Wednesday, June 17, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: And just like that - after a unanimous City of Brownsville Commission vote Tuesday night - the Jefferson Davis Stone Memorial has left the public eye it has occupied since 1926, first in the median near the intersection of Palm Blvd. and Elizabeth Street and later at Washington Park. All that was left was a gash on the earth and this small mud-encrusted pebble after city crews moved in during the pre-dawn hours and removed it.

Before the vote, the rock had been a source of contention between activists who said it celebrated white supremacy and advocated its removal and supporters of the Confederacy who said it formed part of the "heritage" of the city and the South. The removal of the memorial mirrors nationwide calls for removal of monuments associated with the Confederate States of America, who fought with the Union forces during the Civil War in defense of "states' rights" and slavery.)


Anonymous said...

This is so stupid.Its a rock for crying out loud! We have become a nation full of pussies who are offended by an object! I can't believe the city would give in to a handful of sjw protesters who have nothing better to do but to drag everyone into their pathetic beliefs!

Law + Order said...

What a joke.

Anonymous said...

On Tuesday, a group of Texas mayors — both Democratic and Republican — wrote to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott asking that he help them enforce local regulations requiring the wearing of masks to protect against COVID-19.

“If you do not have plans to mandate face coverings state wide,” wrote the mayors, “we ask that you restore the ability for local authorities to enforce the wearing of face coverings in public venues where physical distancing cannot be practiced.”

And the mayors got a swift response from Abbott … who barred mayors from implementing any rules that would require face coverings. Because there is no situation that can’t be made worse with determined ignorance...

Anonymous said...

I hope they ban all pancho villa pictures off the mexican restaurants. It offends me.

Anonymous said...

Now change the name of the park.
Have every White Person step down from office in Brownsville, Whites need not apply.

Montoya you are a degenerate.

Anonymous said...

"I hope they ban all pancho villa pictures off the mexican restaurants. It offend me." Anonymous 12:52 PM

Anonymous 12:52 p.m., you have the freedom of choice. If you are offended by a picture in a restaurant, don't go to that restaurant. Your solution is very simple. No sea pendejo.

Anonymous said...

About time the city did something positive.

Anonymous said...

The statue should be replaced with one of Bobby Loco, a Brownsville icon.

Anonymous said...

Gladys Porter Zoo is going to be the new recipient of the Jefferson Davi stone.
Gonna adorn the snake and alligator exhibits?

Anonymous said...

What a loss! I mean the grass!

Anonymous said...

How come my comment I sent in before noon today has not been included? Did I step on someone's toes regarding the Laurels dump in the middle of Linear Park that use to belong to a slave owner - Stillman?

Anonymous said...

Change the name Fronton back, the current one offends everybody in the city NOT JUST ONE PERSON June 17, 2020 at 12:52 PM

Anonymous said...

It's about time that rock was removed. It represented a dark time in our history. The south lost, so you idiots that want it maybe they should break it into pieces and take some home. Better yet sent it to mississippi with the rest of the racists, you who don't like it you can leave too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Brownsville resident Antonio Castillo that started the petition in 2017 to remove this stone.

FOR TOO LONG the African Americans have been disrespected.

It is time to treat them equally and with respect. They are good people. They are talented. They are good American Citizens.

They have been abused, incarcerated, and killed. We did not do much to demand a change. Until Antonio Castillo started all this !!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Brownsville City Commission...
Grow a spine, or you are going to be changing names of every downtown street soon. Look at BISD with their get rid of the Pace Vikings movement, and UTRGV with their get rid of the Jose de Escandon statue!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I believe Castillo started the petition a little earlier. I went to a protest at the park in 2016.

Anonymous said...

Those two college profs are charismatic AF. I wonder how much pussy they got last night.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Jefferson Davis and those who love him!

Anonymous said...

what Law + Order said...
"What a joke."

Anonymous said...

Now let’s get ride of Martin Luther King day He was know homophobe these are the new rules we are going to live by today

Anonymous said...

They should have sent a team of mojados to remove that stinkin rock and tranport it back to mejico.

Anonymous said...

A white supremacist group brought it here, it's not from Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a 50 pesos mex coin

Anonymous said...

Ex-mayor Republican Martinez and Gowen should come together and put a statue of Lenny Perez but with a chicken's head lol.

Anonymous said...

You all are idiots. Now remove Omar lucio and the reyna idiots. They are racist.

Anonymous said...

Now is high time to eliminate "Historical Designation " bullshit on personal homes. It is only a smoke screen so greedy people don't have to pay property taxes, especially elected officials who should be setting the example for their constituents. Very pathetic example.

Anonymous said...

On los ebanos there is a dance hall with a historical plaque and they rent the place for parties where's the inspectors? who takes care of enforcing this type of shit????

Anonymous said...

Lenny Perez statue funny, but at least he didn't get fire for being a shameless SOB like elizondo and estrada. Ok estrada was fired but he is still shameless SOB.

Former RGV LEO said...

Bowing to the idiots of this country! Then, to be all! Took it out at 5:00 A. M. for the safety of the employees? What a crock of shit and the City of Brownsville officials are nothing but a bunch of cowards!
