Monday, February 4, 2019



From Friends of the Laguna Madre about the Annova LNG comment deadline & public meeting:

*Today, Mon. Feb. 4th 4pm is the deadline!

If you haven't done so already, please file your comment for the Annova LNG DEIS. You can use our quick and easy link or you can file a comment by going to, click on Documents & Filings, click on eComment and follow the directions. The docket number is CP16-480-000. Although FERC doesn't appear to be too strict about the deadline, please get your comment in as soon as possible.
Use this link to view the fact sheet. Use this link to view a copy of the DEIS.

*This is it. The Annoca TCEQ public meeting is Tuesday Feb. 5th 7:00 pm, at the Brownsville Event Center.

Emissions fact sheets will be available before the meeting, along with buttons and free T-shirts. 

We're requesting that everyone get there early by 6:30pm so you can sign up to speak during the second public comment period on the agenda, which is when the comments will be recorded and become a part of the official proceeding. 

We've already set up the quick and easy comment form on our website, but I hope it goes without saying that it's a more valuable and powerful message delivered in person. This is the last TCEQ public meeting for the LNG projects so get there early and bring a friend. Let's do this!


Anonymous said...

Anti LNG idiots can’t accept defeat! Typical low life crybaby liberals who hate the USA !

Anonymous said...

Look who's crying estupido racist republicans

Anonymous said...

The scumbag Rene Oliveria will argue that LNG will be good for Brownsville as they will contrabute to his pocket
And his bar bill. His time is running out, and he needs some support, he has delayed his DWI for a year on a deal with the DA.

Anonymous said...

Yes to LNG. More great jobs on the way.

Anonymous said...

People around here will be walking with their nose hanging down from their faces. Please bring more chemical plants we need "GREAT JOBS".

Anonymous said...

the idea can't-spell-for-nothing teachers get 3 paid months from our tax money and their little walmart kids cant stay in college what what

Anonymous said...

The Jackass Jason Hilts said that expect to be in the account office of LNG on a regular basis, the same as he did with TITAN TIRES.

Anonymous said...

Estupido racist republicans! Hilarious! Pick a language and go with it! Tu es triggered ?

Anonymous said...

The Idea schools are private schools I don't think they get any public funding.

Anonymous said...

Idea public schools is a tuition free, public charter school – open to all students. Yet, even though a public charter school, IDEA receives 20% less state and federal funding compared to traditional public school: $1,200 less per student, each year and no funding for facilities.

Anonymous said...

Idiotas racist republicans!
