Wednesday, June 17, 2020


From Brownsville Herald

Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño Jr. on Wednesday signed an order mandating that all businesses in the county require customers and employees to wear masks when on the premises.

The order will go into effect Friday at 12:01 a.m. Treviño signed the order later on the same day that Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff issued an identical order. The Hidalgo County judge issued the same order on Wednesday.

Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that his order that took effect May 1, which prohibited local governments from imposing mask mandates on residents, all along allowed local governments to require businesses to impose mask mandates on customers and employees, and that counties were just now figuring that out.

Treviño said it seemed “clearly evident” to the county that it lacked the authority to impose any such mandate on businesses, and would likely face litigation from the governor’s office if it attempted to impose such a mandate. Treviño said that if he had known it was allowed, he would have signed the order the day after the governor’s order went into effect.


Anonymous said...

With or without a face mask dont mean Squat. As long as you dont touch your face, keep your needed distance, dont congregate in large crowds you will be okay. The valley is filled with ignorance and I'm not talking systematic education, leadership included. a face mask will not shield you from the virus. No matter, no how. The Valley is the worst place in texas with the most cases, I'm not surprised bunch of filth and ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Good move Judge.
Hope we survive this pandemic,

Anonymous said...

On the pinche merry-go-round again! ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

We are going back to curfews and 1984. You know that right?

Anonymous said...

What can't understand ingles pinches pendejos...

Anonymous said...

Local requirement to run for an elected office in the RGV DON'T NEED TO UNDERSTAND ENGLISH. pinches mojados...

john said...

When I heard Greg Abbott on the news about wearing face mask he said they are not going to arrest people for not wearing a face mask you do not arrest people you fine them .
What a pendijo !
We need new leaders to represent us in Texas.
Health comes first

Anonymous said...

June 17, 2020 at 11:14 PM

"a face mask will not shield you from the virus. No matter," but it helps and as far a living here Dallas and Austin (your favorites) they rank higher in infected people a lot higher that the valley and as far as "bunch of filth and ignorance", there's only ONE place in the nation that has been ranked number one all the time and that is where you should be living and that's the Appalachian Mountains good riddance to you hillybilly...

Anonymous said...

A man coughed right in my face at the post office and I told him to cover his mouth and she shot the finger at me! Yes, his car had a Mexican license plate and he was picking up mail from a POBox - probably his Lone Star or Stimulus check??

Anonymous said...

11:14 you're completely right, but youre wasting your time with the facts. Here is one more: if you ARE infected there is a 99.4% survival rate, but we ignore that too...

Anonymous said...

Pinche King Trevino! Couldn't wait to start mandating rules again. This guy loves the power he gets from being in charge. I bet he was bully as a boy! Pendejo doesn't know that those rises of virus in the valley are from false positives! The test was made that way so to scare the people that here's lots of people catching the virus!

Anonymous said...

Governor should of held his ground not bend to Trump this is texas!!

I’m not a robot. said...

Trump won’t make facial coverings mandatory saying it is the states responsibility.
State’s governor Abbott says it’s not his responsibility, it is the local government.
Why run for elected office if you are just going to pass the buck when a decision will offend your voting base?

Anonymous said...

Three more Cameron County residents have died from COVID-19 related causes and 123 new cases of the disease have been confirmed here in two days.
Here are the results of not wearing protective clothing PINCHE PENDEJO!!!!

Anonymous said...

GET TO KNOW: What’s your Coronavirus Code Name? Your first name is your mood and your last name is the last thing you ate.
Pan Dulce...

Anonymous said...

Oregon's largest city, Portland, cuts nearly $16M from its police budget

Here they cut the office and coffee funds a total of 10 dollars.

Anonymous said...

June 18, 2020 at 11:23 AM

she shot the finger at me! Yes, his car had a Mexican license plate

you are mistaken I was there so don't lie, she was only expressing her point of view about you, moron and the cucaracha had Arkansas plates pinche hillybille

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dont go to a fast food place or refuse your take out food if the person taking the cash or credit cards touches your food order stupid!!only one person should be handling the payment.Can somebody tell the county Judge to put this ordinance in place I already spoke to health dept in Brownsville about this issue.,this is a no brainer get it done.

Anonymous said...

Who are these people?

Of the employees testing positive, one is from the Cameron County Precinct 2 Office, one is from the Constable Precinct 2 Office, one is from the 444th state District Court, two are from the County Clerks Office, one is from the County Court-at-Law No. 1, one employee is from the Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Place 2, four employees are from the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office, and seven are from the Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not the place to post this, but lately I've been getting numerous Eddie Lucio Jr's political postcards in the mail and today's was quite interesting. I understand he wants our vote like other political candidates do, as well. The postcard shows pictures of himself passing out food to members of communities with his mask on. Oh! the signs of a caring, responsible and respectful man. He says his political opponent, Sara Stapleton-Barrera is running a negative campaign against him, but then on the same card, he posts an unflattering picture of Sara. Come on Eddie, you're pulling the same stunt on Sara that Trump did when he disrespected Ted Cruz's wife. Your subliminal message really shows your character. Shame on you !!

Anonymous said...

I would like one of these people that have politicized this virus to show me one study that shows that all these homemade, bandana and surgical masks protect you from corona. Only n95. I see people touching their faces, adjusting masks, not changing masks, wearing them on the chin, under nose but hey they are wearing masks.

Congrats Trevino you are saving lifes.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how manny of these case recover from the corona? If course you dont, all you are worried about is the number of infections, which means nothing.

Frustrated Harlingenite! said...

Hey eddie trrevino, what are you going to do about a CCDA Prosecutor using his authority to gain entrance into the HEB located on Commerce Street? Oh, he used his badge to allege he was an Investigator with Saenz' office. It was bad enough that the police officer or security guard didn't pay any attention to his badge and took it at face value! Oh, and that was before the guard told the prosecutor imitating investigator had to wear a mask! So, this sorrry excuse of a prosecutor goes and gets his mask and then CUTS in line to get what he needs to survive! At least the guard had the sense to make calls and that the prosecutor imitating an investigator, WHICH is a criminal offense to one, wait for it!

The son of that loud mouth, my daddy was a mayor and I'm privileged, Ron Lozano! Oh, Ron's son, Frank is the same little shit that Ron filed a restraining order on the soccer league in Harlingen! Yep, the same little shit that bullied other soccer players and thus got him kicked out of the league!

So, what is being done about that Eddie???

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how some of you are even able to get out of your house. There are great dangers that cause death, like car accidents, drunk drivers, lightinings, shootings, etc.

Pick your fear and stick with it, just don't expect the rest of us to follow your sick paranoia and hysteria.

(On and don't forget accidents at home, my god you are not safe anywhere)

Anonymous said...

Shame on Eddie Lucio Jr., his team and marketers for distorting Sara's picture on the postcards being sent to households. Would you, your team and marketers like for your girlfriends, wives or mothers be depicted in such a way? You claim to be such a Christian by voting to protect unborn lives. However,if they end up being gay they no longer count and you vote against their rights as human beings. Your prejudiced views and distorted messages speak volumes.

Anonymous said...

You cannot complain about rise in covid if you were in support of protests. Very hypocritical.

We were obeying lockdown and social distancing and then come the protests in June and all those rules don't apply to the protesters and

So people ,especially young, got fed up with the double standard and said screw it. I did not see any liberals obey social distancing and wear masks.

So now you see the results. Can't complain.

Brownsville Citizen said...

my question is this... what kept Treviño from reading the report... laziness? didn't care? too busy? he's just covering his ass cause he wants reelection for a higher position... Thanks for making our community a danger zone.

Anonymous said...

King Trevino is grandstanding to win an election!!! He's not more a Christian than Trump is. He's going to enforce a second lockdown and curfew. He loves being the King and violating the pheasants rights of freedom!
