Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Yesterday the Texas Department of Health and Human Services – based on death certificates – listed 276 COVID-related deaths in Cameron County. At the same time, Cameron County Judge Judge Eddie Treviño and the county's Public Health Department asserted that there have been 192 deaths so far.

This discrepancy continues to bedevil the credibility of county authorities and has gotten worse after Treviño and medical director Dr. Jaime Castillo warned residents that the numbers will get "much worse" and to expect "hundreds" of death reports in the near future. Who do we believe?


Anonymous said...

Believe yourself and do what you must to stay safe.
This goes to those who think they are invinsable.

Anonymous said...

Inefficiency at its best. Yeah, yeah..."we were overwhelmed". Bottom line... People in charge don't know how to manage effectively difficult situations, a common characteristic of ineptness.

Anonymous said...

@8:02 WTF is "invinsable" pendejo half coco??? Pinche mongo learn to spell before you correct others joto!!!

Anonymous said...

192 or 276 what difference does it make? 276 out of 500000 populatiin.

how Manny have died from other causes because they did not go to hospital? No one cares

Anonymous said...

The Cameron county fake deaths list is making the hospitals richer and making King Trevino more of a tyrant!! ! The more taco eaters die of heart disease the death list will get higher! Ponte en dieta pinche mamones de Brownsville!!!

Anonymous said...

Drive anywhere here in browntown and see 1000's of drivers, most all stores that are open are full - HEB, Wal-Mart most restaurants, some bars at night parking behind the buildings, downtown is packed with shoppers from everywhere, the mall, gyms so why keep the city parks close? Bola de pendejos...

Our NO-BALLS elected officials which some have businesses refuse to do their elected duty.

And they wonder why the republican governor don't invite these idiotas to meetings. We the citizens can tell you WHY????

Anonymous said...

@8:19 You're going to make King Trevino mad with those truths! The tyrant is going to implement another lockdown and stricter quarantine!!! Don't comment anymore, you're going to get everyone in trouble!!!

Anonymous said...

oki doki

Anonymous said...

Da parks Da parks open the Da parks
