Sunday, March 31, 2019


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in McAllen have started to release asylum seekers in Valley towns, 5,600 in Brownsville according to city officials. Yesterday this group was looking for lodging as they walked along the downtown area headed for the Cameron Park Hotel.

City officials said ICE will continue to drop off Central Americans seeking asylum here in the coming days. The overflow of asylum seekers who are being released by ICE has drawn national media coverage here again.

Volunteers and some elected officials - notably Da Mayor Tony Martinez, up for reelection - ran down to the dollar store and emptied their closets of old clothes to take  advantage of the photo op to very publicly help the asylum seekers.

In the picture at right, Martinez - in shorts and sneaks - is pictured taking his donations in plastic bags. (Fue horrible! Fue horrible!) We notice it's not brisket dinners from his 1848 Restaurant, but of course, that would be a bit pricey.

In the post on the Good Neighbor Settlement House, Martinez is credited for helping the Methodist Church settlement house to raise donations (cash and otherwise) for the asylum seekers.

The post committed a Freudian slip when they thanked and credited Martinez for his efforts. "THANK YOU!! We could do this without your help."

After seven hours, the fund appeal set up under Tony's name had gathered an impressive $0 (zero).

Many asylum seekers wait in the city until relatives or sponsors buy bus tickets for them to go to their destinations across the United States. With other caravans forming in Honduras and El Salvador and headed for Guatemala, Mexico, and then the border, this may well become a common sight.

And just today, Donald Trump announced he was cutting off foreign aid to Salvador Honduras and Guatemala to punish them for not doing enough to prevent the desperate asylum seekers from leaving their countries seeking a better life. He also threatened to shut down the border.

On the one hand we encourage people to leave North Korea and Cuba, and on the other we cut them off aid and clock the door when they're our neighbors to the south. Go figure.)


Anonymous said...

these clowns pay the coyotes but cant pay their own bus ticket
starting off and already looking for a handout
this is just wrong!
why they gotta go to houston, florida, new york?
there are houses to be cleaned and lawns to be mowed here in McAllen.

Anonymous said...

They will melt-in with locals better in Brownsville, juan. Everyone in Brownsville looks like these people. ICE got it right.

Anonymous said...

Soccer players for BISD!

Anonymous said...

you give the government money to help their people, then their people come nd you help them here, makes sense, cut off the money to the government

Anonymous said...

What did you contribute, Montoya? Oh, you're poor, too. LOL

Anonymous said...

One of them will give Juan a other grandson

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for the election he'd be in hiding.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Mayor can use some of the money he made off the sale/purchase of Casa De Nylon to buy these asylum seekers some McDonalds or better food

Anonymous said...

If some of the candidates now running on the platform of new business and get elected we'll soon see a wave of taquerias city wide. I guess they're better than bagels, sushi, salted meat and donuts.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as "McAllen ICE," Montoya. McAllen is a sovereign city and ICE is a federal agency. McAllen is releasing no one, you fool! Get it straight already.

Anonymous said...

@March 31, 2019 at 1:31 PM

Its understood that McAllen is where there is an ICE office idiota FAKE POSTINGS just your racist republican president
go pick up your check from your idols the republicans fool...

Anonymous said...

National Crisis created by Democrats and Catholic Church. Catholics actively recruiting illegals in Guatemala,Honduras, El Salvador and México to replace the American Black and Hispanic voters abandoning the Democratic Party and into the open arms of Trump.

Anonymous said...

can southwest key programs set up shop in chiapas or northern guatemala?

Anonymous said...

You just said it OUR PRESIDENT, get the f--k out. Go to your Mexican president and see if he doesn't stick a pole up your ass.

Anonymous said...

March 31, 2019 at 5:39 PM speaks the truth. Catholic Church along with programs like southwest keys are down there spreading misinformation in news paper planted articles and mostly on radio.

Anonymous said...

You mean "La Casa Del Fraude"

Anonymous said...

Tony was getting rid of clothes that he bought in Columbia, he was getting rid of the evidence.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile - Jim Darling and City of McAllen are wrapping up McAllen Day in Mexico City, meeting with investors.

We probably can't go there anymore because Arturo Elias Ayub already badmouthed Brownsville.


Anonymous said...

This effort by Tony may be the most significant thing he has ever done as Mayor of Brownsville....take a few plastic bags of shit to the Good Neighborhood Settlement. The city has done without much from him for years, and the illegals can get by without him too.

Anonymous said...

The republicans are sending operatives to organize caravans fake news by the racist republicans and their cronies like the one that keeps posting here just to get a check...

Robin boy wondering? said...

Batman Ok so all these illegals coming into brownsville? wheres us congressman Vela? well he aint here he is in washington dc, BCP or ICe cant stop this overflow. What do we do? call the US Congress Pelsoie , El shumer y la AOC, they can help out us quickly.

Anonymous said...

Yes Vela is completely silent on all major issues in the lower RGV. Who exactly is he representing in DC besides his pocket?

Anonymous said...

Also call your idol racist president idiot @3:59

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They were all born in East L.A not in coackroach europe.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to America.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Tony buys his clothes in Columbia? His blue jeans look worse than the one the panhandlers get out of the trash behind the Used Clothes Stores that bring Brownsville's downtown district to look like a third world country.
Oh, but we've got bars and pizza places downtown and no thanks to Tony.
The way he looks in his shorts is the way the rest of the Valley see Brownsville and laughs. He has yet to do something Great for Brownsville.

elmopancakes said...

What a disaster. What do you get when the third world invades your country? You get a third world country.

Anonymous said...

"yet to do something Great for Brownsville" WOW I can't believe you're still expecting a miracle from this (don't want to be rude) person???

Anonymous said...

Estupidos that's the soccer team going to georgetown for the championship finals
