of new city attorney Rene De Coss.

In both these instances, it was made clear that these were not the choices of the Martinez minority on the commission. In fact, some commission members charged that these appointments were purposely being delayed until the next round of elections in May when a new commission might have been elected and Martinez could employ his guile on the new members.

But there's another wrinkle to the power struggle on the city commission.

The new ordinance that restricts individuals to serve on only one board will also be implemented in three agenda items. One calls for the removal of Galonsky from the GBIC since she is already on the Brownsville Public Utility Board.

Another calls for the removal of Trey Mendez from the Main Street Advisory Board since he already on the Historic Preservation and Design Review Board.

The other is the removal of Dillon Vanderford, from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee since he already serves on the Board of Adjustment.

There is little that the Martinez minority can do if the majority already has the votes since the ordinance was passed in prior meetings. And just as the former minority members used to do when Martinez ham-fistedly ran the roost, all he can do is grin and bear it.

Stories abound about Martinez verbally browbeating individual commissioners to the point of calling Tetreau a "dumb bitch" and not allowing Longoria to speak or De Leon to make a point of order from his bully pulpit. All they could do when Martinez ham-fistedly ran the roost, was to grin and bear it and bide their time. That time appears to be now.

Will he?


Anonymous said...

Way to go The Brownsville four, just use it to stamp out the corruption in the City.

Anonymous said...

Now that will make another corrupt group in control of the City.

Anonymous said...

Just another example of the failure of Tony Martinez as mayor and his lack of leadership or management skills. Finally, it appears that someone, or a group have grown a pair and are going to take control of the city. Let's hope it is for the better!

Anonymous said...

Finally. Brownsville has wonderful people, yet they only want to put the same 3 or 4 people on all the boards.

It's about control. I needs to be about progress for the working poor...but it's generally about more money for the already wealthy.

This is class "keep the poor" in their place leadership.

KEep it up Mungia, Longoria, Tetreau, and De Leon....fight for the working poor.

Anonymous said...

Comment 2:08 was written by dumbass Jessica Tetas

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work Tetreau, Muniga, Longoria and De Leon

Anonymous said...

It took this much time to figure the wrong doing in COB and wasteful spending on the bike and hike trails, spending millions on the city library for one room? The Central library's rooftop is falling apart. Buying buildings from friends for over priced decaying property. This are the city commissioners who pass an agreement to shut down the public forum. Cutting the time in the public forum to speak too. This are the same commissioners who were asleep and went along the rest of board in wasteful spending for the farmers market. This is old news from the same idiot commissioners who make promises they don't keep. These commissioners don't even know their own districts or streets in Brownsville. Business are failing left and right in Brownsville because these commissioners have too many zoning requirements that cause problems to businesses to failed. Business owners who want to come and establish their business in Brownsville, GO SOME WHERE ELSE! So commissioners, keep Brownsville the laughing stock of RGV and the state. Commissioners are just voting for themselves not the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Ha ... How pathetic. The truth will reveal itself about how these corrupt clowns are moving the city backwards, not forward. We are replacing corruption with more corruption.

chuy said...

Juan Commissioner Gowen mentioned something in the newspaper about Bernal and the DFW airport, the city of Coppell texas has nothing to do with the DFW airport other that they are in the flight pad only so lets keep our facts straight. Bernal only knows how to use a airport to board a plane that's about it. Lets not get carried away. Anyway he will only be here for 1.5 years if he has the muster to weather this town politics, I don't think so anyway.

Anonymous said...

juan I read on the internet that Gilbert Salinas Ex EDC Guru from Brownsville was hired at the Kerrville EDC, check it out as the new CEO, Pobrecitos no sabien que rata es.

Anonymous said...

Welcome the Four Dirt bags of Brownsville, now that they have control over the the City commission they are now the scumbags in control. They have now got to make a decision, do they get into bed with Charlie Cabbler, or throw him to the Wolves only time will tell, as money talks in all languages.

Anonymous said...

They done a deal to get the fraudster Gilbert Salinas out of town, and away from the YES MAN Lazoya at GIBC. This is a hush payment to cover for Jason Hilts and the Mayor. Just another case of corruption cover up.
