Monday, April 15, 2019


BUC's Endorsees. Where's the District 1 photo?

( Ed.'s Note: From the pictures everyone was endorsed the same day by the same people. Someone pointed out that the only endorsement that is missing is one for District 1 currently held by incumbent Ricardo Longoria.

He faces challenges by three candidates, former city commissioner William Garza, Southmost businessman Michael Rodriguez, and real-estate attorney Nurith Galonsky. Some have questioned the manner in which the endorsements were done, by the executive committee months in advance and not by a polling of the members. Will the BUC's endorsements translate into an advantage for those getting the endorsements? The candidates sure hope so.)


Anonymous said...

BUC ain't shit. Look at them. LOL

Anonymous said...

How many members does the B.U.C.have?

chuey said...

probably not, like they say same thing about signs, they dont vote.

Anonymous said...

You don't seeing BUC endorse Rick because he ain't done shit.

Anonymous said...

That's what you get when you don't vote and the piojos at southmost DO NOT VOTE!!!

Anonymous said...

Big ugly cucararachos!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who leads the BUC? Is it a respectable and admirable person?

Anonymous said...

Go take a picture of the trash accumulated on and around the 5500 block of Southmost Blvd and see why Ricardo will lose this election. I could not believe my eyes when I drove by there and saw that mess right by the Blvd.
This area (Southmost) needs to be cleaned up! Orale!!!

Anonymous said...

@April 16, 2019 at 8:12 AM

If you're so concern do it yourself typical piojo Everywhere else nobody has gotten RE-ELECTED except for los piojos they never vote. Your worthless rep will win again!!!
