Tuesday, April 23, 2019


(Ed.'s Note: By now students are amused - and administrators cringe - to see Brownsville Independent School District trustee Erasmo Castro strolling through the halls of Lopez Early College High School. On any given day, he is seen conversing with groups of students and staff members, ostensibly on fact-gathering sessions. 

Reports from students at Hanna also assert he makes the rounds there, too.

Always one to seek common ground with an audience, he was recently seen sporting a T-shirt emblazoned  with "Free the Moros Chip Dealer" message. The message, we have been told by one of our seven student readers at Lopez, refers to the prohibition by the administration to have students from Matamoros smuggle in Mexican chucherias like hot corn chips do loved by many in the student body but not available at the school [Moros is Matamoros].

It used to be that the administration required non-students to get a release from students' parents to take their picture. Does this also applies to Erasmo who loves to take selfies with others when he is in a crowd? Or is it merely a case of catharsis and a reliving of his high school days?)


Anonymous said...

Ostensibly? You're Mexican. Montoya! LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stop the corruption by the elected officials not CANDY everybody loves candy estupides at its finest and those are the educated???

Anonymous said...

Fucking clown. Get serious, Erasmo!

Anonymous said...

How pathetic and embarrassing. How do people still support him? He is a vile human being who shouldn’t even be allowed to be around children. He makes this city an embarrassment. He needs to go back to whatever hole he came out of.

Anonymous said...

Has this gentleman undergone the mandatory criminal background check every person employed at BISD has to take? Granted he may not be an employee, but there is a reason why we don't want just anybody having contact with minor children.

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Trump, rules do not apply to him.

Honest Citizen said...

Juan arent these BISD trustees have to be bonded? if So them how can this erasmo guy with a criminal record or a bankruptcy filing be bondable? Just asking?

Anonymous said...

He’s a fucking joke. Otro Jessica Tetreau. They love drama, have no job and nothing better to do than pose for cameras and be on Facebook all day.

Anonymous said...

Este vato es un pendejo hecho hacer!

Erasmo said...

Lopez, not Hanna...

Anonymous said...

Erasmo, are you gay? Because I've heard rumors that you are. Just asking, mind you.

Grange Temple.

Anonymous said...

(He’s a fucking joke. Otro Jessica Tetreau. They love drama, have no job and nothing better to do than pose for cameras and be on Facebook all day.)


Anonymous said...

This BISD Board member is all drama and attention. The others need to have a talk with this newbie. Erasmo needs to listen and learn. Goes out to his first out of state conference and all you see is pics of him hanging out, eating, at a marathon.Tax money, no job.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo said...

Me vale verga, LOL.

Bobby WC said...

The only part of this story which interests me is the students bringing them from Mexico. I read all of the posts on EC's FB and cannot find evidence of this. I am not saying it is false, I am saying I cannot find evidence of this. If he knows this is true, and is pushing it anyway, BISD has a major legal problem with the Dept, of Ed. I will not think twice about demanding an investiation, but I need admissable proof. Give it to me and I will demand a federal investigation,

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Sour grapes must be the candidate he defeated. All postings are within the same hour. Get over it YOU LOST.

Anonymous said...

Yea right, bring in the FBI because some students are giving or selling candy. A big national security breach. Sounds like george carlin and his list of bad words "CANDY" don't let the FBI hear that word!!!

Anonymous said...

I know in Los Fresnos they sent out every new year permission to have your child's photo taken and used for school purposes. Wonder if a parent can sue the school district if they did not give permission and he uses photo?

Anonymous said...

Los Fresnos is not like BISD, selling candy or giving it away is not a crime, kickbacks is a crime selling to BISD while you are employed there or even if you are an elected official is a crime. Where is the FBI?

Anonymous said...

For some reason, enough idiots voted for this guy cause he won the election. I honestly don't see why. He talks to you with so much truth and knowledge and he turns around and does the opposite - traitor. But why complain about him being on campuses? Who ever did anything about Minerva being at Pace almost everyday. Does policy not prohibit board members from being on campus unless invited by the administration for a specific purpose or event. Ms. Aguilar would certainly not invite him to Lopez Campus. These board members are a bunch of micromangers who are butting into all aspects of the school and trying to intimidate everyone with their presence. People would not even dare answer the opinion/survey for selection of a new supt because of fear of retaliation. On those questions, I stated that the most important thing TASB should look into is to find a candidate who has NO criminal record, including sealed indictments and firings because of fraud or other wrong-doing. Philip Cowen should really put his big mouth into this issue when they go searching nation wide for a new supt. U am surprised that 28 people have actually expressed interest in the position when politics does not give them the opportunity to be the sole leader of the district without butting in. Now Sylvia, why don't you straighten out Erasmo on ethics, since you are so in line with ethics! Bring Minerva along with you since she won't act if you don't give her permission. Now, lets hope this will be pubished or even make it through the stupid process of showing you are not a robot.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo is FB likes needy. He sits on the BISD school board and he is seen getting up to get drinks constantly, he has limited attention span and can hardly keep up with the Drs in the board. His followers had high expectations when they voted for him but now BISD is stuck with this FB guy. FB is his world, no job but FB. Plus he has a crimal record?

Erasmo said...

You have elected officials taking money from vendors for contracts, and you’re concerned with someone questioning the logic of not letting students sell moros chips? Nombe chet up...


Anonymous said...

Why does it have to stop with Chips and Moros products?

Hell, turn the schools into flea markets and have students setup booths and sell anything they want!!

Live Animals, Sure

Lead Paint, Why Not

Baby Clothes, Yes!

Raspa and Taco Stand, No food permits needed!

We can revolutinize education by implementing Erasmo's ideas. He is truly a Godsend to this community

Anonymous said...

Concern yourself with the past dealings of the elected officials and some bisd employees call for an investigation call the fbi or those idiots at the state. That's where the real problem is at...

Anonymous said...

@April 24, 2019 at 10:21 AM
Payaso o payasa who cares next board meeting have someone from matamoscas selling churos pan dulce and maybe some tamales and maybe that crowd from washington d.c. will stop by and purchase some tamales and built another cannery

Anonymous said...

TAMALES is the IN word over at D.C. mention it and you automatically get a mlillion dollar grant pinche pendejo...

Anonymous said...

Pinche gringos always acting big shit, when in fact, son un mojonsito que apesta mas que un mojon grande...

Anonymous said...

Elected officials should always behave like role models for our students.
These people should have valid jobs and try not to make spectacles out
of themselves and act age appropriate. Please don't encourage students
to protest especially if district has specific rules. I don't think it's beneficial
for students to think that taking pictures, eating out, shopping etc all day
is realistic.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like that dictator from europe at 1:54 that's the way they start

Anonymous said...

This guy gives me the creeps! I hate it how he looks so concerned when people run to him with complaints and then turns around and exposes people. Get a real job Mister
